[CMF-checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/ - moved WorkflowTool setup to CMFCore

Yvo Schubbe y.2005- at wcm-solutions.de
Tue Nov 22 11:12:02 EST 2005

Log message for revision 40321:
  - moved WorkflowTool setup to CMFCore
  - moved DCWorkflowDefinition setup to DCWorkflow
  - use PythonScripts adapter from GenericSetup

  U   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/configure.zcml
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/tests/test_workflow.py
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/workflow.py
  U   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/DEPENDENCIES.txt
  D   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/Extensions/
  D   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/tests/test_workflow.py
  U   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/utils.py
  U   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/workflow.py
  D   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcToolExport.xml
  D   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcWorkflowExport.xml
  U   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/DCWorkflow.py
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/Extensions/
  U   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/configure.zcml
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/exportimport.py
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/interfaces.py
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/tests/test_exportimport.py
  U   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/utils.py
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/xml/
  A   CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/xml/wtcWorkflowExport.xml

Modified: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/configure.zcml
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/configure.zcml	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/configure.zcml	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-    xmlns:five="http://namespaces.zope.org/five"
-    i18n_domain="cmf"
@@ -124,4 +122,11 @@
+  <adapter
+      factory=".workflow.WorkflowToolXMLAdapter"
+      provides="Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.IBody"
+      for="Products.CMFCore.interfaces.IWorkflowTool
+           Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.ISetupContext"
+      />

Added: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/tests/test_workflow.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/tests/test_workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/tests/test_workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Workflow tool xml adapter and setup handler unit tests.
+import unittest
+import Testing
+import Products
+from OFS.Folder import Folder
+from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
+from Products.Five import zcml
+from zope.interface import implements
+from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IWorkflowDefinition
+from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IWorkflowTool
+from Products.CMFCore.tests.base.testcase import PlacelessSetup
+from Products.GenericSetup.testing import BodyAdapterTestCase
+from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import BaseRegistryTests
+from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyExportContext
+from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyImportContext
+_DUMMY_ZCML = """\
+    xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+    xmlns:five="http://namespaces.zope.org/five"
+    i18n_domain="dummy">
+  <permission id="dummy.add" title="Add Dummy Workflow"/>
+  <five:registerClass
+      class="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_workflow.DummyWorkflow"
+      meta_type="Dummy Workflow"
+      permission="dummy.add"
+      addview="addDummyWorkflow.html"
+      global="false"
+      />
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="CMF Workflow Tool">
+ <property name="title"></property>
+ <object name="foo_workflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow"/>
+ <bindings>
+  <default>
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="foo_workflow"/>
+  </default>
+  <type type_id="Foo Type"/>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow Tool">
+ <property name="title"></property>
+ <bindings>
+  <default/>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow Tool">
+ <bindings>
+  <default>
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_0"/>
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_1"/>
+  </default>
+  <type type_id="sometype">
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_2"/>
+  </type>
+  <type type_id="anothertype">
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_3"/>
+  </type>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow Tool">
+ <property name="title"></property>
+ <object name="Non-DCWorkflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow"/>
+ <bindings>
+  <default/>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <bindings>
+  <default>
+  </default>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <bindings>
+  <default>
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_0" />
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_1" />
+  </default>
+  <type type_id="sometype">
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_2" />
+  </type>
+  <type type_id="anothertype">
+   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_3" />
+  </type>
+ </bindings>
+class DummyWorkflowTool(Folder):
+    implements(IWorkflowTool)
+    meta_type = 'Dummy Workflow Tool'
+    def __init__(self, id='portal_workflow'):
+        Folder.__init__(self, id)
+        self._default_chain = ()
+        self._chains_by_type = {}
+    def getWorkflowIds(self):
+        return self.objectIds()
+    def getWorkflowById(self, workflow_id):
+        return self._getOb(workflow_id)
+    def setDefaultChain(self, chain):
+        chain = chain.replace(',', ' ')
+        self._default_chain = tuple(chain.split())
+    def setChainForPortalTypes(self, pt_names, chain, verify=True):
+        chain = chain.replace(',', ' ')
+        chain = tuple(chain.split())
+        if self._chains_by_type is None:
+            self._chains_by_type = {}
+        for pt_name in pt_names:
+            self._chains_by_type[pt_name] = chain
+class DummyWorkflow(SimpleItem):
+    implements(IWorkflowDefinition)
+    meta_type = 'Dummy Workflow'
+    def __init__(self, id):
+        self._id = id
+    def getId(self):
+        return self._id
+class WorkflowToolXMLAdapterTests(BodyAdapterTestCase):
+    def _getTargetClass(self):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow \
+                import WorkflowToolXMLAdapter
+        return WorkflowToolXMLAdapter
+    def _populate(self, obj):
+        obj._setObject('foo_workflow', DummyWorkflow('foo_workflow'))
+        obj.setDefaultChain('foo_workflow')
+        obj.setChainForPortalTypes(('Foo Type',), '', verify=False)
+    def setUp(self):
+        import Products.CMFCore.exportimport
+        from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowTool import WorkflowTool
+        BodyAdapterTestCase.setUp(self)
+        zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.CMFCore.exportimport)
+        zcml.load_string(_DUMMY_ZCML)
+        self._obj = WorkflowTool()
+        self._BODY = _WORKFLOWTOOL_BODY
+class _WorkflowSetup(PlacelessSetup, BaseRegistryTests):
+    def _initSite(self):
+        self.root.site = Folder(id='site')
+        site = self.root.site
+        self.root.site.portal_workflow = DummyWorkflowTool()
+        return site
+    def setUp(self):
+        PlacelessSetup.setUp(self)
+        BaseRegistryTests.setUp(self)
+        zcml.load_config('meta.zcml', Products.Five)
+        zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.CMFCore.exportimport)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        BaseRegistryTests.tearDown(self)
+        PlacelessSetup.tearDown(self)
+class exportWorkflowToolTests(_WorkflowSetup):
+    def test_empty(self):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
+        site = self._initSite()
+        context = DummyExportContext(site)
+        exportWorkflowTool(context)
+        self.assertEqual(len(context._wrote), 1)
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[0]
+        self.assertEqual(filename, 'workflows.xml')
+        self._compareDOM(text, _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT)
+        self.assertEqual(content_type, 'text/xml')
+    def test_normal(self):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow(WF_TITLE_NON)
+        nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON
+        wf_tool._setObject(WF_ID_NON, nondcworkflow)
+        context = DummyExportContext(site)
+        exportWorkflowTool(context)
+        self.assertEqual(len(context._wrote), 1)
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[0]
+        self.assertEqual(filename, 'workflows.xml')
+        self._compareDOM(text, _NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT)
+        self.assertEqual(content_type, 'text/xml')
+class importWorkflowToolTests(_WorkflowSetup):
+    def test_empty_default_purge(self):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range(4):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow(WF_TITLE_NON % i)
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject(WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow)
+        wf_tool._default_chain = (WF_ID_NON % 1,)
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type['sometype'] = (WF_ID_NON % 2,)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 4)
+        context = DummyImportContext(site)
+        context._files['workflows.xml'] = self._EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool(context)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._default_chain), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._chains_by_type), 0)
+    def test_empty_explicit_purge(self):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range(4):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow(WF_TITLE_NON % i)
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject(WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow)
+        wf_tool._default_chain = (WF_ID_NON % 1,)
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type['sometype'] = (WF_ID_NON % 2,)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 4)
+        context = DummyImportContext(site, True)
+        context._files['workflows.xml'] = self._EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool(context)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._default_chain), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._chains_by_type), 0)
+    def test_empty_skip_purge(self):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range(4):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow(WF_TITLE_NON % i)
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject(WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow)
+        wf_tool._default_chain = (WF_ID_NON % 1,)
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type['sometype'] = (WF_ID_NON % 2,)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 4)
+        context = DummyImportContext(site, False)
+        context._files['typestool.xml'] = self._EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool(context)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 4)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._default_chain), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(wf_tool._default_chain[0], WF_ID_NON % 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._chains_by_type), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(wf_tool._chains_by_type['sometype'],
+                         (WF_ID_NON % 2,))
+    def test_bindings_skip_purge(self):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range(4):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow(WF_TITLE_NON % i)
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject(WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow)
+        wf_tool._default_chain = (WF_ID_NON % 1,)
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type['sometype'] = (WF_ID_NON % 2,)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 4)
+        context = DummyImportContext(site, False)
+        context._files['workflows.xml'] = self._BINDINGS_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool(context)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool.objectIds()), 4)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._default_chain), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(wf_tool._default_chain[0], WF_ID_NON % 0)
+        self.assertEqual(wf_tool._default_chain[1], WF_ID_NON % 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(wf_tool._chains_by_type), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(wf_tool._chains_by_type['sometype'],
+                         (WF_ID_NON % 2,))
+        self.assertEqual(wf_tool._chains_by_type['anothertype'],
+                         (WF_ID_NON % 3,))
+class importWorkflowToolV1Tests(importWorkflowToolTests):
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.TestSuite((
+        unittest.makeSuite(WorkflowToolXMLAdapterTests),
+        unittest.makeSuite(exportWorkflowToolTests),
+        unittest.makeSuite(importWorkflowToolTests),
+        unittest.makeSuite(importWorkflowToolV1Tests),
+       ))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Property changes on: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/tests/test_workflow.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/workflow.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Workflow tool xml adapters and setup handlers.
+import Products
+from zope.app import zapi
+from Products.GenericSetup.interfaces import IBody
+from Products.GenericSetup.interfaces import PURGE
+from Products.GenericSetup.utils import exportObjects
+from Products.GenericSetup.utils import importObjects
+from Products.GenericSetup.utils import ObjectManagerHelpers
+from Products.GenericSetup.utils import PropertyManagerHelpers
+from Products.GenericSetup.utils import XMLAdapterBase
+from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IWorkflowTool
+from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
+_FILENAME = 'workflows.xml'
+class WorkflowToolXMLAdapter(XMLAdapterBase, ObjectManagerHelpers,
+                             PropertyManagerHelpers):
+    """Node im- and exporter for WorkflowTool.
+    """
+    __used_for__ = IWorkflowTool
+    _LOGGER_ID = 'workflow'
+    def exportNode(self, doc):
+        """Export the object as a DOM node.
+        """
+        self._doc = doc
+        node = self._getObjectNode('object')
+        node.appendChild(self._extractProperties())
+        node.appendChild(self._extractObjects())
+        node.appendChild(self._extractChains())
+        self._logger.info('Workflow tool exported.')
+        return node
+    def importNode(self, node, mode=PURGE):
+        """Import the object from the DOM node.
+        """
+        if mode == PURGE:
+            self._purgeProperties()
+            self._purgeObjects()
+            self._purgeChains()
+        self._initProperties(node, mode)
+        self._initObjects(node, mode)
+        self._initBBBObjects(node, mode)
+        self._initChains(node, mode)
+        self._logger.info('Workflow tool imported.')
+    def _extractObjects(self):
+        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()
+        objects = self.context.objectValues()
+        objects.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x.getId(), y.getId()))
+        for obj in objects:
+            node = self._doc.createElement('object')
+            node.setAttribute('name', obj.getId())
+            node.setAttribute('meta_type', obj.meta_type)
+            fragment.appendChild(node)
+        return fragment
+    def _initBBBObjects(self, node, mode):
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeName != 'workflow':
+                continue
+            parent = self.context
+            obj_id = str(child.getAttribute('workflow_id'))
+            if obj_id not in parent.objectIds():
+                meta_type = str(child.getAttribute('meta_type'))
+                for mt_info in Products.meta_types:
+                    if mt_info['name'] == meta_type:
+                        parent._setObject(obj_id, mt_info['instance'](obj_id))
+                        break
+    def _extractChains(self):
+        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()
+        node = self._doc.createElement('bindings')
+        child = self._doc.createElement('default')
+        chain = self.context._default_chain
+        for workflow_id in chain:
+            sub = self._doc.createElement('bound-workflow')
+            sub.setAttribute('workflow_id', workflow_id)
+            child.appendChild(sub)
+        node.appendChild(child)
+        cbt = self.context._chains_by_type
+        if cbt:
+            overrides = cbt.items()
+            overrides.sort()
+            for type_id, chain in overrides:
+                child = self._doc.createElement('type')
+                child.setAttribute('type_id', type_id)
+                for workflow_id in chain:
+                    sub = self._doc.createElement('bound-workflow')
+                    sub.setAttribute('workflow_id', workflow_id)
+                    child.appendChild(sub)
+                node.appendChild(child)
+        fragment.appendChild(node)
+        return fragment
+    def _purgeChains(self):
+        self.context.setDefaultChain('')
+        if self.context._chains_by_type is not None:
+            self.context._chains_by_type.clear()
+    def _initChains(self, node, mode):
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeName != 'bindings':
+                continue
+            for sub in child.childNodes:
+                if sub.nodeName == 'default':
+                    self.context.setDefaultChain(self._getChain(sub))
+                if sub.nodeName == 'type':
+                    type_id = str(sub.getAttribute('type_id'))
+                    self.context.setChainForPortalTypes((type_id,),
+                                            self._getChain(sub), verify=False)
+    def _getChain(self, node):
+        workflow_ids = []
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeName != 'bound-workflow':
+                continue
+            workflow_ids.append(str(child.getAttribute('workflow_id')))
+        return ','.join(workflow_ids)
+def importWorkflowTool(context):
+    """ Import worflow tool and contained workflow definitions from XML files.
+    """
+    site = context.getSite()
+    logger = context.getLogger('workflow')
+    tool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_workflow')
+    body = context.readDataFile(_FILENAME)
+    if body is None:
+        logger.info('Nothing to import.')
+        return
+    importer = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((tool, context), IBody)
+    if importer is None:
+        logger.warning('Import adapter misssing.')
+        return
+    importer.body = body
+    importObjects(tool, 'workflows', context)
+def exportWorkflowTool(context):
+    """ Export worflow tool and contained workflow definitions as XML files.
+    """
+    site = context.getSite()
+    logger = context.getLogger('workflow')
+    tool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_workflow')
+    if tool is None:
+        logger.info('Nothing to export.')
+        return
+    exporter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((tool, context), IBody)
+    if exporter is None:
+        logger.warning('Export adapter misssing.')
+        return
+    context.writeDataFile(_FILENAME, exporter.body, exporter.mime_type)
+    exportObjects(tool, 'workflows', context)

Property changes on: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFCore/exportimport/workflow.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/DEPENDENCIES.txt
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/DEPENDENCIES.txt	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/DEPENDENCIES.txt	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 Zope >= 2.8.2
 Five >= 1.2

Deleted: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/tests/test_workflow.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/tests/test_workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/tests/test_workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -1,2674 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-""" Unit tests for export / import of DCWorkflows and bindings.
