[Zope-Coders] Win32 Tests - Zope HEAD - Not OK :-(

Tim Peters tim@zope.com
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:54:21 -0400

[Chris Withers]
> zope-tests@squishdot.org wrote:
> > Exception exceptions.OSError: (13, 'Permission denied',
> 'C:\\WINNT\\TEMP\\~1440-109.inv') in <bound method
> TemporaryFileWrapper.__del__ of <closed file
> 'C:\WINNT\TEMP\~1440-109.inv', mode 'w+b' at 0x028E63B8>> ignored

> Anyone know what this means

It invariably means someone is trying to delete (unlink) a temporary file
that's still open.  That's easy to fall into because Linux doesn't care;
Windows forbids it.

 and why it's started happening?

Nope.  The most likely cause when this pops up in tests that recently passed
is that someone is trying to delete a temp file they noticed was left
behind -- that always works on Linux, but on Windows the file absolutely
must get closed first.  The Zope tests did leave some temp files behind
before, but I don't know specifically which tests were responsible.

There:  that's enough clues so that *someone* knows the answer off the top
of their head <wink>.