[Zope-Perl] Can I use Zope-Perl?

Ulrich Wisser u.wisser@publisher.de
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 13:40:15 +0100

Hello Gisle,

>You need to use at least perl-5.6.0 (with patches distributed with
>'pyperl').  Alternatives that does not require patches to perl are
>ActivePerl 623 or perl-5.6.1-TRIAL1.

thanks for your help. I was able to download the
ActiveState 623 Perl, but it required csh which
I don't have installed. Where can I find Perl-65.6.1-TRIAL1?
On CPAN I found only Perl 5.6.0 (stable.tar.gz).

Viele Grüße

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