-import unittest
-import Testing
-import Zope2
-from OFS.Folder import Folder
-from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript
-from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import ExternalMethod
-from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import DCWorkflowDefinition
-from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
-from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_AUTOMATIC
-from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import BaseRegistryTests
-from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyExportContext
-from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyImportContext
-class DummyWorkflowTool( Folder ):
-    def __init__( self, id='portal_workflow' ):
-        Folder.__init__( self, id )
-        self._default_chain = ()
-        self._chains_by_type = {}
-    def getWorkflowIds( self ):
-        return self.objectIds()
-    def getWorkflowById( self, workflow_id ):
-        return self._getOb( workflow_id )
-    def setDefaultChain( self, chain ):
-        chain = chain.replace( ',', ' ' )
-        self._default_chain = tuple( chain.split() )
-    def setChainForPortalTypes( self, pt_names, chain ):
-        chain = chain.replace( ',', ' ' )
-        chain = tuple( chain.split() )
-        if self._chains_by_type is None:
-            self._chains_by_type = {}
-        for pt_name in pt_names:
-            self._chains_by_type[ pt_name ] = chain
-class DummyWorkflow( Folder ):
-    meta_type = 'Dummy Workflow'
-class _GuardChecker:
-    def _genGuardProps( self, permissions, roles, groups, expr ):
-        return { 'guard_permissions'   : '; '.join( permissions )
-               , 'guard_roles'         : '; '.join( roles )
-               , 'guard_groups'        : '; '.join( groups )
-               , 'guard_expr'          : expr
-               }
-    def _assertGuard( self, info, permissions, roles, groups, expr ):
-        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'guard_permissions' ] )
-                        , len( permissions ) )
-        for expected in permissions:
-            self.failUnless( expected in info[ 'guard_permissions' ] )
-        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'guard_roles' ] )
-                        , len( roles ) )
-        for expected in roles:
-            self.failUnless( expected in info[ 'guard_roles' ] )
-        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'guard_groups' ] )
-                        , len( groups ) )
-        for expected in groups:
-            self.failUnless( expected in info[ 'guard_groups' ] )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'guard_expr' ], expr )
-class _WorkflowSetup( BaseRegistryTests ):
-    def _initSite( self ):
-        self.root.site = Folder( id='site' )
-        site = self.root.site
-        self.root.site.portal_workflow = DummyWorkflowTool()
-        return site
-    def _initDCWorkflow( self, workflow_id ):
-        wf_tool = self.root.site.portal_workflow
-        wf_tool._setObject( workflow_id, DCWorkflowDefinition( workflow_id ) )
-        return wf_tool._getOb( workflow_id )
-    def _initVariables( self, dcworkflow ):
-        for id, args in _WF_VARIABLES.items():
-            dcworkflow.variables.addVariable( id )
-            variable = dcworkflow.variables._getOb( id )
-            ( descr, def_val, def_exp, for_cat, for_stat, upd_alw
-            ) = args[ :-4 ]
-            variable.setProperties( description=args[0]
-                                  , default_value=args[1]
-                                  , default_expr=args[2]
-                                  , for_catalog=args[3]
-                                  , for_status=args[4]
-                                  , update_always=args[5]
-                                  , props=self._genGuardProps( *args[ -4: ] )
-                                  )
-    def _initStates( self, dcworkflow ):
-        dcworkflow.groups = _WF_GROUPS
-        for k, v in _WF_STATES.items():
-            dcworkflow.states.addState( k )
-            state = dcworkflow.states._getOb( k )
-            state.setProperties( title=v[ 0 ]
-                               , description=v[ 1 ]
-                               , transitions=v[ 2 ]
-                               )
-            if not v[ 3 ]:
-                state.permission_roles = {}
-            for permission, roles in v[ 3 ].items():
-                state.setPermission( permission
-                                   , not isinstance( roles, tuple )
-                                   , roles
-                                   )
-            faux_request = {}
-            for group_id, roles in v[ 4 ]:
-                for role in roles:
-                    faux_request[ '%s|%s' % ( group_id, role ) ] = True
-            state.setGroups( REQUEST=faux_request )
-            for k, v in v[ 5 ].items():
-                state.addVariable( k, v )
-    def _initTransitions( self, dcworkflow ):
-        for k, v in _WF_TRANSITIONS.items():
-            dcworkflow.transitions.addTransition( k )
-            transition = dcworkflow.transitions._getOb( k )
-            transition.setProperties( title=v[ 0 ]
-                                    , description=v[ 1 ]
-                                    , new_state_id=v[ 2 ]
-                                    , trigger_type=v[ 3 ]
-                                    , script_name=v[ 4 ]
-                                    , after_script_name=v[ 5 ]
-                                    , actbox_name=v[ 6 ]
-                                    , actbox_url=v[ 7 ]
-                                    , actbox_category=v[ 8 ]
-                                    , props=self._genGuardProps( *v[ -4: ] )
-                                    )
-            for k, v in v[ 9 ].items():
-                transition.addVariable( k, v )
-    def _initWorklists( self, dcworkflow ):
-        for k, v in _WF_WORKLISTS.items():
-            dcworkflow.worklists.addWorklist( k )
-            worklist = dcworkflow.worklists._getOb( k )
-            worklist.title = v[ 0 ]
-            props=self._genGuardProps( *v[ -4: ] )
-            for var_id, matches in v[ 2 ].items():
-                props[ 'var_match_%s' % var_id ] = ';'.join( matches )
-            worklist.setProperties( description=v[ 1 ]
-                                  , actbox_name=v[ 3 ]
-                                  , actbox_url=v[ 4 ]
-                                  , actbox_category=v[ 5 ]
-                                  , props=props
-                                  )
-    def _initScripts( self, dcworkflow ):
-        for k, v in _WF_SCRIPTS.items():
-            if v[ 0 ] == PythonScript.meta_type:
-                script = PythonScript( k )
-                script.write( v[ 1 ] )
-            elif v[ 0 ] == ExternalMethod.meta_type:
-                script = ExternalMethod(k,'', v[3], v[4])
-            else:
-                raise ValueError, 'Unknown script type: %s' % v[ 0 ]
-            dcworkflow.scripts._setObject( k, script )
-class WorkflowToolConfiguratorTests( _WorkflowSetup ):
-    def _getTargetClass( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import WorkflowToolConfigurator
-        return WorkflowToolConfigurator
-    def test_listWorkflowInfo_empty( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self.assertEqual( len( configurator.listWorkflowInfo() ), 0 )
-    def test_listWorkflowInfo_mixed( self ):
-        from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import DCWorkflowDefinition
-        site = self._initSite()
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow'
-        WF_ID_DC = 'dcworkflow'
-        WF_TITLE_DC = 'DCWorkflow'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON )
-        nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON
-        wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON, nondcworkflow )
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_DC )
-        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_DC
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info_list = configurator.listWorkflowInfo()
-        self.assertEqual( len( info_list ), 2 )
-        non_info = [ x for x in info_list if x[ 'id' ] == WF_ID_NON ][0]
-        self.assertEqual( non_info[ 'title' ], WF_TITLE_NON )
-        self.assertEqual( non_info[ 'meta_type' ], DummyWorkflow.meta_type )
-        dc_info = [ x for x in info_list if x[ 'id' ] == WF_ID_DC ][0]
-        self.assertEqual( dc_info[ 'title' ], WF_TITLE_DC )
-        self.assertEqual( dc_info[ 'meta_type' ]
-                        , DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type )
-        self.assertEqual( dc_info[ 'filename' ]
-                        , 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % WF_ID_DC )
-    def test_listWorkflowChains_no_default( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        chains = configurator.listWorkflowChains()
-        default_chain = [ x[1] for x in chains if x[0] is None ][0]
-        self.assertEqual( len( default_chain ), 0 )
-    def test_listWorkflowChains_with_default( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        site.portal_workflow._default_chain = ( 'foo', 'bar' )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        chains = configurator.listWorkflowChains()
-        self.assertEqual( chains[ 0 ][ 0 ], None )
-        default_chain = chains[ 0 ][ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( default_chain ), 2 )
-        self.assertEqual( default_chain[ 0 ], 'foo' )
-        self.assertEqual( default_chain[ 1 ], 'bar' )
-    def test_listWorkflowChains_no_overrides( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        chains = configurator.listWorkflowChains()
-        self.assertEqual( len( chains ), 1 )
-    def test_listWorkflowChains_with_overrides( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        site.portal_workflow._chains_by_type[ 'qux' ] = ( 'foo', 'bar' )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        chains = configurator.listWorkflowChains()
-        self.assertEqual( len( chains ), 2 )
-        self.assertEqual( chains[ 0 ][ 0 ], None )
-        default_chain = chains[ 0 ][ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( default_chain ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( chains[ 1 ][ 0 ], 'qux' )
-        qux_chain = chains[ 1 ][ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( qux_chain ), 2 )
-        self.assertEqual( qux_chain[ 0 ], 'foo' )
-        self.assertEqual( qux_chain[ 1 ], 'bar' )
-    def test_listWorkflowChains_default_chain_plus_overrides( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        site.portal_workflow._default_chain = ( 'foo', 'bar' )
-        site.portal_workflow._chains_by_type[ 'qux' ] = ( 'baz', )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        chains = configurator.listWorkflowChains()
-        self.assertEqual( chains[ 0 ][ 0 ], None )
-        default_chain = chains[ 0 ][ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( default_chain ), 2 )
-        self.assertEqual( default_chain[ 0 ], 'foo' )
-        self.assertEqual( default_chain[ 1 ], 'bar' )
-        self.assertEqual( chains[ 1 ][ 0 ], 'qux' )
-        qux_chain = chains[ 1 ][ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( qux_chain ), 1 )
-        self.assertEqual( qux_chain[ 0 ], 'baz' )
-    def test_generateXML_empty( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateXML(), _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT )
-    def test_generateXML_default_chain_plus_overrides( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        site.portal_workflow._default_chain = ( 'foo', 'bar' )
-        site.portal_workflow._chains_by_type[ 'qux' ] = ( 'baz', )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateXML()
-                        , _OVERRIDE_TOOL_EXPORT )
-    def test_generateXML_mixed( self ):
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow'
-        WF_ID_DC = 'dcworkflow'
-        WF_TITLE_DC = 'DCWorkflow'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON )
-        nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON
-        wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON, nondcworkflow )
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_DC )
-        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_DC
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateXML(), _NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT )
-    def test_parseXML_empty( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        tool_info = configurator.parseXML( _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT )
-        self.assertEqual( len( tool_info[ 'workflows' ] ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( tool_info[ 'bindings' ] ), 1 )
-    def test_parseXML_default_chain_plus_overrides( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        tool_info = configurator.parseXML( _OVERRIDE_TOOL_EXPORT )
-        self.assertEqual( len( tool_info[ 'workflows' ] ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( tool_info[ 'bindings' ] ), 2 )
-        default = tool_info[ 'bindings' ][ None ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( default ), 2 )
-        self.assertEqual( default[ 0 ], 'foo' )
-        self.assertEqual( default[ 1 ], 'bar' )
-        override = tool_info[ 'bindings' ][ 'qux' ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( override ), 1 )
-        self.assertEqual( override[ 0 ], 'baz' )
-    def test_parseXML_normal( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        tool_info = configurator.parseXML( _NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT )
-        self.assertEqual( len( tool_info[ 'workflows' ] ), 2 )
-        info = tool_info[ 'workflows' ][ 0 ]
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'workflow_id' ], 'non_dcworkflow' )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'meta_type' ], DummyWorkflow.meta_type )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'filename' ], None )
-        info = tool_info[ 'workflows' ][ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'workflow_id' ], 'dcworkflow' )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'meta_type' ], DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'filename' ],
-                          'workflows/dcworkflow/definition.xml' )
-        self.assertEqual( len( tool_info[ 'bindings' ] ), 1 )
-class WorkflowDefinitionConfiguratorTests( _WorkflowSetup, _GuardChecker ):
-    def _getTargetClass( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator
-        return WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_non_dcworkflow( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dummy'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Dummy'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        dummy = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE )
-        wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID, dummy )
-        dummy.title = WF_TITLE
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], WF_ID )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'meta_type' ], DummyWorkflow.meta_type )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], WF_TITLE )
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_defaults( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_defaults'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], WF_ID )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'meta_type' ], DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], dcworkflow.title )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'state_variable' ], dcworkflow.state_var )
-        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'permissions' ] ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'variable_info' ] ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'state_info' ] ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'transition_info' ] ), 0 )
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_permissions( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_permissions'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        permissions = info[ 'permissions' ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( _WF_PERMISSIONS ) )
-        for permission in _WF_PERMISSIONS:
-            self.failUnless( permission in permissions )
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_variables( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_variables'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        variable_info = info[ 'variable_info' ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( variable_info ), len( _WF_VARIABLES ) )
-        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in variable_info ]
-        for k in _WF_VARIABLES.keys():
-            self.failUnless( k in ids )
-        for info in variable_info:
-            expected = _WF_VARIABLES[ info[ 'id' ] ]
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'default_value' ], expected[ 1 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'default_expr' ], expected[ 2 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'for_catalog' ], expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'for_status' ], expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'update_always' ], expected[ 5 ] )
-            self._assertGuard( info, *expected[ -4: ] )
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_states( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_states'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
-        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'state_variable' ], dcworkflow.state_var )
-        self.assertEqual( info[ 'initial_state' ], dcworkflow.initial_state )
-        state_info = info[ 'state_info' ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( state_info ), len( _WF_STATES ) )
-        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in state_info ]
-        for k in _WF_STATES.keys():
-            self.failUnless( k in ids )
-        for info in state_info:
-            expected = _WF_STATES[ info[ 'id' ] ]
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 1 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'transitions' ], expected[ 2 ] )
-            permissions = info[ 'permissions' ]
-            self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( expected[ 3 ] ) )
-            for ep_id, ep_roles in expected[ 3 ].items():
-                fp = [ x for x in permissions if x[ 'name' ] == ep_id ][ 0 ]
-                self.assertEqual( fp[ 'acquired' ]
-                                , not isinstance( ep_roles, tuple ) )
-                self.assertEqual( len( fp[ 'roles' ] ), len( ep_roles ) )
-                for ep_role in ep_roles:
-                    self.failUnless( ep_role in fp[ 'roles' ] )
-            groups = info[ 'groups' ]
-            self.assertEqual( len( groups ), len( expected[ 4 ] ) )
-            for i in range( len( groups ) ):
-                self.assertEqual( groups[ i ], expected[ 4 ][ i ] )
-            variables = info[ 'variables' ]
-            self.assertEqual( len( variables ), len( expected[ 5 ] ) )
-            for v_info in variables:
-                name, type, value = ( v_info[ 'name' ]
-                                    , v_info[ 'type' ], v_info[ 'value' ] )
-                self.assertEqual( value, expected[ 5 ][ name ] )
-                if isinstance( value, bool ):
-                    self.assertEqual( type, 'bool' )
-                elif isinstance( value, int ):
-                    self.assertEqual( type, 'int' )
-                elif isinstance( value, float ):
-                    self.assertEqual( type, 'float' )
-                elif isinstance( value, basestring ):
-                    self.assertEqual( type, 'string' )
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_transitions( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import TRIGGER_TYPES
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_transitions'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        transition_info = info[ 'transition_info' ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( transition_info ), len( _WF_TRANSITIONS ) )
-        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in transition_info ]
-        for k in _WF_TRANSITIONS.keys():
-            self.failUnless( k in ids )
-        for info in transition_info:
-            expected = _WF_TRANSITIONS[ info[ 'id' ] ]
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 1 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'new_state_id' ], expected[ 2 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'trigger_type' ]
-                            , TRIGGER_TYPES[ expected[ 3 ] ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'script_name' ], expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'after_script_name' ], expected[ 5 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_name' ], expected[ 6 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_url' ], expected[ 7 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_category' ], expected[ 8 ] )
-            variables = info[ 'variables' ]
-            self.assertEqual( len( variables ), len( expected[ 9 ] ) )
-            for v_info in variables:
-                self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'expr' ]
-                                , expected[ 9 ][ v_info[ 'name' ] ] )
-            self._assertGuard( info, *expected[ -4: ] )
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_worklists( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_worklists'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        worklist_info = info[ 'worklist_info' ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( worklist_info ), len( _WF_WORKLISTS ) )
-        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in worklist_info ]
-        for k in _WF_WORKLISTS.keys():
-            self.failUnless( k in ids )
-        for info in worklist_info:
-            expected = _WF_WORKLISTS[ info[ 'id' ] ]
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 1 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_name' ], expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_url' ], expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_category' ], expected[ 5 ] )
-            var_match = info[ 'var_match' ]
-            self.assertEqual( len( var_match ), len( expected[ 2 ] ) )
-            for var_id, values_txt in var_match:
-                values = [ x.strip() for x in values_txt.split( ';' ) ]
-                e_values = expected[ 2 ][ var_id ]
-                self.assertEqual( len( values ), len( e_values ) )
-                for e_value in e_values:
-                    self.failUnless( e_value in values )
-            self._assertGuard( info, *expected[ -4: ] )
-    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_scripts( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_scripts'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
-        script_info = info[ 'script_info' ]
-        self.assertEqual( len( script_info ), len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
-        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in script_info ]
-        for k in _WF_SCRIPTS.keys():
-            self.failUnless( k in ids )
-        for info in script_info:
-            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ info[ 'id' ] ]
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'meta_type' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( info[ 'body' ], expected[ 1 ] )
-            if info[ 'meta_type' ] == PythonScript.meta_type:
-                self.assertEqual( info[ 'filename' ]
-                                , expected[ 2 ] % WF_ID )
-            else:
-                self.assertEqual( info[ 'filename' ], expected[ 2 ] )
-    def test_generateXML_empty( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'empty'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Empty DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'initial'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE
-        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML( WF_ID )
-                        , _EMPTY_WORKFLOW_EXPORT % ( WF_ID
-                                                   , WF_TITLE
-                                                   , WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                                                   ) )
-    def test_generateWorkflowXML_nondc( self ):
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON )
-        nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON
-        wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON, nondcworkflow )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self.assertEqual( configurator.generateWorkflowXML( WF_ID_NON ), None )
-    def test_generateWorkflowXML_normal( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
-        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE
-        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
-        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
-        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
-        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
-        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
-        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
-        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML( WF_ID )
-                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-    def test_generateWorkflowXML_multiple( self ):
-        WF_ID_1 = 'dc1'
-        WF_TITLE_1 = 'Normal DCWorkflow #1'
-        WF_ID_2 = 'dc2'
-        WF_TITLE_2 = 'Normal DCWorkflow #2'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow_1 = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_1 )
-        dcworkflow_1.title = WF_TITLE_1
-        dcworkflow_1.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
-        dcworkflow_1.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
-        self._initVariables( dcworkflow_1 )
-        self._initStates( dcworkflow_1 )
-        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow_1 )
-        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow_1 )
-        self._initScripts( dcworkflow_1 )
-        dcworkflow_2 = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_2 )
-        dcworkflow_2.title = WF_TITLE_2
-        dcworkflow_2.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
-        dcworkflow_2.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
-        self._initVariables( dcworkflow_2 )
-        self._initStates( dcworkflow_2 )
-        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow_2 )
-        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow_2 )
-        self._initScripts( dcworkflow_2 )
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML( WF_ID_1 )
-                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_1
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_1
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_1.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML( WF_ID_2 )
-                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_2
