[Zope-Coders] Win32 Tests - Zope 2.5 branch - failures:2 errors:7

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 11:53:58 -0400

>>>>> "ZT" == zope-tests  <zope-tests@squishdot.org> writes:

  ZT> ======================================================================
  ZT> ERROR: Check less simple persistent indexing
  ZT> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ZT> Traceback (most recent call last):
  ZT>   File "testTextIndex.py", line 109, in checkPersistentUpdate2
  ZT>   File "testTextIndex.py", line 51, in dbopen File
  ZT>   "D:\ZopeTests\sandbox\Zope\lib\python\ZODB\FileStorage.py",
  ZT>   line 213, in __init__
  ZT>     lock_file(f)
  ZT>   File "D:\ZopeTests\sandbox\Zope\lib\python\ZODB\lock_file.py",
  ZT>   line 51, in lock_file
  ZT>     raise error, (
  ZT> StorageSystemError: Could not lock the database file.  There
  ZT> must be another process that has opened the file.  <p>

Has anyone taken a next step to diagnose this problem?  The exception
means just what it says.  The filename used for this test is locked by
some process.  Perhaps a previous testrun hung and left a lock
around.  Perhaps one of the earlier tests isn't cleaning up properly.

To diagnose:  First, run the tests with a clean test environment --
all temp files deleted.  Do the tests hang then?
