[Zope-Coders] checking in on a branch?

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Thu, 04 Oct 2001 15:11:42 +0100

Hi folks,

This was supposed to check in on a branch:


 From the cvs-checkins email, it looks like it went into the trunk. 
Oops, sorry.

Here's what I did:

1: I checked out a fresh Zope into a sandbox

cd ~/zope_coder
mkdir sandbox
cd sandbox
cvs -d :ext:stevea@cvs.zope.org:/cvs-repository co Zope

2: I created a branch to work on

cd Zope
cvs tag -b stevea_zcatalog_api_cruft_cleanup-branch

3: I changed the file

4: I checked in the changed file

cd lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/dtml
cvs commit manageIndex.dtml

# enter message in vi

I'd been following the instructions here:

How do I do my work on the branch?

You work in your branch in the same way you would work in any CVS 
sandbox. You make your changes and use cvs commit to commit your 
changes. When you commit on a branch, the changes are only committed to 
that branch. The changes won't be visible in the trunk or in other 
branches until you explicitly merge the changes from your branch into them.

Was I supposed to check out the branch between steps 2 and 3?

Steve Alexander