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_2
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_2.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_empty( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'empty'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Empty DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'initial'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML( _EMPTY_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                                         % ( WF_ID
-                                           , WF_TITLE
-                                           , WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                                           ) )
-        self.assertEqual( len( states ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( transitions ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( variables ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( worklists ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( scripts ), 0 )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_attribs( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
-                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( workflow_id, WF_ID )
-        self.assertEqual( title, WF_TITLE )
-        self.assertEqual( state_variable, 'state' )
-        self.assertEqual( initial_state, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_states( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
-                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( len( states ), len( _WF_STATES ) )
-        for state in states:
-            state_id = state[ 'state_id' ]
-            self.failUnless( state_id in _WF_STATES )
-            expected = _WF_STATES[ state_id ]
-            self.assertEqual( state[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            description = ''.join( state[ 'description' ] )
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in description )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( state[ 'transitions' ] ), expected[ 2 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( state[ 'permissions' ], expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( state[ 'groups' ] )
-                            , tuple( expected[ 4 ] ) )
-            for k, v_info in state[ 'variables' ].items():
-                exp_value = expected[ 5 ][ k ]
-                self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'value' ], str( exp_value ) )
-                if isinstance( exp_value, bool ):
-                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'bool' )
-                elif isinstance( exp_value, int ):
-                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'int' )
-                elif isinstance( exp_value, float ):
-                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'float' )
-                elif isinstance( exp_value, basestring ):
-                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'string' )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_transitions( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import TRIGGER_TYPES
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
-                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( len( transitions ), len( _WF_TRANSITIONS ) )
-        for transition in transitions:
-            transition_id = transition[ 'transition_id' ]
-            self.failUnless( transition_id in _WF_TRANSITIONS )
-            expected = _WF_TRANSITIONS[ transition_id ]
-            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            description = ''.join( transition[ 'description' ] )
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in description )
-            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'new_state' ], expected[ 2 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'trigger' ]
-                            , TRIGGER_TYPES[ expected[ 3 ] ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'before_script' ], expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'after_script' ]
-                            , expected[ 5 ] )
-            action = transition[ 'action' ]
-            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'name', '' ), expected[ 6 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'url', '' ), expected[ 7 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'category', '' ), expected[ 8 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'variables' ], expected[ 9 ] )
-            guard = transition[ 'guard' ]
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'permissions', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 10 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'roles', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 11 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'groups', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 12 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.get( 'expression', '' ), expected[ 13 ] )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_variables( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import TRIGGER_TYPES
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
-                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( len( variables ), len( _WF_VARIABLES ) )
-        for variable in variables:
-            variable_id = variable[ 'variable_id' ]
-            self.failUnless( variable_id in _WF_VARIABLES )
-            expected = _WF_VARIABLES[ variable_id ]
-            description = ''.join( variable[ 'description' ] )
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 0 ] in description )
-            default = variable[ 'default' ]
-            self.assertEqual( default[ 'value' ], expected[ 1 ] )
-            exp_type = 'n/a'
-            if expected[ 1 ]:
-                exp_value = expected[ 1 ]
-                if isinstance( exp_value, bool ):
-                    exp_type = 'bool'
-                elif isinstance( exp_value, int ):
-                    exp_type = 'int'
-                elif isinstance( exp_value, float ):
-                    exp_type = 'float'
-                elif isinstance( exp_value, basestring ):
-                    exp_type = 'string'
-                else:
-                    exp_type = 'XXX'
-            self.assertEqual( default[ 'type' ], exp_type )
-            self.assertEqual( default[ 'expression' ], expected[ 2 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( variable[ 'for_catalog' ], expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( variable[ 'for_status' ], expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( variable[ 'update_always' ], expected[ 5 ] )
-            guard = variable[ 'guard' ]
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'permissions', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 6 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'roles', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 7 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'groups', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 8 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.get( 'expression', '' ), expected[ 9 ] )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_worklists( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import TRIGGER_TYPES
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
-                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( len( worklists ), len( _WF_WORKLISTS ) )
-        for worklist in worklists:
-            worklist_id = worklist[ 'worklist_id' ]
-            self.failUnless( worklist_id in _WF_WORKLISTS )
-            expected = _WF_WORKLISTS[ worklist_id ]
-            self.assertEqual( worklist[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            description = ''.join( worklist[ 'description' ] )
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in description )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( worklist[ 'match' ] )
-                            , tuple( expected[ 2 ] ) )
-            action = worklist[ 'action' ]
-            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'name', '' ), expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'url', '' ), expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'category', '' ), expected[ 5 ] )
-            guard = worklist[ 'guard' ]
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'permissions', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 6 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'roles', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 7 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'groups', () ) )
-                            , expected[ 8 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.get( 'expression', '' ), expected[ 9 ] )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_permissions( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import TRIGGER_TYPES
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
-                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( _WF_PERMISSIONS ) )
-        for permission in permissions:
-            self.failUnless( permission in _WF_PERMISSIONS )
-    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_scripts( self ):
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import TRIGGER_TYPES
-        WF_ID = 'normal'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
-        ( workflow_id
-        , title
-        , state_variable
-        , initial_state
-        , states
-        , transitions
-        , variables
-        , worklists
-        , permissions
-        , scripts
-        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
-                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( len( scripts ), len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
-        for script in scripts:
-            script_id = script[ 'script_id' ]
-            self.failUnless( script_id in _WF_SCRIPTS )
-            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ script_id ]
-            self.assertEqual( script[ 'meta_type' ], expected[ 0 ] )
-            # Body is not kept as part of the workflow XML
-            if script[ 'meta_type' ] == PythonScript.meta_type:
-                self.assertEqual( script[ 'filename' ]
-                                , expected[ 2 ] % workflow_id )
-            else:
-                self.assertEqual( script[ 'filename' ], expected[ 2 ] )
-( 'Open content for modifications'
-, 'Modify content'
-, 'Query history'
-, 'Restore expired content'
-( 'Content_owners'
-, 'Content_assassins'
-{ 'when_opened':  ( 'Opened when'
-                  , ''
-                  , "python:None"
-                  , True
-                  , False
-                  , True
-                  , ( 'Query history', 'Open content for modifications' )
-                  , ()
-                  , ()
-                  , ""
-                  )
-, 'when_expired': ( 'Expired when'
-                  , ''
-                  , "nothing"
-                  , True
-                  , False
-                  , True
-                  , ( 'Query history', 'Open content for modifications' )
-                  , ()
-                  , ()
-                  , ""
-                  )
-, 'killed_by':    ( 'Killed by'
-                  , 'n/a'
-                  , ""
-                  , True
-                  , False
-                  , True
-                  , ()
-                  , ( 'Hangman', 'Sherrif' )
-                  , ()
-                  , ""
-                  )
-{ 'closed':  ( 'Closed'
-             , 'Closed for modifications'
-             , ( 'open', 'kill', 'expire' )
-             , { 'Modify content':  () }
-             , ()
-             , { 'is_opened':  False, 'is_closed':  True }
-             )
-, 'opened':  ( 'Opened'
-             , 'Open for modifications'
-             , ( 'close', 'kill', 'expire' )
-             , { 'Modify content':  [ 'Owner', 'Manager' ] }
-             , [ ( 'Content_owners', ( 'Owner', ) ) ]
-             , { 'is_opened':  True, 'is_closed':  False }
-             )
-, 'killed':  ( 'Killed'
-             , 'Permanently unavailable'
-             , ()
-             , {}
-             , ()
-             , {}
-             )
-, 'expired': ( 'Expired'
-             , 'Expiration date has passed'
-             , ( 'open', )
-             , { 'Modify content':  [ 'Owner', 'Manager' ] }
-             , ()
-             , { 'is_opened':  False, 'is_closed':  False }
-             )
-{ 'open':    ( 'Open'
-             , 'Open the object for modifications'
-             , 'opened'
-             , TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
-             , 'before_open'
-             , ''
-             , 'Open'
-             , 'string:${object_url}/open_for_modifications'
-             , 'workflow'
-             , { 'when_opened' : 'object/ZopeTime' }
-             , ( 'Open content for modifications', )
-             , ()
-             , ()
-             , ""
-             )
-, 'close':   ( 'Close'
-             , 'Close the object for modifications'
-             , 'closed'
-             , TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
-             , ''
-             , 'after_close'
-             , 'Close'
-             , 'string:${object_url}/close_for_modifications'
-             , 'workflow'
-             , {}
-             , ()
-             , ( 'Owner', 'Manager' )
-             , ()
-             , ""
-             )
-, 'kill':    ( 'Kill'
-             , 'Make the object permanently unavailable.'
-             , 'killed'
-             , TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
-             , ''
-             , 'after_kill'
-             , 'Kill'
-             , 'string:${object_url}/kill_object'
-             , 'workflow'
-             , { 'killed_by' : 'string:${user/getId}' }
-             , ()
-             , ()
-             , ( 'Content_assassins', )
-             , ""
-             )
-, 'expire':  ( 'Expire'
-             , 'Retire objects whose expiration is past.'
-             , 'expired'
-             , TRIGGER_AUTOMATIC
-             , 'before_expire'
-             , ''
-             , ''
-             , ''
-             , ''
-             , { 'when_expired' : 'object/ZopeTime' }
-             , ()
-             , ()
-             , ()
-             , "python: object.expiration() <= object.ZopeTime()"
-             )
-{ 'expired_list':   ( 'Expired'
-                    , 'Worklist for expired content'
-                    , { 'state' : ( 'expired', ) }
-                    , 'Expired items'
-                    , 'string:${portal_url}/expired_items'
-                    , 'workflow'
-                    , ( 'Restore expired content', )
-                    , ()
-                    , ()
-                    , ""
-                    )
-, 'alive_list':     ( 'Alive'
-                    , 'Worklist for content not yet expired / killed'
-                    , { 'state' : ( 'open',  'closed' ) }
-                    , 'Expired items'
-                    , 'string:${portal_url}/expired_items'
-                    , 'workflow'
-                    , ( 'Restore expired content', )
-                    , ()
-                    , ()
-                    , ""
-                    )
-## Script (Python) "before_open"
-##bind container=container
-##bind context=context
-##bind namespace=
-##bind script=script
-##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
-return 'before_open'
-## Script (Python) "after_close"
-##bind container=container
-##bind context=context
-##bind namespace=
-##bind script=script
-##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
-return 'after_close'
-## Script (Python) "after_kill"
-##bind container=container
-##bind context=context
-##bind namespace=
-##bind script=script
-##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
-return 'after_kill'
-{ 'before_open':    ( PythonScript.meta_type
-                    , _BEFORE_OPEN_SCRIPT
-                    , 'workflows/%s/scripts/before_open.py'
-                    , None
-                    , None
-                    )
-, 'after_close':    ( PythonScript.meta_type
-                    , _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT
-                    , 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py'
-                    , None
-                    , None
-                    )
-, 'after_kill':     ( PythonScript.meta_type
-                    , _AFTER_KILL_SCRIPT
-                    , 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_kill.py'
-                    , None
-                    , None
-                    )
-, 'before_expire': ( ExternalMethod.meta_type
-                   , ''
-                   , ''
-                   , 'CMFSetup.test_method'
-                   , 'test'
-                   )
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <bindings>
-  <default>
-  </default>
- </bindings>
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <bindings>
-  <default>
-   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_0" />
-   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_1" />
-  </default>
-  <type type_id="sometype">
-   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_2" />
-  </type>
-  <type type_id="anothertype">
-   <bound-workflow workflow_id="non_dcworkflow_3" />
-  </type>
- </bindings>
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <bindings>
-  <default>
-   <bound-workflow workflow_id="foo" />
-   <bound-workflow workflow_id="bar" />
-  </default>
-  <type type_id="qux">
-   <bound-workflow workflow_id="baz" />
-  </type>
- </bindings>
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <workflow
-    workflow_id="non_dcworkflow"
-    meta_type="Dummy Workflow"
-    />
- <workflow
-    workflow_id="dcworkflow"
-    filename="workflows/dcworkflow/definition.xml"
-    meta_type="Workflow"
-    />
- <bindings>
-  <default>
-  </default>
- </bindings>
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <workflow
-    workflow_id="non_dcworkflow"
-    meta_type="Dummy Workflow"
-    />
- <workflow
-    workflow_id="dcworkflow"
-    filename="workflows/%s/definition.xml"
-    meta_type="Workflow"
-    />
- <bindings>
-  <default>
-  </default>
- </bindings>
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <workflow
-    workflow_id="name with spaces"
-    filename="workflows/name_with_spaces/definition.xml"
-    meta_type="Workflow"
-    />
- <bindings>
-  <default>
-  </default>
- </bindings>
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    workflow_id="%s"
-    title="%s"
-    state_variable="state"
-    initial_state="%s">
-# Make sure old exports are still imported well. Changes:
-# - scripts are now in in a 'scripts' subdirectory
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    workflow_id="%(workflow_id)s"
-    title="%(title)s"
-    state_variable="state"
-    initial_state="%(initial_state)s">
- <permission>Open content for modifications</permission>
- <permission>Modify content</permission>
- <permission>Query history</permission>
- <permission>Restore expired content</permission>
- <state
-    state_id="closed"
-    title="Closed">
-  <description>Closed for modifications</description>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="open"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="kill"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="expire"/>
-  <permission-map
-    acquired="False"
-    name="Modify content">
-  </permission-map>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_closed"
-    type="bool">True</assignment>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_opened"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
- </state>
- <state
-    state_id="expired"
-    title="Expired">
-  <description>Expiration date has passed</description>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="open"/>
-  <permission-map
-    acquired="True"
-    name="Modify content">
-   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
-   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
-  </permission-map>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_closed"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_opened"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
- </state>
- <state
-    state_id="killed"
-    title="Killed">
-  <description>Permanently unavailable</description>
- </state>
- <state
-    state_id="opened"
-    title="Opened">
-  <description>Open for modifications</description>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="close"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="kill"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="expire"/>
-  <permission-map
-    acquired="True"
-    name="Modify content">
-   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
-   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
-  </permission-map>
-  <group-map name="Content_owners">
-   <group-role>Owner</group-role>
-  </group-map>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_closed"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_opened"
-    type="bool">True</assignment>
- </state>
- <transition
-    transition_id="close"
-    title="Close"
-    trigger="USER"
-    new_state="closed"
-    before_script=""
-    after_script="after_close">
-  <description>Close the object for modifications</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${object_url}/close_for_modifications">Close</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-role>Owner</guard-role>
-   <guard-role>Manager</guard-role>
-  </guard>
- </transition>
- <transition
-    transition_id="expire"
-    title="Expire"
-    trigger="AUTOMATIC"
-    new_state="expired"
-    before_script="before_expire"
-    after_script="">
-  <description>Retire objects whose expiration is past.</description>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-expression>python: object.expiration() &lt;= object.ZopeTime()</guard-expression>
-  </guard>
-  <assignment
-    name="when_expired">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
- </transition>
- <transition
-    transition_id="kill"
-    title="Kill"
-    trigger="USER"
-    new_state="killed"
-    before_script=""
-    after_script="after_kill">
-  <description>Make the object permanently unavailable.</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${object_url}/kill_object">Kill</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-group>Content_assassins</guard-group>
-  </guard>
-  <assignment
-    name="killed_by">string:${user/getId}</assignment>
- </transition>
- <transition
-    transition_id="open"
-    title="Open"
-    trigger="USER"
-    new_state="opened"
-    before_script="before_open"
-    after_script="">
-  <description>Open the object for modifications</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${object_url}/open_for_modifications">Open</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
-  </guard>
-  <assignment
-    name="when_opened">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
- </transition>
- <worklist
-    worklist_id="alive_list"
-    title="Alive">
-  <description>Worklist for content not yet expired / killed</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
-  </guard>
-  <match name="state" values="open; closed"/>
- </worklist>
- <worklist
-    worklist_id="expired_list"
-    title="Expired">
-  <description>Worklist for expired content</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
-  </guard>
-  <match name="state" values="expired"/>
- </worklist>
- <variable
-    variable_id="killed_by"
-    for_catalog="True"
-    for_status="False"
-    update_always="True">
-   <description>Killed by</description>
-   <default>
-    <value type="string">n/a</value>
-   </default>
-   <guard>
-    <guard-role>Hangman</guard-role>
-    <guard-role>Sherrif</guard-role>
-   </guard>
- </variable>
- <variable
-    variable_id="when_expired"
-    for_catalog="True"
-    for_status="False"
-    update_always="True">
-   <description>Expired when</description>
-   <default>
-    <expression>nothing</expression>
-   </default>
-   <guard>
-    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
-    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
-   </guard>
- </variable>
- <variable
-    variable_id="when_opened"
-    for_catalog="True"
-    for_status="False"
-    update_always="True">
-   <description>Opened when</description>
-   <default>
-    <expression>python:None</expression>
-   </default>
-   <guard>
-    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
-    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
-   </guard>
- </variable>
- <script
-    script_id="after_close"
-    type="Script (Python)"
-    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/after_close.py"
-    module=""
-    function=""
-    />
- <script
-    script_id="after_kill"
-    type="Script (Python)"
-    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/after_kill.py"
-    module=""
-    function=""
-    />
- <script
-    script_id="before_expire"
-    type="External Method"
-    filename=""
-    module="CMFSetup.test_method"
-    function="test"
-    />
- <script
-    script_id="before_open"
-    type="Script (Python)"
-    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/before_open.py"
-    module=""
-    function=""
-    />
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    workflow_id="%(workflow_id)s"
-    title="%(title)s"
-    state_variable="state"
-    initial_state="%(initial_state)s">
- <permission>Open content for modifications</permission>
- <permission>Modify content</permission>
- <permission>Query history</permission>
- <permission>Restore expired content</permission>
- <state
-    state_id="closed"
-    title="Closed">
-  <description>Closed for modifications</description>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="open"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="kill"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="expire"/>
-  <permission-map
-    acquired="False"
-    name="Modify content">
-  </permission-map>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_closed"
-    type="bool">True</assignment>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_opened"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
- </state>
- <state
-    state_id="expired"
-    title="Expired">
-  <description>Expiration date has passed</description>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="open"/>
-  <permission-map
-    acquired="True"
-    name="Modify content">
-   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
-   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
-  </permission-map>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_closed"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_opened"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
- </state>
- <state
-    state_id="killed"
-    title="Killed">
-  <description>Permanently unavailable</description>
- </state>
- <state
-    state_id="opened"
-    title="Opened">
-  <description>Open for modifications</description>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="close"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="kill"/>
-  <exit-transition
-    transition_id="expire"/>
