[Zope-Coders] 2.2.2

Magnus Heino magnus.heino@pleon.sigma.se
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 16:19:02 +0200

> > > appears to ship with it... so I can only assume that a 2.2.2 RPM fr=
> > > RedHat will have both LFS enabled and the compiler package...
> >
> > Yes, sure. What I want them to do though, and whats in the bug entry,=
> > to replace 2.2.1 with 2.2.2 NOW.
> Why not download their spec file and create one yourself?

Sure, I can do that. Already have done. Joe User hasn't, though.

I just though it would be nice not having x messages every day on irc,=20
mailinglists, where people are using python versions !=3D 2.1.3 today, ju=
because they dont read docs, and because their distro provides something=20
else...  dont use anything else than 2.1.3, if you are not using freebsd,=
then you need this patch too, 2.2 will work, but its not supported, and h=
if you are on windows, you need 2.2.2, not 2.2.1... etc.

Just thought it would be nice if the distro that most people seems to use=
with a decent python version by default. I dont had any problems with 2.2=
myself, but some people seems to have, thats why I asked...

but nevermind then.

