[Zope-Coders] branch madness

seb bacon seb@jamkit.com
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 20:56:37 +0100

* Brian Lloyd <brian.lloyd@zope.com> [011017 20:06]:
> > I've done a very small fix in a branch off 2.4.2.  (it didn't
> > necessarily warrant a branch, but I'm being ultra-cautious right
> > now).  I take it I can just go ahead and merge that straight into 2.4? 

> Note - if you really made your branch off of *2.4.2* (rather than 
> Zope-2_4-branch), then you need to be careful. Your fix should go 
> into two places: the mainline and Zope-2_4-branch.

Understood.  However, although I mistakenly made a branch off 2.4.2,
there's no need to try and correct this - I just need to make sure I
only merge to 2.4 and the trunk - yes?