-  <permission-map
-    acquired="True"
-    name="Modify content">
-   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
-   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
-  </permission-map>
-  <group-map name="Content_owners">
-   <group-role>Owner</group-role>
-  </group-map>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_closed"
-    type="bool">False</assignment>
-  <assignment
-    name="is_opened"
-    type="bool">True</assignment>
- </state>
- <transition
-    transition_id="close"
-    title="Close"
-    trigger="USER"
-    new_state="closed"
-    before_script=""
-    after_script="after_close">
-  <description>Close the object for modifications</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${object_url}/close_for_modifications">Close</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-role>Owner</guard-role>
-   <guard-role>Manager</guard-role>
-  </guard>
- </transition>
- <transition
-    transition_id="expire"
-    title="Expire"
-    trigger="AUTOMATIC"
-    new_state="expired"
-    before_script="before_expire"
-    after_script="">
-  <description>Retire objects whose expiration is past.</description>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-expression>python: object.expiration() &lt;= object.ZopeTime()</guard-expression>
-  </guard>
-  <assignment
-    name="when_expired">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
- </transition>
- <transition
-    transition_id="kill"
-    title="Kill"
-    trigger="USER"
-    new_state="killed"
-    before_script=""
-    after_script="after_kill">
-  <description>Make the object permanently unavailable.</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${object_url}/kill_object">Kill</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-group>Content_assassins</guard-group>
-  </guard>
-  <assignment
-    name="killed_by">string:${user/getId}</assignment>
- </transition>
- <transition
-    transition_id="open"
-    title="Open"
-    trigger="USER"
-    new_state="opened"
-    before_script="before_open"
-    after_script="">
-  <description>Open the object for modifications</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${object_url}/open_for_modifications">Open</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
-  </guard>
-  <assignment
-    name="when_opened">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
- </transition>
- <worklist
-    worklist_id="alive_list"
-    title="Alive">
-  <description>Worklist for content not yet expired / killed</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
-  </guard>
-  <match name="state" values="open; closed"/>
- </worklist>
- <worklist
-    worklist_id="expired_list"
-    title="Expired">
-  <description>Worklist for expired content</description>
-  <action
-    category="workflow"
-    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
-  <guard>
-   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
-  </guard>
-  <match name="state" values="expired"/>
- </worklist>
- <variable
-    variable_id="killed_by"
-    for_catalog="True"
-    for_status="False"
-    update_always="True">
-   <description>Killed by</description>
-   <default>
-    <value type="string">n/a</value>
-   </default>
-   <guard>
-    <guard-role>Hangman</guard-role>
-    <guard-role>Sherrif</guard-role>
-   </guard>
- </variable>
- <variable
-    variable_id="when_expired"
-    for_catalog="True"
-    for_status="False"
-    update_always="True">
-   <description>Expired when</description>
-   <default>
-    <expression>nothing</expression>
-   </default>
-   <guard>
-    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
-    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
-   </guard>
- </variable>
- <variable
-    variable_id="when_opened"
-    for_catalog="True"
-    for_status="False"
-    update_always="True">
-   <description>Opened when</description>
-   <default>
-    <expression>python:None</expression>
-   </default>
-   <guard>
-    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
-    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
-   </guard>
- </variable>
- <script
-    script_id="after_close"
-    type="Script (Python)"
-    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/scripts/after_close.py"
-    module=""
-    function=""
-    />
- <script
-    script_id="after_kill"
-    type="Script (Python)"
-    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/scripts/after_kill.py"
-    module=""
-    function=""
-    />
- <script
-    script_id="before_expire"
-    type="External Method"
-    filename=""
-    module="CMFSetup.test_method"
-    function="test"
-    />
- <script
-    script_id="before_open"
-    type="Script (Python)"
-    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/scripts/before_open.py"
-    module=""
-    function=""
-    />
-class Test_exportWorkflow( _WorkflowSetup
-                         , _GuardChecker
-                         ):
-    def test_empty( self ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        context = DummyExportContext( site )
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
-        exportWorkflowTool( context )
-        self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 1 )
-        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
-        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows.xml' )
-        self._compareDOM( text, _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT )
-        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
-    def test_normal( self ):
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow'
-        WF_ID_DC = 'dcworkflow'
-        WF_TITLE_DC = 'DCWorkflow'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON )
-        nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON
-        wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON, nondcworkflow )
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_DC )
-        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_DC
-        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
-        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
-        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
-        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
-        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
-        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
-        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
-        context = DummyExportContext( site )
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
-        exportWorkflowTool( context )
-        # workflows list, wf defintion and 3 scripts
-        self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 5 )
-        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
-        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows.xml' )
-        self._compareDOM( text, _NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT )
-        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
-        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % WF_ID_DC )
-        self._compareDOM( text
-                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_DC
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_DC
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_DC.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
-        # just testing first script
-        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 2 ]
-        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py' % WF_ID_DC )
-        self.assertEqual( text, _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT)
-        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/plain' )
-    def test_with_filenames( self ):
-        WF_ID_DC = 'name with spaces'
-        WF_TITLE_DC = 'DCWorkflow with spaces'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_DC )
-        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_DC
-        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
-        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
-        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
-        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
-        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
-        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
-        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
-        context = DummyExportContext( site )
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
-        exportWorkflowTool( context )
-        # workflows list, wf defintion and 3 scripts
-        self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 5 )
-        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
-        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows.xml' )
-        self._compareDOM( text, _FILENAME_TOOL_EXPORT )
-        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
-        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 1 ]
-        self.assertEqual( filename
-                        , 'workflows/name_with_spaces/definition.xml' )
-        self._compareDOM( text
-                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_DC
-                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_DC
-                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
-                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_DC.replace(' ', '_')
-                            } )
-        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
-        # just testing first script
-        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 2 ]
-        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py' %
-                          WF_ID_DC.replace(' ', '_'))
-        self.assertEqual( text, _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT)
-        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/plain' )
-class Test_importWorkflow( _WorkflowSetup
-                         , _GuardChecker
-                         ):
-    def _importNormalWorkflow( self, wf_id, wf_title, wf_initial_state ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        workflow_filename = wf_id.replace(' ', '_')
-        context = DummyImportContext( site )
-        context._files[ 'workflows.xml'
-                      ] = _NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT_WITH_FILENAME % workflow_filename
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % wf_id
-                      ] = ( _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                            % { 'workflow_id' : wf_id
-                              , 'title' : wf_title
-                              , 'initial_state' : wf_initial_state
-                              , 'workflow_filename' : workflow_filename
-                              }
-                          )
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py' % workflow_filename
-                      ] = _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_kill.py' % workflow_filename
-                      ] = _AFTER_KILL_SCRIPT
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/scripts/before_open.py' % workflow_filename
-                      ] = _BEFORE_OPEN_SCRIPT
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import importWorkflowTool
-        importWorkflowTool( context )
-        return wf_tool
-    def _importOldWorkflow( self, wf_id, wf_title, wf_initial_state ):
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        workflow_filename = wf_id.replace(' ', '_')
-        context = DummyImportContext( site )
-        context._files[ 'workflows.xml'
-                      ] = _NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT_WITH_FILENAME % workflow_filename
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % wf_id
-                      ] = ( _OLD_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
-                            % { 'workflow_id' : wf_id
-                              , 'title' : wf_title
-                              , 'initial_state' : wf_initial_state
-                              , 'workflow_filename' : workflow_filename
-                              }
-                          )
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/after_close.py' % workflow_filename
-                      ] = _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/after_kill.py' % workflow_filename
-                      ] = _AFTER_KILL_SCRIPT
-        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/before_open.py' % workflow_filename
-                      ] = _BEFORE_OPEN_SCRIPT
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import importWorkflowTool
-        importWorkflowTool( context )
-        return wf_tool
-    def test_empty_default_purge( self ):
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        for i in range( 4 ):
-            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
-            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
-            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
-        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
-        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
-        context = DummyImportContext( site )
-        context._files[ 'workflows.xml' ] = _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import importWorkflowTool
-        importWorkflowTool( context )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 0 )
-    def test_empty_explicit_purge( self ):
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        for i in range( 4 ):
-            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
-            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
-            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
-        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
-        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
-        context = DummyImportContext( site, True )
-        context._files[ 'workflows.xml' ] = _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import importWorkflowTool
-        importWorkflowTool( context )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 0 )
-    def test_empty_skip_purge( self ):
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        for i in range( 4 ):
-            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
-            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
-            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
-        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
-        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
-        context = DummyImportContext( site, False )
-        context._files[ 'typestool.xml' ] = _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import importWorkflowTool
-        importWorkflowTool( context )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 1 )
-        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._default_chain[ 0 ], WF_ID_NON % 1 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 1 )
-        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ]
-                        , ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
-                        )
-    def test_bindings_skip_purge( self ):
-        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
-        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
-        site = self._initSite()
-        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
-        for i in range( 4 ):
-            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
-            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
-            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
-        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
-        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
-        context = DummyImportContext( site, False )
-        context._files[ 'workflows.xml' ] = _BINDINGS_TOOL_EXPORT
-        from Products.CMFSetup.workflow import importWorkflowTool
-        importWorkflowTool( context )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 2 )
-        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._default_chain[ 0 ], WF_ID_NON % 0 )
-        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._default_chain[ 1 ], WF_ID_NON % 1 )
-        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 2 )
-        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ]
-                        , ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
-                        )
-        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'anothertype' ]
-                        , ( WF_ID_NON % 3, )
-                        )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_top_level( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_tool'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing tool'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        self.assertEqual( len( tool.objectIds() ), 1 )
-        self.assertEqual( tool.objectIds()[ 0 ], WF_ID )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_attrs( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_attrs'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing attrs'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        self.assertEqual( workflow.meta_type, DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type )
-        self.assertEqual( workflow.title, WF_TITLE )
-        self.assertEqual( workflow.state_var, 'state' )
-        self.assertEqual( workflow.initial_state, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_permissions( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_permissions'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing permissions'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        permissions = workflow.permissions
-        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( _WF_PERMISSIONS ) )
-        for permission in permissions:
-            self.failUnless( permission in _WF_PERMISSIONS )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_variables( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_variables'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing variables'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        variables = workflow.variables
-        self.assertEqual( len( variables.objectItems() )
-                        , len( _WF_VARIABLES ) )
-        for id, variable in variables.objectItems():
-            expected = _WF_VARIABLES[ variable.getId() ]
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 0 ] in variable.description )
-            self.assertEqual( variable.default_value, expected[ 1 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( variable.getDefaultExprText(), expected[ 2 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( variable.for_catalog, expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( variable.for_status, expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( variable.update_always, expected[ 5 ] )
-            guard = variable.getInfoGuard()
-            self.assertEqual( guard.permissions, expected[ 6 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.roles, expected[ 7 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.groups, expected[ 8 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.getExprText(), expected[ 9 ] )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_states( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_states'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing states'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        states = workflow.states
-        self.assertEqual( len( states.objectItems() )
-                        , len( _WF_STATES ) )
-        for id, state in states.objectItems():
-            expected = _WF_STATES[ state.getId() ]
-            self.assertEqual( state.title, expected[ 0 ] )
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in state.description )
-            self.assertEqual( len( state.transitions ), len( expected[ 2 ] ) )
-            for transition_id in state.transitions:
-                self.failUnless( transition_id in expected[ 2 ] )
-            for permission in state.getManagedPermissions():
-                p_info = state.getPermissionInfo( permission )
-                p_expected = expected[ 3 ].get( permission, [] )
-                self.assertEqual( bool( p_info[ 'acquired' ] )
-                                , isinstance(p_expected, list) )
-                self.assertEqual( len( p_info[ 'roles' ] ), len( p_expected ) )
-                for role in p_info[ 'roles' ]:
-                    self.failIf( role not in p_expected )
-            group_roles = state.group_roles or {}
-            self.assertEqual( len( group_roles ), len( expected[ 4 ] ) )
-            for group_id, exp_roles in expected[ 4 ]:
-                self.assertEqual( len( state.getGroupInfo( group_id ) )
-                                , len( exp_roles ) )
-                for role in state.getGroupInfo( group_id ):
-                    self.failUnless( role in exp_roles )
-            self.assertEqual( len( state.getVariableValues() )
-                            , len( expected[ 5 ] ) )
-            for var_id, value in state.getVariableValues():
-                self.assertEqual( value, expected[ 5 ][ var_id ] )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_transitions( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_transitions'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing transitions'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        transitions = workflow.transitions
-        self.assertEqual( len( transitions.objectItems() )
-                        , len( _WF_TRANSITIONS ) )
-        for id, transition in transitions.objectItems():
-            expected = _WF_TRANSITIONS[ transition.getId() ]
-            self.assertEqual( transition.title, expected[ 0 ] )
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in transition.description )
-            self.assertEqual( transition.new_state_id, expected[ 2 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition.trigger_type, expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition.script_name, expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition.after_script_name, expected[ 5 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition.actbox_name, expected[ 6 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition.actbox_url, expected[ 7 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( transition.actbox_category, expected[ 8 ] )
-            var_exprs = transition.var_exprs
-            self.assertEqual( len( var_exprs ), len( expected[ 9 ] ) )
-            for var_id, expr in var_exprs.items():
-                self.assertEqual( expr, expected[ 9 ][ var_id ] )
-            guard = transition.getGuard()
-            self.assertEqual( guard.permissions, expected[ 10 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.roles, expected[ 11 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.groups, expected[ 12 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.getExprText(), expected[ 13 ] )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_worklists( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_worklists'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing worklists'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        worklists = workflow.worklists
-        self.assertEqual( len( worklists.objectItems() )
-                        , len( _WF_WORKLISTS ) )
-        for id, worklist in worklists.objectItems():
-            expected = _WF_WORKLISTS[ worklist.getId() ]
-            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in worklist.description )
-            var_matches = worklist.var_matches
-            self.assertEqual( len( var_matches ), len( expected[ 2 ] ) )
-            for var_id, values in var_matches.items():
-                exp_values = expected[ 2 ][ var_id ]
-                self.assertEqual( len( values ), len( exp_values ) )
-                for value in values:
-                    self.failUnless( value in exp_values, values )
-            self.assertEqual( worklist.actbox_name, expected[ 3 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( worklist.actbox_url, expected[ 4 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( worklist.actbox_category, expected[ 5 ] )
-            guard = worklist.getGuard()
-            self.assertEqual( guard.permissions, expected[ 6 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.roles, expected[ 7 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.groups, expected[ 8 ] )
-            self.assertEqual( guard.getExprText(), expected[ 9 ] )
-    def test_from_old_dcworkflow_workflow_scripts( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'old_dcworkflow_scripts'
-        WF_TITLE = 'Old DC Workflow testing scripts'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importOldWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        scripts = workflow.scripts
-        self.assertEqual( len( scripts.objectItems() )
-                        , len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
-        for script_id, script in scripts.objectItems():
-            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ script_id ]
-            self.assertEqual( script.meta_type, expected[ 0 ] )
-            if script.meta_type == PythonScript.meta_type:
-                self.assertEqual( script.manage_FTPget(), expected[ 1 ] )
-    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_scripts( self ):
-        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_scripts'
-        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing scripts'
-        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
-        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
-        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 0 ]
-        scripts = workflow.scripts
-        self.assertEqual( len( scripts.objectItems() )
-                        , len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
-        for script_id, script in scripts.objectItems():
-            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ script_id ]
-            self.assertEqual( script.meta_type, expected[ 0 ] )
-            if script.meta_type == PythonScript.meta_type:
-                self.assertEqual( script.manage_FTPget(), expected[ 1 ] )
-def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        unittest.makeSuite( WorkflowToolConfiguratorTests ),
-        unittest.makeSuite( WorkflowDefinitionConfiguratorTests ),
-        unittest.makeSuite( Test_exportWorkflow ),
-        unittest.makeSuite( Test_importWorkflow ),
-        ))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Modified: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/utils.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/utils.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/utils.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -352,92 +352,3 @@
         ExportConfiguratorBase.__init__(self, site, encoding)
-#   deprecated DOM parsing utilities
-_marker = object()
-def _queryNodeAttribute( node, attr_name, default, encoding=None ):
-    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
-    o Return 'default' if the attribute is not present.
