[Zope-Coders] what version of Python allowed on trunk?

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 12:18:09 -0400 (EDT)

Are we allowed to use features from Python 2.1 on the trunk?  It seems
like we should be able to, because Zope 2.4 requires Python 2.1.  

What do we mean by require 2.1?  It seems like requiring a particular
version means that we use some features that won't work with earlier
versions.  I wonder, though, if we actually mean "will work with 2.1."

I know that ZEO 1.0 still works with Python 1.5.2.  It's a goal to
support it with that version of Python.  Since ZEO uses the ZODB test
suite, it's helpful that ZODB.tests not require 2.1.
