[Zope] Zope killed by TCPA?

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 16:06:07 +0100

From: "rra42" <rra42@yahoo.co.uk>
> Will developers who make a living from Zope/Python be out of work when
> TCPA comes next year?

Uh? Of course. It doesn't have any impact on Zope at all, at least not on
the short term. Assuming you are talking about the Trusted Computing
Platform Alliance, at least. In the long term it might even be beneficial,
since TCPA is created to stop pirating of software, and since Zope is free,
people might choose free open source software more than they already do. :-)

In the long term Zope might need to be able to support license distribution
with TCPA, and I have no idea how hard that will be.