-    """
-    attr_node = node.attributes.get( attr_name, _marker )
-    if attr_node is _marker:
-        return default
-    value = attr_node.nodeValue
-    if encoding is not None:
-        value = value.encode( encoding )
-    return value
-def _getNodeAttribute( node, attr_name, encoding=None ):
-    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
-    """
-    value = _queryNodeAttribute( node, attr_name, _marker, encoding )
-    if value is _marker:
-        raise ValueError, 'Invalid attribute: %s' % attr_name
-    return value
-def _queryNodeAttributeBoolean( node, attr_name, default ):
-    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
-    o Return 'default' if the attribute is not present.
-    """
-    attr_node = node.attributes.get( attr_name, _marker )
-    if attr_node is _marker:
-        return default
-    value = node.attributes[ attr_name ].nodeValue.lower()
-    return value in ( 'true', 'yes', '1' )
-def _getNodeAttributeBoolean( node, attr_name ):
-    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
-    """
-    value = node.attributes[ attr_name ].nodeValue.lower()
-    return value in ( 'true', 'yes', '1' )
-def _coalesceTextNodeChildren( node, encoding=None ):
-    """ Concatenate all childe text nodes into a single string.
-    """
-    from xml.dom import Node
-    fragments = []
-    node.normalize()
-    child = node.firstChild
-    while child is not None:
-        if child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
-            fragments.append( child.nodeValue )
-        child = child.nextSibling
-    joined = ''.join( fragments )
-    if encoding is not None:
-        joined = joined.encode( encoding )
-    return ''.join( [ line.lstrip() for line in joined.splitlines(True) ] )
-def _extractDescriptionNode(parent, encoding=None):
-    d_nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName('description')
-    if d_nodes:
-        return _coalesceTextNodeChildren(d_nodes[0], encoding)
-    else:
-        return ''

Modified: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/workflow.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/workflow.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -10,1386 +10,10 @@
-""" Classes:  WorkflowConfigurator
+"""Workflow tool setup handlers.
-import re
-from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as domParseString
-from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
-from Acquisition import Implicit
-from Globals import InitializeClass
-from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile
-from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
-from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import DCWorkflowDefinition
-from permissions import ManagePortal
-from utils import _coalesceTextNodeChildren
-from utils import _extractDescriptionNode
-from utils import _getNodeAttribute
-from utils import _getNodeAttributeBoolean
-from utils import _queryNodeAttribute
-from utils import _xmldir
-from utils import ConfiguratorBase
-from utils import CONVERTER, DEFAULT, KEY
-#   Configurator entry points
-_FILENAME = 'workflows.xml'
-def importWorkflowTool( context ):
-    """ Import worflow tool and contained workflow definitions.
-    o 'context' must implement IImportContext.
-    o Register via Python:
-      registry = site.portal_setup.getImportStepRegistry()
-      registry.registerStep( 'importWorkflowTool'
-                           , '20040602-01'
-                           , Products.CMFSetup.workflow.importWorkflowTool
-                           , ()
-                           , 'Workflow import'
-                           , 'Import worflow tool and contained workflow '
-                             'definitions.'
-                           )
-    o Register via XML:
-      <setup-step id="importWorkflowTool"
-                  version="20040602-01"
-                  handler="Products.CMFSetup.workflow.importWorkflowTool"
-                  title="Workflow import"
-      >Import worflow tool and contained workflow definitions.</setup-step>
-    """
-    site = context.getSite()
-    encoding = context.getEncoding()
-    tool = getToolByName( site, 'portal_workflow' )
-    if context.shouldPurge():
-        tool.setDefaultChain( '' )
-        if tool._chains_by_type is not None:
-            tool._chains_by_type.clear()
-        for workflow_id in tool.getWorkflowIds():
-            tool._delObject( workflow_id )
-    text = context.readDataFile( _FILENAME )
-    if text is not None:
-        wftc = WorkflowToolConfigurator( site, encoding )
-        tool_info = wftc.parseXML( text )
-        wfdc = WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator( site )
-        for info in tool_info[ 'workflows' ]:
-            if info[ 'meta_type' ] == DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
-                filename = info[ 'filename' ]
-                sep = filename.rfind( '/' )
-                if sep == -1:
-                    wf_text = context.readDataFile( filename )
-                else:
-                    wf_text = context.readDataFile( filename[sep+1:],
-                                                    filename[:sep] )
-                ( workflow_id
-                , title
-                , state_variable
-                , initial_state
-                , states
-                , transitions
-                , variables
-                , worklists
-                , permissions
-                , scripts
-                ) = wfdc.parseWorkflowXML( wf_text, encoding )
-                workflow_id = str( workflow_id ) # No unicode!
-                tool._setObject( workflow_id
-                               , DCWorkflowDefinition( workflow_id ) )
-                workflow = tool._getOb( workflow_id )
-                _initDCWorkflow( workflow
-                               , title
-                               , state_variable
-                               , initial_state
-                               , states
-                               , transitions
-                               , variables
-                               , worklists
-                               , permissions
-                               , scripts
-                               , context
-                               )
-            else:
-                pass # TODO: handle non-DCWorkflows
-        for type_id, workflow_ids in tool_info[ 'bindings' ].items():
-            chain = ','.join( workflow_ids )
-            if type_id is None:
-                tool.setDefaultChain( chain )
-            else:
-                tool.setChainForPortalTypes( ( type_id, ), chain )
-    return 'Workflows imported.'
-def exportWorkflowTool( context ):
-    """ Export worflow tool and contained workflow definitions as an XML file.
-    o 'context' must implement IExportContext.
-    o Register via Python:
-      registry = site.portal_setup.getExportStepRegistry()
-      registry.registerStep( 'exportWorkflowTool'
-                           , Products.CMFSetup.workflow.exportWorkflowTool
-                           , 'Workflow export'
-                           , 'Export worflow tool and contained workflow '
-                             'definitions.'
-                           )
-    o Register via XML:
-      <export-script id="exportWorkflowTool"
-                     version="20040518-01"
-                     handler="Products.CMFSetup.workflow.exportWorkflowTool"
-                     title="Workflow export"
-      >Export worflow tool and contained workflow definitions.</export-script>
-    """
-    site = context.getSite()
-    wftc = WorkflowToolConfigurator( site ).__of__( site )
-    wfdc = WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator( site ).__of__( site )
-    wf_tool = getToolByName( site, 'portal_workflow' )
-    text = wftc.generateXML()
-    context.writeDataFile( _FILENAME, text, 'text/xml' )
-    for wf_id in wf_tool.getWorkflowIds():
-        wf_dirname = wf_id.replace( ' ', '_' )
-        wf_xml = wfdc.generateWorkflowXML( wf_id )
-        wf_scripts = wfdc.getWorkflowScripts(wf_id)
-        if wf_xml is not None:
-            context.writeDataFile( 'definition.xml'
-                                 , wf_xml
-                                 , 'text/xml'
-                                 , 'workflows/%s' % wf_dirname
-                                 )
-            for script_info in wf_scripts:
-                if script_info['filename']:
-                    context.writeDataFile(script_info['filename'],
-                                          script_info['body'],
-                                          'text/plain')
-    return 'Workflows exported.'
-class WorkflowToolConfigurator(ConfiguratorBase):
-    """ Synthesize XML description of site's workflow tool.
-    """
-    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
-    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'getWorkflowInfo')
-    def getWorkflowInfo(self, workflow_id):
-        """ Return a mapping describing a given workflow.
-        """
-        workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
-        workflow = workflow_tool.getWorkflowById( workflow_id )
-        workflow_info = { 'id'          : workflow_id
-                        , 'meta_type'   : workflow.meta_type
-                        , 'title'       : workflow.title_or_id()
-                        }
-        if workflow.meta_type == DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
-            workflow_info['filename'] = _getWorkflowFilename(workflow_id)
-        return workflow_info
-    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'listWorkflowInfo' )
-    def listWorkflowInfo( self ):
-        """ Return a sequence of mappings for each workflow in the tool.
-        o See 'getWorkflowInfo' for definition of the mappings.
-        """
-        workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
-        return [ self.getWorkflowInfo( workflow_id )
-                    for workflow_id in workflow_tool.getWorkflowIds() ]
-    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'listWorkflowChains' )
-    def listWorkflowChains( self ):
-        """ Return a sequence of tuples binding workflows to each content type.
-        o Tuples are in the format, '( type_id, [ workflow_id ] )'.
-        o The default chain will be first in the list, with None for the
-          'type_id'.
-        o The list will only include type-specific chains for types which
-          do not use the default chain.
-        """
-        workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
-        result = [ ( None, workflow_tool._default_chain ) ]
-        if workflow_tool._chains_by_type is None:
-            overrides = []
-        else:
-            overrides = workflow_tool._chains_by_type.items()
-            overrides.sort()
-        result.extend( overrides )
-        return result
-    def _getExportTemplate(self):
-        return PageTemplateFile('wtcToolExport.xml', _xmldir)
-    def _getImportMapping(self):
-        return {
-          'workflow-tool':
-            { 'workflow':       {KEY: 'workflows', DEFAULT: (),
-                                 CONVERTER: self._convertWorkflows},
-              'bindings':       {CONVERTER: self._convertBindings} },
-          'workflow':
-            { 'workflow_id':    {},
-              'meta_type':      {DEFAULT: '%(workflow_id)s'},
-              'filename':       {DEFAULT: '%(workflow_id)s'} },
-          'bindings':
-            { 'default':        {KEY: 'bindings'},
-              'type':           {KEY: 'bindings'} },
-          'default':
-            { 'type_id':        {DEFAULT: None},
-              'bound-workflow': {KEY: 'bound_workflows', DEFAULT: ()} },
-          'type':
-            { 'type_id':        {DEFAULT: None},
-              'bound-workflow': {KEY: 'bound_workflows', DEFAULT: ()} },
-          'bound-workflow':
-            { 'workflow_id':    {KEY: None} } }
-    def _convertWorkflows(self, val):
-        for wf in val:
-            if wf['meta_type'] == DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
-                if wf['filename'] == wf['workflow_id']:
-                    wf['filename'] = _getWorkflowFilename( wf['filename'] )
-            else:
-                wf['filename'] = None
-        return val
-    def _convertBindings(self, val):
-        if not val[0]:
-            return {}
-        result = {}
-        for binding in val[0]['bindings']:
-            result[ binding['type_id'] ] = binding['bound_workflows']
-        return result
-class WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator( Implicit ):
-    """ Synthesize XML description of site's workflows.
-    """
-    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
-    def __init__( self, site ):
-        self._site = site
-    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getWorkflowInfo' )
-    def getWorkflowInfo( self, workflow_id ):
-        """ Return a mapping describing a given workflow.
-        o Keys in the mappings:
-          'id' -- the ID of the workflow within the tool
-          'meta_type' -- the workflow's meta_type
-          'title' -- the workflow's title property
-        o See '_extractDCWorkflowInfo' below for keys present only for
-          DCWorkflow definitions.
-        """
-        workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
-        workflow = workflow_tool.getWorkflowById( workflow_id )
-        workflow_info = { 'id'          : workflow_id
-                        , 'meta_type'   : workflow.meta_type
-                        , 'title'       : workflow.title_or_id()
-                        }
-        if workflow.meta_type == DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
-            self._extractDCWorkflowInfo( workflow, workflow_info )
-        return workflow_info
-    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'generateWorkflowXML' )
-    def generateWorkflowXML( self, workflow_id ):
-        """ Pseudo API.
-        """
-        info = self.getWorkflowInfo( workflow_id )
-        if info[ 'meta_type' ] != DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
-            return None
-        return self._workflowConfig( workflow_id=workflow_id )
-    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'generateWorkflowScripts' )
-    def getWorkflowScripts( self, workflow_id ):
-        """ Get workflow scripts information
-        """
-        workflow_tool = getToolByName( self._site, 'portal_workflow' )
-        workflow = workflow_tool.getWorkflowById( workflow_id )
-        if workflow.meta_type != DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
-            return []
-        scripts = self._extractScripts(workflow)
-        return scripts
-    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'parseWorkflowXML' )
-    def parseWorkflowXML( self, xml, encoding=None ):
-        """ Pseudo API.
-        """
-        dom = domParseString( xml )
-        root = dom.getElementsByTagName( 'dc-workflow' )[ 0 ]
-        workflow_id = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'workflow_id', encoding )
-        title = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'title', encoding )
-        state_variable = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'state_variable', encoding )
-        initial_state = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'initial_state', encoding )
-        states = _extractStateNodes( root, encoding )
-        transitions = _extractTransitionNodes( root, encoding )
-        variables = _extractVariableNodes( root, encoding )
-        worklists = _extractWorklistNodes( root, encoding )
-        permissions = _extractPermissionNodes( root, encoding )
-        scripts = _extractScriptNodes( root, encoding )
-        return ( workflow_id
-               , title
-               , state_variable
-               , initial_state
-               , states
-               , transitions
-               , variables
-               , worklists
-               , permissions
-               , scripts
-               )
-    security.declarePrivate( '_workflowConfig' )
-    _workflowConfig = PageTemplateFile( 'wtcWorkflowExport.xml'
-                                      , _xmldir
-                                      , __name__='workflowConfig'
-                                      )
-    security.declarePrivate( '_extractDCWorkflowInfo' )
-    def _extractDCWorkflowInfo( self, workflow, workflow_info ):
-        """ Append the information for a 'workflow' into 'workflow_info'
-        o 'workflow' must be a DCWorkflowDefinition instance.
-        o 'workflow_info' must be a dictionary.
-        o The following keys will be added to 'workflow_info':
-          'permissions' -- a list of names of permissions managed
-            by the workflow
-          'state_variable' -- the name of the workflow's "main"
-            state variable
-          'initial_state' -- the name of the state in the workflow
-            in which objects start their lifecycle.
-          'variable_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
-            variables tracked by the workflow (see '_extractVariables').
-          'state_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
-            states tracked by the workflow (see '_extractStates').
-          'transition_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
-            transitions tracked by the workflow (see '_extractTransitions').
-          'worklist_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
-            worklists tracked by the workflow (see '_extractWorklists').
-          'script_info' -- a list of mappings describing the scripts which
-            provide added business logic (see '_extractScripts').
-        """
-        workflow_info[ 'filename' ] = _getWorkflowFilename( workflow.getId() )
-        workflow_info[ 'state_variable' ] = workflow.state_var
-        workflow_info[ 'initial_state' ] = workflow.initial_state
-        workflow_info[ 'permissions' ] = workflow.permissions
-        workflow_info[ 'variable_info' ] = self._extractVariables( workflow )
-        workflow_info[ 'state_info' ] = self._extractStates( workflow )
-        workflow_info[ 'transition_info' ] = self._extractTransitions(
-                                                                   workflow )
-        workflow_info[ 'worklist_info' ] = self._extractWorklists( workflow )
-        workflow_info[ 'script_info' ] = self._extractScripts( workflow )
-    security.declarePrivate( '_extractVariables' )
-    def _extractVariables( self, workflow ):
-        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow variables.
-        o Keys for each mapping will include:
-          'id' -- the variable's ID
-          'description' -- a textual description of the variable
-          'for_catalog' -- whether to catalog this variable
-          'for_status' -- whether to ??? this variable (XXX)
-          'update_always' -- whether to update this variable whenever
-            executing a transition (xxX)
-          'default_value' -- a default value for the variable (XXX)
-          'default_expression' -- a TALES expression for the default value
-          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
-            to the variable
-          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
-            to the variable
-          'guard_groups' -- a list of groups guarding the transition
-          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the variable
-        """
-        result = []
-        items = workflow.variables.objectItems()
-        items.sort()
-        for k, v in items:
-            guard = v.getInfoGuard()
-            default_type = _guessVariableType( v.default_value )
-            info = { 'id'                   : k
-                   , 'description'          : v.description
-                   , 'for_catalog'          : bool( v.for_catalog )
-                   , 'for_status'           : bool( v.for_status )
-                   , 'update_always'        : bool( v.update_always )
-                   , 'default_value'        : v.default_value
-                   , 'default_type'         : default_type
-                   , 'default_expr'         : v.getDefaultExprText()
-                   , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.permissions
-                   , 'guard_roles'          : guard.roles
-                   , 'guard_groups'         : guard.groups
-                   , 'guard_expr'           : guard.getExprText()
-                   }
-            result.append( info )
-        return result
-    security.declarePrivate( '_extractStates' )
-    def _extractStates( self, workflow ):
-        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow states.
