[Zope-Coders] branch madness

seb bacon seb@jamkit.com
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 20:25:59 +0100

* Matthew T. Kromer <matt@zope.com> [011017 19:20]:
> seb bacon wrote:
> >So now we've got 2-4-2b1, I'm confused all over again about branches
> >off branches.  Could someone patiently unwind it all for me?

<snip explanation>

OK, to summarise: the only branch most developers ever need to
worry about is the current minor release branch, viz. 2.4 currently. 

I've done a very small fix in a branch off 2.4.2.  (it didn't
necessarily warrant a branch, but I'm being ultra-cautious right
now).  I take it I can just go ahead and merge that straight into 2.4? 
(N.B. Brian: the fix is to bullets in STX-NG - it was outputting
<p> tags which serve no apparent purpose, and in this way differs in
behaviour from Classic - is this OK?)

One thing which is still not clear: Matthew and Brian seem to be
saying different things about whether a bug-fix release should usually
be a branch or a tag.

