[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zip] Translation question

Lennart Regebro lennart@torped.se
Mon, 20 May 2002 17:45:09 +0200

From: "Jim Fulton" <jim@zope.com>
> Right. Maybe domain isn't a good name. If we are saying that each product
> get's it's own translations, it's not clear to me that we need domains as
> originally concieved, as each product author knows what domain they're
> talking about.

This makes perfect sense to me. We can call it domain until somebody comes
up with a better name. :-)

> You probably wouldn't override the service. Presumably the service has a
> framework for plugging in specific translations. (We've been calling these
> message catalogs.) You should be able to plug in an alternate translation
> for a product and target language.

Yeah, thats what I'm saying, you shouldn't override the service. You could
introduce a new storage for the specific domain you want to override the
translation of, I guess? Well, that is message catalog implementation, so
thats another discussion...