-        o Within the workflow mapping, each 'state_info' mapping has keys:
-          'id' -- the state's ID
-          'title' -- the state's title
-          'description' -- the state's description
-          'transitions' -- a list of IDs of transitions out of the state
-          'permissions' -- a list of mappings describing the permission
-            map for the state
-          'groups' -- a list of ( group_id, (roles,) ) tuples describing the
-            group-role assignments for the state
-          'variables' -- a list of mapping for the variables
-            to be set when entering the state.
-        o Within the state_info mappings, each 'permissions' mapping
-          has the keys:
-          'name' -- the name of the permission
-          'roles' -- a sequence of role IDs which have the permission
-          'acquired' -- whether roles are acquired for the permission
-        o Within the state_info mappings, each 'variable' mapping
-          has the keys:
-          'name' -- the name of the variable
-          'type' -- the type of the value (allowed values are:
-                    'string', 'datetime', 'bool', 'int')
-          'value' -- the value to be set
-        """
-        result = []
-        items = workflow.states.objectItems()
-        items.sort()
-        for k, v in items:
-            groups = v.group_roles and list( v.group_roles.items() ) or []
-            groups = [ x for x in groups if x[1] ]
-            groups.sort()
-            variables = list( v.getVariableValues() )
-            variables.sort()
-            v_info = []
-            for v_name, value in variables:
-                v_info.append( { 'name' : v_name
-                               , 'type' :_guessVariableType( value )
-                               , 'value' : value
-                               } )
-            info = { 'id'           : k
-                   , 'title'        : v.title
-                   , 'description'  : v.description
-                   , 'transitions'  : v.transitions
-                   , 'permissions'  : self._extractStatePermissions( v )
-                   , 'groups'       : groups
-                   , 'variables'    : v_info
-                   }
-            result.append( info )
-        return result
-    security.declarePrivate( '_extractStatePermissions' )
-    def _extractStatePermissions( self, state ):
-        """ Return a sequence of mappings for the permissions in a state.
-        o Each mapping has the keys:
-          'name' -- the name of the permission
-          'roles' -- a sequence of role IDs which have the permission
-          'acquired' -- whether roles are acquired for the permission
-        """
-        result = []
-        items = state.permission_roles.items()
-        items.sort()
-        for k, v in items:
-            result.append( { 'name' : k
-                           , 'roles' : v
-                           , 'acquired' : not isinstance( v, tuple )
-                           } )
-        return result
-    security.declarePrivate( '_extractTransitions' )
-    def _extractTransitions( self, workflow ):
-        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow transitions.
-        o Each mapping has the keys:
-          'id' -- the transition's ID
-          'title' -- the transition's ID
-          'description' -- the transition's description
-          'new_state_id' -- the ID of the state into which the transition
-            moves an object
-          'trigger_type' -- one of the following values, indicating how the
-            transition is fired:
-            - "AUTOMATIC" -> fired opportunistically whenever the workflow
-               notices that its guard conditions permit
-            - "USER" -> fired in response to user request
-          'script_name' -- the ID of a script to be executed before
-             the transition
-          'after_script_name' -- the ID of a script to be executed after
-             the transition
-          'actbox_name' -- the name of the action by which the user
-             triggers the transition
-          'actbox_url' -- the URL of the action by which the user
-             triggers the transition
-          'actbox_category' -- the category of the action by which the user
-             triggers the transition
-          'variables' -- a list of ( id, expr ) tuples defining how variables
-            are to be set during the transition
-          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding the transition
-          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding the transition
-          'guard_groups' -- a list of groups guarding the transition
-          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding the transition
-        """
-        result = []
-        items = workflow.transitions.objectItems()
-        items.sort()
-        for k, v in items:
-            guard = v.getGuard()
-            v_info = []
-            for v_name, expr in v.getVariableExprs():
-                v_info.append( { 'name' : v_name, 'expr' : expr } )
-            info = { 'id'                   : k
-                   , 'title'                : v.title
-                   , 'description'          : v.description
-                   , 'new_state_id'         : v.new_state_id
-                   , 'trigger_type'         : TRIGGER_TYPES[ v.trigger_type ]
-                   , 'script_name'          : v.script_name
-                   , 'after_script_name'    : v.after_script_name
-                   , 'actbox_name'          : v.actbox_name
-                   , 'actbox_url'           : v.actbox_url
-                   , 'actbox_category'      : v.actbox_category
-                   , 'variables'            : v_info
-                   , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.permissions
-                   , 'guard_roles'          : guard.roles
-                   , 'guard_groups'         : guard.groups
-                   , 'guard_expr'           : guard.getExprText()
-                   }
-            result.append( info )
-        return result
-    security.declarePrivate( '_extractWorklists' )
-    def _extractWorklists( self, workflow ):
-        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow transitions.
-        o Each mapping has the keys:
-          'id' -- the ID of the worklist
-          'title' -- the title of the worklist
-          'description' -- a textual description of the worklist
-          'var_match' -- a list of ( key, value ) tuples defining
-            the variables used to "activate" the worklist.
-          'actbox_name' -- the name of the "action" corresponding to the
-            worklist
-          'actbox_url' -- the URL of the "action" corresponding to the
-            worklist
-          'actbox_category' -- the category of the "action" corresponding
-            to the worklist
-          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
-            to the worklist
-          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
-            to the worklist
-          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the worklist
-        """
-        result = []
-        items = workflow.worklists.objectItems()
-        items.sort()
-        for k, v in items:
-            guard = v.getGuard()
-            var_match = [ ( id, v.getVarMatchText( id ) )
-                            for id in v.getVarMatchKeys() ]
-            info = { 'id'                   : k
-                   , 'title'                : v.title
-                   , 'description'          : v.description
-                   , 'var_match'            : var_match
-                   , 'actbox_name'          : v.actbox_name
-                   , 'actbox_url'           : v.actbox_url
-                   , 'actbox_category'      : v.actbox_category
-                   , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.permissions
-                   , 'guard_roles'          : guard.roles
-                   , 'guard_groups'         : guard.groups
-                   , 'guard_expr'           : guard.getExprText()
-                   }
-            result.append( info )
-        return result
-    security.declarePrivate( '_extractScripts' )
-    def _extractScripts( self, workflow ):
-        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow scripts.
-        o Each mapping has the keys:
-          'id' -- the ID of the script
-          'meta_type' -- the title of the worklist
-          'body' -- the text of the script (only applicable to scripts
-            of type Script (Python))
-          'module' -- The module from where to load the function (only
-            applicable to External Method scripts)
-          'function' -- The function to load from the 'module' given
-            (Only applicable to External Method scripts)
-          'filename' -- the name of the file to / from which the script
-            is stored / loaded (Script (Python) only)
-        """
-        result = []
-        items = workflow.scripts.objectItems()
-        items.sort()
-        for k, v in items:
-            filename = _getScriptFilename( workflow.getId(), k, v.meta_type )
-            body = ''
-            module = ''
-            function = ''
-            if v.meta_type == 'Script (Python)':
-                body = v.read()
-            if v.meta_type == 'External Method':
-                module = v.module()
-                function = v.function()
-            info = { 'id'                   : k
-                   , 'meta_type'            : v.meta_type
-                   , 'body'                 : body
-                   , 'module'               : module
-                   , 'function'             : function
-                   , 'filename'             : filename
-                   }
-            result.append( info )
-        return result
-InitializeClass( WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator )
-def _getWorkflowFilename( workflow_id ):
-    """ Return the name of the file which holds info for a given workflow.
-    """
-    return 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % workflow_id.replace( ' ', '_' )
-def _getScriptFilename( workflow_id, script_id, meta_type ):
-    """ Return the name of the file which holds the script.
-    """
-    wf_dir = workflow_id.replace( ' ', '_' )
-    suffix = _METATYPE_SUFFIXES.get(meta_type, None)
-    if suffix is None:
-        return ''
-    return 'workflows/%s/scripts/%s.%s' % ( wf_dir, script_id, suffix )
-def _extractStateNodes( root, encoding=None ):
-    result = []
-    for s_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'state' ):
-        info = { 'state_id' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'state_id', encoding )
-               , 'title' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'title', encoding )
-               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( s_node, encoding )
-               }
-        info[ 'transitions' ] = [ _getNodeAttribute( x, 'transition_id'
-                                                   , encoding )
-                                  for x in s_node.getElementsByTagName(
-                                                        'exit-transition' ) ]
-        info[ 'permissions' ] = permission_map = {}
-        for p_map in s_node.getElementsByTagName( 'permission-map' ):
-            name = _getNodeAttribute( p_map, 'name', encoding )
-            acquired = _getNodeAttributeBoolean( p_map, 'acquired' )
-            roles = [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
-                        for x in p_map.getElementsByTagName(
-                                            'permission-role' ) ]
-            if not acquired:
-                roles = tuple( roles )
-            permission_map[ name ] = roles
-        info[ 'groups' ] = group_map = []
-        for g_map in s_node.getElementsByTagName( 'group-map' ):
-            name = _getNodeAttribute( g_map, 'name', encoding )
-            roles = [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
-                        for x in g_map.getElementsByTagName(
-                                            'group-role' ) ]
-            group_map.append( ( name, tuple( roles ) ) )
-        info[ 'variables' ] = var_map = {}
-        for assignment in s_node.getElementsByTagName( 'assignment' ):
-            name = _getNodeAttribute( assignment, 'name', encoding )
-            type_id = _getNodeAttribute( assignment, 'type', encoding )
-            value = _coalesceTextNodeChildren( assignment, encoding )
-            var_map[ name ] = { 'name'  : name
-                              , 'type'  : type_id
-                              , 'value' : value
-                              }
-        result.append( info )
-    return result
-def _extractTransitionNodes( root, encoding=None ):
-    result = []
-    for t_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'transition' ):
-        info = { 'transition_id' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'transition_id'
-                                                    , encoding )
-               , 'title' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'title', encoding )
-               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( t_node, encoding )
-               , 'new_state' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'new_state'
-                                                , encoding )
-               , 'trigger' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'trigger', encoding )
-               , 'before_script' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'before_script'
-                                                  , encoding )
-               , 'after_script' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'after_script'
-                                                   , encoding )
-               , 'action' : _extractActionNode( t_node, encoding )
-               , 'guard' : _extractGuardNode( t_node, encoding )
-               }
-        info[ 'variables' ] = var_map = {}
-        for assignment in t_node.getElementsByTagName( 'assignment' ):
-            name = _getNodeAttribute( assignment, 'name', encoding )
-            expr = _coalesceTextNodeChildren( assignment, encoding )
-            var_map[ name ] = expr
-        result.append( info )
-    return result
-def _extractVariableNodes( root, encoding=None ):
-    result = []
-    for v_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'variable' ):
-        info = { 'variable_id' : _getNodeAttribute( v_node, 'variable_id'
-                                                    , encoding )
-               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( v_node, encoding )
-               , 'for_catalog' : _getNodeAttributeBoolean( v_node
-                                                         , 'for_catalog'
-                                                         )
-               , 'for_status' : _getNodeAttributeBoolean( v_node
-                                                        , 'for_status'
-                                                        )
-               , 'update_always' : _getNodeAttributeBoolean( v_node
-                                                           , 'update_always'
-                                                           )
-               , 'default' : _extractDefaultNode( v_node, encoding )
-               , 'guard' : _extractGuardNode( v_node, encoding )
-               }
-        result.append( info )
-    return result
-def _extractWorklistNodes( root, encoding=None ):
-    result = []
-    for w_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'worklist' ):
-        info = { 'worklist_id' : _getNodeAttribute( w_node, 'worklist_id'
-                                                    , encoding )
-               , 'title' : _getNodeAttribute( w_node, 'title' , encoding )
-               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( w_node, encoding )
-               , 'match' : _extractMatchNode( w_node, encoding )
-               , 'action' : _extractActionNode( w_node, encoding )
-               , 'guard' : _extractGuardNode( w_node, encoding )
-               }
-        result.append( info )
-    return result
-def _extractScriptNodes( root, encoding=None ):
-    result = []
-    for s_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'script' ):
-        try:
-            function = _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'function' )
-        except ValueError:
-            function = ''
-        try:
-            module = _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'module' )
-        except ValueError:
-            module = ''
-        info = { 'script_id' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'script_id' )
-               , 'meta_type' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'type' , encoding )
-               , 'function'  : function
-               , 'module'    : module
-               }
-        filename = _queryNodeAttribute( s_node, 'filename' , None, encoding )
-        if filename is not None:
-            info[ 'filename' ] = filename
-        result.append( info )
-    return result
-def _extractPermissionNodes( root, encoding=None ):
-    result = []
-    for p_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'permission' ):
-        result.append( _coalesceTextNodeChildren( p_node, encoding ) )
-    return result
-def _extractActionNode( parent, encoding=None ):
-    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'action' )
-    assert len( nodes ) <= 1, nodes
-    if len( nodes ) < 1:
-        return { 'name' : '', 'url' : '', 'category' : '' }
-    node = nodes[ 0 ]
-    return { 'name' : _coalesceTextNodeChildren( node, encoding )
-           , 'url' : _getNodeAttribute( node, 'url', encoding )
-           , 'category' : _getNodeAttribute( node, 'category', encoding )
-           }
-def _extractGuardNode( parent, encoding=None ):
-    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'guard' )
-    assert len( nodes ) <= 1, nodes
-    if len( nodes ) < 1:
-        return { 'permissions' : (), 'roles' : (), 'groups' : (), 'expr' : '' }
-    node = nodes[ 0 ]
-    expr_nodes = node.getElementsByTagName( 'guard-expression' )
-    assert( len( expr_nodes ) <= 1 )
-    expr_text = expr_nodes and _coalesceTextNodeChildren( expr_nodes[ 0 ]
-                                                        , encoding
-                                                        ) or ''
-    return { 'permissions' : [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
-                                for x in node.getElementsByTagName(
-                                                    'guard-permission' ) ]
-           , 'roles' : [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
-                          for x in node.getElementsByTagName( 'guard-role' ) ]
-           , 'groups' : [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
-                          for x in node.getElementsByTagName( 'guard-group' ) ]
-           , 'expression' : expr_text
-           }
-def _extractDefaultNode( parent, encoding=None ):
-    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'default' )
-    assert len( nodes ) <= 1, nodes
-    if len( nodes ) < 1:
-        return { 'value' : '', 'expression' : '', 'type' : 'n/a' }
-    node = nodes[ 0 ]
-    value_nodes = node.getElementsByTagName( 'value' )
-    assert( len( value_nodes ) <= 1 )
-    value_type = 'n/a'
-    if value_nodes:
-        value_type = value_nodes[ 0 ].getAttribute( 'type' ) or 'n/a'
-    value_text = value_nodes and _coalesceTextNodeChildren( value_nodes[ 0 ]
-                                                          , encoding
-                                                          ) or ''
-    expr_nodes = node.getElementsByTagName( 'expression' )
-    assert( len( expr_nodes ) <= 1 )
-    expr_text = expr_nodes and _coalesceTextNodeChildren( expr_nodes[ 0 ]
-                                                        , encoding
-                                                        ) or ''
-    return { 'value' : value_text
-           , 'type' : value_type
-           , 'expression' : expr_text
-           }
-_SEMICOLON_LIST_SPLITTER = re.compile( r';[ ]*' )
-def _extractMatchNode( parent, encoding=None ):
-    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'match' )
-    result = {}
-    for node in nodes:
-        name = _getNodeAttribute( node, 'name', encoding )
-        values = _getNodeAttribute( node, 'values', encoding )
-        result[ name ] = _SEMICOLON_LIST_SPLITTER.split( values )
-    return result
-def _guessVariableType( value ):
-    from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
-    if value is None:
-        return 'none'
-    if isinstance( value, DateTime ):
-        return 'datetime'
-    if isinstance( value, bool ):
-        return 'bool'
-    if isinstance( value, int ):
-        return 'int'
-    if isinstance( value, float ):
-        return 'float'
-    if isinstance( value, basestring ):
-        return 'string'
-    return 'unknown'
-def _convertVariableValue( value, type_id ):
-    from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
-    if type_id == 'none':
-        return None
-    if type_id == 'datetime':
-        return DateTime( value )
-    if type_id == 'bool':
-        if isinstance( value, basestring ):
-            value = str( value ).lower()
-            return value in ( 'true', 'yes', '1' )
-        else:
-            return bool( value )
-    if type_id == 'int':
-        return int( value )
-    if type_id == 'float':
-        return float( value )
-    return value
-from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript
-from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import ExternalMethod
-from OFS.DTMLMethod import DTMLMethod
-{ PythonScript.meta_type : 'py'
-, DTMLMethod.meta_type : 'dtml'
-def _initDCWorkflow( workflow
-                   , title
-                   , state_variable
-                   , initial_state
-                   , states
-                   , transitions
-                   , variables
-                   , worklists
-                   , permissions
-                   , scripts
-                   , context
-                   ):
-    """ Initialize a DC Workflow using values parsed from XML.
-    """
-    workflow.title = title
-    workflow.state_var = state_variable
-    workflow.initial_state = initial_state
-    permissions = permissions[:]
-    permissions.sort()
-    workflow.permissions = tuple(permissions)
-    _initDCWorkflowVariables( workflow, variables )
-    _initDCWorkflowStates( workflow, states )
-    _initDCWorkflowTransitions( workflow, transitions )
-    _initDCWorkflowWorklists( workflow, worklists )
-    _initDCWorkflowScripts( workflow, scripts, context )
-def _initDCWorkflowVariables( workflow, variables ):
-    """ Initialize DCWorkflow variables
-    """
-    from Products.DCWorkflow.Variables import VariableDefinition
-    for v_info in variables:
-        id = str( v_info[ 'variable_id' ] ) # no unicode!
-        v = VariableDefinition( id )
-        workflow.variables._setObject( id, v )
-        v = workflow.variables._getOb( id )
-        guard = v_info[ 'guard' ]
-        props = { 'guard_roles' : ';'.join( guard[ 'roles' ] )
-                , 'guard_permissions' : ';'.join( guard[ 'permissions' ] )
-                , 'guard_groups' : ';'.join( guard[ 'groups' ] )
-                , 'guard_expr' : guard[ 'expression' ]
-                }
-        default = v_info[ 'default' ]
-        default_value = _convertVariableValue( default[ 'value' ]
-                                             , default[ 'type' ] )
-        v.setProperties( description = v_info[ 'description' ]
-                       , default_value = default_value
-                       , default_expr = default[ 'expression' ]
-                       , for_catalog = v_info[ 'for_catalog' ]
-                       , for_status = v_info[ 'for_status' ]
-                       , update_always = v_info[ 'update_always' ]
-                       , props = props
-                       )
-def _initDCWorkflowStates( workflow, states ):
-    """ Initialize DCWorkflow states
-    """
-    from Globals import PersistentMapping
-    from Products.DCWorkflow.States import StateDefinition
-    for s_info in states:
-        id = str( s_info[ 'state_id' ] ) # no unicode!
-        s = StateDefinition( id )
-        workflow.states._setObject( id, s )
-        s = workflow.states._getOb( id )
-        s.setProperties( title = s_info[ 'title' ]
-                       , description = s_info[ 'description' ]
-                       , transitions = s_info[ 'transitions' ]
-                       )
-        for k, v in s_info[ 'permissions' ].items():
-            s.setPermission( k, isinstance(v, list), v )
-        gmap = s.group_roles = PersistentMapping()
-        for group_id, roles in s_info[ 'groups' ]:
-            gmap[ group_id ] = roles
-        vmap = s.var_values = PersistentMapping()
-        for name, v_info in s_info[ 'variables' ].items():
-            value = _convertVariableValue( v_info[ 'value' ]
-                                         , v_info[ 'type' ] )
-            vmap[ name ] = value
-def _initDCWorkflowTransitions( workflow, transitions ):
-    """ Initialize DCWorkflow transitions
-    """
-    from Globals import PersistentMapping
-    from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TransitionDefinition
-    for t_info in transitions:
-        id = str( t_info[ 'transition_id' ] ) # no unicode!
-        t = TransitionDefinition( id )
-        workflow.transitions._setObject( id, t )
-        t = workflow.transitions._getOb( id )
-        trigger_type = list( TRIGGER_TYPES ).index( t_info[ 'trigger' ] )
-        action = t_info[ 'action' ]
-        guard = t_info[ 'guard' ]
-        props = { 'guard_roles' : ';'.join( guard[ 'roles' ] )
-                , 'guard_permissions' : ';'.join( guard[ 'permissions' ] )
-                , 'guard_groups' : ';'.join( guard[ 'groups' ] )
-                , 'guard_expr' : guard[ 'expression' ]
-                }
-        t.setProperties( title = t_info[ 'title' ]
-                       , description = t_info[ 'description' ]
-                       , new_state_id = t_info[ 'new_state' ]
-                       , trigger_type = trigger_type
-                       , script_name = t_info[ 'before_script' ]
-                       , after_script_name = t_info[ 'after_script' ]
-                       , actbox_name = action[ 'name' ]
-                       , actbox_url = action[ 'url' ]
-                       , actbox_category = action[ 'category' ]
-                       , props = props
-                       )
-        t.var_exprs = PersistentMapping( t_info[ 'variables' ].items() )
-def _initDCWorkflowWorklists( workflow, worklists ):
-    """ Initialize DCWorkflow worklists
-    """
-    from Globals import PersistentMapping
-    from Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists import WorklistDefinition
-    for w_info in worklists:
-        id = str( w_info[ 'worklist_id' ] ) # no unicode!
-        w = WorklistDefinition( id )
-        workflow.worklists._setObject( id, w )
-        w = workflow.worklists._getOb( id )
-        action = w_info[ 'action' ]
-        guard = w_info[ 'guard' ]
-        props = { 'guard_roles' : ';'.join( guard[ 'roles' ] )
-                , 'guard_permissions' : ';'.join( guard[ 'permissions' ] )
-                , 'guard_groups' : ';'.join( guard[ 'groups' ] )
-                , 'guard_expr' : guard[ 'expression' ]
-                }
-        w.setProperties( description = w_info[ 'description' ]
-                       , actbox_name = action[ 'name' ]
-                       , actbox_url = action[ 'url' ]
-                       , actbox_category = action[ 'category' ]
-                       , props = props
-                       )
-        w.var_matches = PersistentMapping()
-        for k, v in w_info[ 'match' ].items():
-            w.var_matches[ str( k ) ] = tuple( [ str(x) for x in v ] )
-def _initDCWorkflowScripts( workflow, scripts, context ):
-    """ Initialize DCWorkflow scripts
-    """
-    for s_info in scripts:
-        id = str( s_info[ 'script_id' ] ) # no unicode!
-        meta_type = s_info[ 'meta_type' ]
-        filename = s_info[ 'filename' ]
-        file = ''
-        if filename:
-            file = context.readDataFile( filename )
-        if meta_type == PythonScript.meta_type:
-            script = PythonScript( id )
-            script.write( file )
-        elif meta_type == ExternalMethod.meta_type:
-            script = ExternalMethod( id
-                                   , ''
-                                   , s_info['module']
-                                   , s_info['function']
-                                   )
-        elif meta_type == DTMLMethod.meta_type:
-            script = DTMLMethod( file, __name__=id )
-        workflow.scripts._setObject( id, script )
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool

Deleted: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcToolExport.xml
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcToolExport.xml	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcToolExport.xml	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-        xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal">
- <workflow
-        workflow_id="WORKFLOW_ID"
-        meta_type="META_TYPE"
-        tal:repeat="workflow here/listWorkflowInfo"
-        tal:attributes="workflow_id workflow/id;
-                        meta_type workflow/meta_type;
-                        filename workflow/filename | default;
-                       " />
- <bindings
-        tal:define="chains here/listWorkflowChains;
-                    default_chain python: chains[ 0 ][ 1 ];
-                    overrides python: chains[ 1: ];
-                   ">
-  <default>
-   <bound-workflow
-        workflow_id="WORKFLOW_ID"
-        tal:repeat="bound default_chain"
-        tal:attributes="workflow_id bound" />
-  </default>
-  <type 
-        type_id="TYPE_ID"
-        tal:repeat="binding overrides"
-        tal:attributes="type_id python: binding[ 0 ]">
-   <bound-workflow
-        workflow_id="WORKFLOW_ID"
-        tal:repeat="bound python: binding[ 1 ]"
-        tal:attributes="workflow_id bound" />
-  </type>
- </bindings>

Deleted: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcWorkflowExport.xml
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcWorkflowExport.xml	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcWorkflowExport.xml	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-        xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal"
-        workflow_id="dcworkflow"
-        title="Some DCWorkflow"
-        state_variable="review_state" 
-        initial_state="visible" 
-        tal:define="info python: here.getWorkflowInfo(
-                                                options[ 'workflow_id' ] )"
-        tal:attributes="workflow_id info/id;
-                        title info/title;
-                        state_variable info/state_variable;
-                        initial_state info/initial_state">
- <permission
-        tal:repeat="permission info/permissions"
-        tal:content="permission">PERMISSION</permission>
- <state
-        state_id="pending"
-        title="Waiting for reviewer"
-        tal:repeat="state info/state_info"
-        tal:attributes="state_id state/id;
-                        title state/title;
-                       "
- ><tal:case tal:condition="state/description">
-  <description
-        tal:content="state/description">DESCRIPTION</description></tal:case>
-  <exit-transition
-        transition_id="TRANSITION_ID"
-        tal:repeat="exit state/transitions"
-        tal:attributes="transition_id exit"
-        />
-  <permission-map
-        name=""
-        acquired="True"
-        tal:repeat="perm state/permissions"
-        tal:attributes="name perm/name;
-                        acquired perm/acquired;
-                       ">
-   <permission-role
-        tal:repeat="role perm/roles"
-        tal:content="role">ROLE</permission-role>
-  </permission-map>
-  <group-map
-        name=""
-        tal:repeat="group state/groups"
-        tal:attributes="name python: group[ 0 ];
-                       ">
-   <group-role
-        tal:repeat="role python: group[ 1 ]"
-        tal:content="role">ROLE</group-role>
-  </group-map>
-  <assignment
-        name="VAR_NAME"
-        type="VAR_TYPE"
-        tal:repeat="var state/variables"
-        tal:attributes="name var/name;
-                        type var/type;
-                       "
-        tal:content="var/value">VALUE</assignment>
- </state>
- <transition
-        transition_id="Publish"
-        title="Reviewer publishes content"
-        new_state="published"
-        trigger="USER"
-        before_script=""
-        after_script=""
-        tal:repeat="transition info/transition_info"
-        tal:attributes="transition_id transition/id;
-                        title transition/title;
-                        new_state transition/new_state_id;
-                        trigger transition/trigger_type;
-                        before_script transition/script_name;
-                        after_script transition/after_script_name;
-                       "
- ><tal:case tal:condition="transition/description">
-  <description
-      tal:content="transition/description">DESCRIPTION</description></tal:case>
-  <action
-        url="URL"
-        category="CATEGORY"
-        tal:condition="transition/actbox_name"
-        tal:attributes="url transition/actbox_url;
-                        category transition/actbox_category;
-                       "
-        tal:content="transition/actbox_name">ACTION NAME</action>
-  <guard
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="transition/guard_permissions">
-   <guard-permission
-       tal:repeat="permission transition/guard_permissions"
-       tal:content="permission">PERMISSION</guard-permission></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="transition/guard_roles">
-   <guard-role
-       tal:repeat="role transition/guard_roles"
-       tal:content="role">ROLE</guard-role></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="transition/guard_groups">
-   <guard-group
-       tal:repeat="group transition/guard_groups"
-       tal:content="group">GROUP</guard-group></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="transition/guard_expr">
-   <guard-expression
-       tal:content="transition/guard_expr">EXPRESSION</guard-expression
-  ></tal:case>
-  </guard>
-  <assignment
-        name="VAR_NAME"
-        tal:repeat="var transition/variables"
-        tal:attributes="name var/name"
-        tal:content="var/expr">EXPRESSION</assignment>
- </transition>
- <worklist
-        worklist_id="reviewer_queue"
-        title="For Review"
-        tal:repeat="worklist info/worklist_info"
-        tal:attributes="worklist_id worklist/id;
-                        title worklist/title;
-                       "
- ><tal:case tal:condition="worklist/description">
-  <description
-        tal:content="worklist/description">DESCRIPTION</description></tal:case>
-  <action
-        url="URL"
-        category="CATEGORY"
-        tal:condition="worklist/actbox_name"
-        tal:attributes="url worklist/actbox_url;
-                        category worklist/actbox_category;
-                       "
-        tal:content="worklist/actbox_name">ACTION NAME</action>
-  <guard
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="worklist/guard_permissions">
-   <guard-permission
-       tal:repeat="permission worklist/guard_permissions"
-       tal:content="permission">PERMISSION</guard-permission></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="worklist/guard_roles">
-   <guard-role
-       tal:repeat="role worklist/guard_roles"
-       tal:content="role">ROLE</guard-role></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="worklist/guard_groups">
-   <guard-group
-       tal:repeat="group worklist/guard_groups"
-       tal:content="group">GROUP</guard-group></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="worklist/guard_expr">
-   <guard-expression
-       tal:content="worklist/guard_expr">EXPRESSION</guard-expression
-  ></tal:case>
-  </guard>
-  <match
-        name="review_state"
-        values="pending" 
-        tal:repeat="match worklist/var_match"
-        tal:attributes="name python: match[ 0 ];
-                        values python: match[ 1 ];
-                       "
-        />
- </worklist>
- <variable
-        variable_id="action"
-        for_catalog="True"
-        for_status="True"
-        update_always="True" 
-        tal:repeat="variable info/variable_info"
-        tal:attributes="variable_id variable/id;
-                        for_catalog variable/for_catalog;
-                        for_status variable/for_status;
-                        update_always variable/update_always;
-                       "
- ><tal:case tal:condition="variable/description">
-  <description
-       tal:content="variable/description">DESCRIPTION</description></tal:case>
-  <default>
-   <value
-       type="VAR_TYPE"
-       tal:attributes="type variable/default_type"
-       tal:condition="variable/default_value"
-       tal:content="variable/default_value">VALUE</value>
-   <expression
-       tal:condition="variable/default_expr"
-       tal:content="variable/default_expr">EXPRESSION</expression>
-  </default>
-  <guard
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="variable/guard_permissions">
-   <guard-permission
-       tal:repeat="permission variable/guard_permissions"
-       tal:content="permission">PERMISSION</guard-permission></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="variable/guard_roles">
-   <guard-role
-       tal:repeat="role variable/guard_roles"
-       tal:content="role">ROLE</guard-role></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="variable/guard_groups">
-   <guard-group
-       tal:repeat="group variable/guard_groups"
-       tal:content="group">GROUP</guard-group></tal:case
-  ><tal:case tal:condition="variable/guard_expr">
-   <guard-expression
-       tal:content="variable/guard_expr">EXPRESSION</guard-expression
-  ></tal:case>
-  </guard>
- </variable>
- <script
-        script_id="SCRIPT_ID"
-        type="Script (Python)"
-        filename="/path/to/SCRIPT_ID.py"
-        module=""
-        function=""
-        tal:repeat="script info/script_info"
-        tal:attributes="script_id script/id;
-                        type script/meta_type;
-                        filename script/filename;
-                        module script/module;
-                        function script/function
-                       "
-        />

Modified: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/DCWorkflow.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/DCWorkflow.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/DCWorkflow.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException
 # DCWorkflow
+from interfaces import IDCWorkflowDefinition
 from permissions import ManagePortal
 from utils import modifyRolesForPermission
 from utils import modifyRolesForGroup
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
     UI methods are in WorkflowUIMixin.
-    implements(IWorkflowDefinition)
+    implements(IDCWorkflowDefinition, IWorkflowDefinition)
     __implements__ = z2IWorkflowDefinition
     title = 'DC Workflow Definition'

Copied: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/Extensions (from rev 40305, CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/Extensions)

Modified: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/configure.zcml
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/configure.zcml	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/configure.zcml	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -12,4 +12,11 @@
+  <adapter
+      factory=".exportimport.DCWorkflowDefinitionBodyAdapter"
+      provides="Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.IBody"
+      for=".interfaces.IDCWorkflowDefinition
+           Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.ISetupContext"
+      />

Copied: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/exportimport.py (from rev 40305, CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/workflow.py)
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/workflow.py	2005-11-21 19:08:48 UTC (rev 40305)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/exportimport.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -0,0 +1,1225 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""DCWorkflow export / import support.
+import re
+from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from Acquisition import Implicit
+from Globals import InitializeClass
+from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile
+from Products.GenericSetup.utils import BodyAdapterBase
+from utils import _xmldir
+from DCWorkflow import DCWorkflowDefinition
+from interfaces import IDCWorkflowDefinition
+from permissions import ManagePortal
+_FILENAME = 'workflows.xml'
+class DCWorkflowDefinitionBodyAdapter(BodyAdapterBase):
+    """Body im- and exporter for DCWorkflowDefinition.
+    """
+    __used_for__ = IDCWorkflowDefinition
+    def _exportBody(self):
+        """Export the object as a file body.
+        """
+        wfdc = WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator(self.context)
+        return wfdc.__of__(self.context).generateWorkflowXML()
+    def _importBody(self, body):
+        """Import the object from the file body.
+        """
+        encoding = 'utf-8'
+        wfdc = WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator(self.context)
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = wfdc.parseWorkflowXML(body, encoding)
+        _initDCWorkflow( self.context
+                       , title
+                       , state_variable
+                       , initial_state
+                       , states
+                       , transitions
+                       , variables
+                       , worklists
+                       , permissions
+                       , scripts
+                       , self.environ
+                       )
+    body = property(_exportBody, _importBody)
+    mime_type = 'text/xml'
+    suffix = '/definition.xml'
+class WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator( Implicit ):
+    """ Synthesize XML description of site's workflows.
+    """
+    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        self._obj = obj
+    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'getWorkflowInfo' )
+    def getWorkflowInfo( self, workflow_id ):
+        """ Return a mapping describing a given workflow.
+        o Keys in the mappings:
+          'id' -- the ID of the workflow within the tool
+          'meta_type' -- the workflow's meta_type
+          'title' -- the workflow's title property
+        o See '_extractDCWorkflowInfo' below for keys present only for
+          DCWorkflow definitions.
+        """
+        workflow = self._obj
+        workflow_info = { 'id'          : workflow_id
+                        , 'meta_type'   : workflow.meta_type
+                        , 'title'       : workflow.title_or_id()
+                        }
+        if workflow.meta_type == DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type:
+            self._extractDCWorkflowInfo( workflow, workflow_info )
+        return workflow_info
+    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'generateWorkflowXML' )
+    def generateWorkflowXML(self):
+        """ Pseudo API.
+        """
+        return self._workflowConfig(workflow_id=self._obj.getId())
+    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'generateWorkflowScripts' )
+    def getWorkflowScripts(self):
+        """ Get workflow scripts information
+        """
+        return self._extractScripts(self._obj)
+    security.declareProtected( ManagePortal, 'parseWorkflowXML' )
+    def parseWorkflowXML( self, xml, encoding=None ):
+        """ Pseudo API.
+        """
+        dom = parseString( xml )
+        root = dom.getElementsByTagName( 'dc-workflow' )[ 0 ]
+        workflow_id = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'workflow_id', encoding )
+        title = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'title', encoding )
+        state_variable = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'state_variable', encoding )
+        initial_state = _getNodeAttribute( root, 'initial_state', encoding )
+        states = _extractStateNodes( root, encoding )
+        transitions = _extractTransitionNodes( root, encoding )
+        variables = _extractVariableNodes( root, encoding )
+        worklists = _extractWorklistNodes( root, encoding )
+        permissions = _extractPermissionNodes( root, encoding )
+        scripts = _extractScriptNodes( root, encoding )
+        return ( workflow_id
+               , title
+               , state_variable
+               , initial_state
+               , states
+               , transitions
+               , variables
+               , worklists
+               , permissions
+               , scripts
+               )
+    security.declarePrivate( '_workflowConfig' )
+    _workflowConfig = PageTemplateFile( 'wtcWorkflowExport.xml'
+                                      , _xmldir
+                                      , __name__='workflowConfig'
+                                      )
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractDCWorkflowInfo' )
+    def _extractDCWorkflowInfo( self, workflow, workflow_info ):
+        """ Append the information for a 'workflow' into 'workflow_info'
+        o 'workflow' must be a DCWorkflowDefinition instance.
+        o 'workflow_info' must be a dictionary.
+        o The following keys will be added to 'workflow_info':
+          'permissions' -- a list of names of permissions managed
+            by the workflow
+          'state_variable' -- the name of the workflow's "main"
+            state variable
+          'initial_state' -- the name of the state in the workflow
+            in which objects start their lifecycle.
+          'variable_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
+            variables tracked by the workflow (see '_extractVariables').
+          'state_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
+            states tracked by the workflow (see '_extractStates').
+          'transition_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
+            transitions tracked by the workflow (see '_extractTransitions').
+          'worklist_info' -- a list of mappings describing the
+            worklists tracked by the workflow (see '_extractWorklists').
+          'script_info' -- a list of mappings describing the scripts which
+            provide added business logic (see '_extractScripts').
+        """
+        workflow_info[ 'state_variable' ] = workflow.state_var
+        workflow_info[ 'initial_state' ] = workflow.initial_state
+        workflow_info[ 'permissions' ] = workflow.permissions
+        workflow_info[ 'variable_info' ] = self._extractVariables( workflow )
+        workflow_info[ 'state_info' ] = self._extractStates( workflow )
+        workflow_info[ 'transition_info' ] = self._extractTransitions(
+                                                                   workflow )
+        workflow_info[ 'worklist_info' ] = self._extractWorklists( workflow )
+        workflow_info[ 'script_info' ] = self._extractScripts( workflow )
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractVariables' )
+    def _extractVariables( self, workflow ):
+        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow variables.
+        o Keys for each mapping will include:
+          'id' -- the variable's ID
+          'description' -- a textual description of the variable
+          'for_catalog' -- whether to catalog this variable
+          'for_status' -- whether to ??? this variable (XXX)
+          'update_always' -- whether to update this variable whenever
+            executing a transition (xxX)
+          'default_value' -- a default value for the variable (XXX)
+          'default_expression' -- a TALES expression for the default value
+          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
+            to the variable
+          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
+            to the variable
+          'guard_groups' -- a list of groups guarding the transition
+          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the variable
+        """
+        result = []
+        items = workflow.variables.objectItems()
+        items.sort()
+        for k, v in items:
+            guard = v.getInfoGuard()
+            default_type = _guessVariableType( v.default_value )
+            info = { 'id'                   : k
+                   , 'description'          : v.description
+                   , 'for_catalog'          : bool( v.for_catalog )
+                   , 'for_status'           : bool( v.for_status )
+                   , 'update_always'        : bool( v.update_always )
+                   , 'default_value'        : v.default_value
+                   , 'default_type'         : default_type
+                   , 'default_expr'         : v.getDefaultExprText()
+                   , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.permissions
+                   , 'guard_roles'          : guard.roles
+                   , 'guard_groups'         : guard.groups
+                   , 'guard_expr'           : guard.getExprText()
+                   }
+            result.append( info )
+        return result
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractStates' )
+    def _extractStates( self, workflow ):
+        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow states.
+        o Within the workflow mapping, each 'state_info' mapping has keys:
+          'id' -- the state's ID
+          'title' -- the state's title
+          'description' -- the state's description
+          'transitions' -- a list of IDs of transitions out of the state
+          'permissions' -- a list of mappings describing the permission
+            map for the state
+          'groups' -- a list of ( group_id, (roles,) ) tuples describing the
+            group-role assignments for the state
+          'variables' -- a list of mapping for the variables
+            to be set when entering the state.
+        o Within the state_info mappings, each 'permissions' mapping
+          has the keys:
+          'name' -- the name of the permission
+          'roles' -- a sequence of role IDs which have the permission
+          'acquired' -- whether roles are acquired for the permission
+        o Within the state_info mappings, each 'variable' mapping
+          has the keys:
+          'name' -- the name of the variable
+          'type' -- the type of the value (allowed values are:
+                    'string', 'datetime', 'bool', 'int')
+          'value' -- the value to be set
+        """
+        result = []
+        items = workflow.states.objectItems()
+        items.sort()
+        for k, v in items:
+            groups = v.group_roles and list( v.group_roles.items() ) or []
+            groups = [ x for x in groups if x[1] ]
+            groups.sort()
+            variables = list( v.getVariableValues() )
+            variables.sort()
+            v_info = []
+            for v_name, value in variables:
+                v_info.append( { 'name' : v_name
+                               , 'type' :_guessVariableType( value )
+                               , 'value' : value
+                               } )
+            info = { 'id'           : k
+                   , 'title'        : v.title
+                   , 'description'  : v.description
+                   , 'transitions'  : v.transitions
+                   , 'permissions'  : self._extractStatePermissions( v )
+                   , 'groups'       : groups
+                   , 'variables'    : v_info
+                   }
+            result.append( info )
+        return result
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractStatePermissions' )
+    def _extractStatePermissions( self, state ):
+        """ Return a sequence of mappings for the permissions in a state.
+        o Each mapping has the keys:
+          'name' -- the name of the permission
+          'roles' -- a sequence of role IDs which have the permission
+          'acquired' -- whether roles are acquired for the permission
+        """
+        result = []
+        items = state.permission_roles.items()
+        items.sort()
+        for k, v in items:
+            result.append( { 'name' : k
+                           , 'roles' : v
+                           , 'acquired' : not isinstance( v, tuple )
+                           } )
+        return result
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractTransitions' )
+    def _extractTransitions( self, workflow ):
+        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow transitions.
+        o Each mapping has the keys:
+          'id' -- the transition's ID
+          'title' -- the transition's ID
+          'description' -- the transition's description
+          'new_state_id' -- the ID of the state into which the transition
+            moves an object
+          'trigger_type' -- one of the following values, indicating how the
+            transition is fired:
+            - "AUTOMATIC" -> fired opportunistically whenever the workflow
+               notices that its guard conditions permit
+            - "USER" -> fired in response to user request
+          'script_name' -- the ID of a script to be executed before
+             the transition
+          'after_script_name' -- the ID of a script to be executed after
+             the transition
+          'actbox_name' -- the name of the action by which the user
+             triggers the transition
+          'actbox_url' -- the URL of the action by which the user
+             triggers the transition
+          'actbox_category' -- the category of the action by which the user
+             triggers the transition
+          'variables' -- a list of ( id, expr ) tuples defining how variables
+            are to be set during the transition
+          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding the transition
+          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding the transition
+          'guard_groups' -- a list of groups guarding the transition
+          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding the transition
+        """
+        result = []
+        items = workflow.transitions.objectItems()
+        items.sort()
+        for k, v in items:
+            guard = v.getGuard()
+            v_info = []
+            for v_name, expr in v.getVariableExprs():
+                v_info.append( { 'name' : v_name, 'expr' : expr } )
+            info = { 'id'                   : k
+                   , 'title'                : v.title
+                   , 'description'          : v.description
+                   , 'new_state_id'         : v.new_state_id
+                   , 'trigger_type'         : TRIGGER_TYPES[ v.trigger_type ]
+                   , 'script_name'          : v.script_name
+                   , 'after_script_name'    : v.after_script_name
+                   , 'actbox_name'          : v.actbox_name
+                   , 'actbox_url'           : v.actbox_url
+                   , 'actbox_category'      : v.actbox_category
+                   , 'variables'            : v_info
+                   , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.permissions
+                   , 'guard_roles'          : guard.roles
+                   , 'guard_groups'         : guard.groups
+                   , 'guard_expr'           : guard.getExprText()
+                   }
+            result.append( info )
+        return result
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractWorklists' )
+    def _extractWorklists( self, workflow ):
+        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow transitions.
+        o Each mapping has the keys:
+          'id' -- the ID of the worklist
+          'title' -- the title of the worklist
+          'description' -- a textual description of the worklist
+          'var_match' -- a list of ( key, value ) tuples defining
+            the variables used to "activate" the worklist.
+          'actbox_name' -- the name of the "action" corresponding to the
+            worklist
+          'actbox_url' -- the URL of the "action" corresponding to the
+            worklist
+          'actbox_category' -- the category of the "action" corresponding
+            to the worklist
+          'guard_permissions' -- a list of permissions guarding access
+            to the worklist
+          'guard_roles' -- a list of roles guarding access
+            to the worklist
+          'guard_expr' -- an expression guarding access to the worklist
+        """
+        result = []
+        items = workflow.worklists.objectItems()
+        items.sort()
+        for k, v in items:
+            guard = v.getGuard()
+            var_match = [ ( id, v.getVarMatchText( id ) )
+                            for id in v.getVarMatchKeys() ]
+            info = { 'id'                   : k
+                   , 'title'                : v.title
+                   , 'description'          : v.description
+                   , 'var_match'            : var_match
+                   , 'actbox_name'          : v.actbox_name
+                   , 'actbox_url'           : v.actbox_url
+                   , 'actbox_category'      : v.actbox_category
+                   , 'guard_permissions'    : guard.permissions
+                   , 'guard_roles'          : guard.roles
+                   , 'guard_groups'         : guard.groups
+                   , 'guard_expr'           : guard.getExprText()
+                   }
+            result.append( info )
+        return result
+    security.declarePrivate( '_extractScripts' )
+    def _extractScripts( self, workflow ):
+        """ Return a sequence of mappings describing DCWorkflow scripts.
+        o Each mapping has the keys:
+          'id' -- the ID of the script
+          'meta_type' -- the title of the worklist
+          'body' -- the text of the script (only applicable to scripts
+            of type Script (Python))
+          'module' -- The module from where to load the function (only
+            applicable to External Method scripts)
+          'function' -- The function to load from the 'module' given
+            (Only applicable to External Method scripts)
+          'filename' -- the name of the file to / from which the script
+            is stored / loaded (Script (Python) only)
+        """
+        result = []
+        items = workflow.scripts.objectItems()
+        items.sort()
+        for k, v in items:
+            filename = _getScriptFilename( workflow.getId(), k, v.meta_type )
+            module = ''
+            function = ''
+            if v.meta_type == 'External Method':
+                module = v.module()
+                function = v.function()
+            info = { 'id'                   : k
+                   , 'meta_type'            : v.meta_type
+                   , 'module'               : module
+                   , 'function'             : function
+                   , 'filename'             : filename
+                   }
+            result.append( info )
+        return result
+InitializeClass( WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator )
+def _getScriptFilename( workflow_id, script_id, meta_type ):
+    """ Return the name of the file which holds the script.
+    """
+    wf_dir = workflow_id.replace( ' ', '_' )
+    suffix = _METATYPE_SUFFIXES.get(meta_type, None)
+    if suffix is None:
+        return ''
+    return 'workflows/%s/scripts/%s.%s' % ( wf_dir, script_id, suffix )
+def _extractStateNodes( root, encoding=None ):
+    result = []
+    for s_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'state' ):
+        info = { 'state_id' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'state_id', encoding )
+               , 'title' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'title', encoding )
+               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( s_node, encoding )
+               }
+        info[ 'transitions' ] = [ _getNodeAttribute( x, 'transition_id'
+                                                   , encoding )
+                                  for x in s_node.getElementsByTagName(
+                                                        'exit-transition' ) ]
+        info[ 'permissions' ] = permission_map = {}
+        for p_map in s_node.getElementsByTagName( 'permission-map' ):
+            name = _getNodeAttribute( p_map, 'name', encoding )
+            acquired = _getNodeAttributeBoolean( p_map, 'acquired' )
+            roles = [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
+                        for x in p_map.getElementsByTagName(
+                                            'permission-role' ) ]
+            if not acquired:
+                roles = tuple( roles )
+            permission_map[ name ] = roles
+        info[ 'groups' ] = group_map = []
+        for g_map in s_node.getElementsByTagName( 'group-map' ):
+            name = _getNodeAttribute( g_map, 'name', encoding )
+            roles = [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
+                        for x in g_map.getElementsByTagName(
+                                            'group-role' ) ]
+            group_map.append( ( name, tuple( roles ) ) )
+        info[ 'variables' ] = var_map = {}
+        for assignment in s_node.getElementsByTagName( 'assignment' ):
+            name = _getNodeAttribute( assignment, 'name', encoding )
+            type_id = _getNodeAttribute( assignment, 'type', encoding )
+            value = _coalesceTextNodeChildren( assignment, encoding )
+            var_map[ name ] = { 'name'  : name
+                              , 'type'  : type_id
+                              , 'value' : value
+                              }
+        result.append( info )
+    return result
+def _extractTransitionNodes( root, encoding=None ):
+    result = []
+    for t_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'transition' ):
+        info = { 'transition_id' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'transition_id'
+                                                    , encoding )
+               , 'title' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'title', encoding )
+               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( t_node, encoding )
+               , 'new_state' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'new_state'
+                                                , encoding )
+               , 'trigger' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'trigger', encoding )
+               , 'before_script' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'before_script'
+                                                  , encoding )
+               , 'after_script' : _getNodeAttribute( t_node, 'after_script'
+                                                   , encoding )
+               , 'action' : _extractActionNode( t_node, encoding )
+               , 'guard' : _extractGuardNode( t_node, encoding )
+               }
+        info[ 'variables' ] = var_map = {}
+        for assignment in t_node.getElementsByTagName( 'assignment' ):
+            name = _getNodeAttribute( assignment, 'name', encoding )
+            expr = _coalesceTextNodeChildren( assignment, encoding )
+            var_map[ name ] = expr
+        result.append( info )
+    return result
+def _extractVariableNodes( root, encoding=None ):
+    result = []
+    for v_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'variable' ):
+        info = { 'variable_id' : _getNodeAttribute( v_node, 'variable_id'
+                                                    , encoding )
+               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( v_node, encoding )
+               , 'for_catalog' : _getNodeAttributeBoolean( v_node
+                                                         , 'for_catalog'
+                                                         )
+               , 'for_status' : _getNodeAttributeBoolean( v_node
+                                                        , 'for_status'
+                                                        )
+               , 'update_always' : _getNodeAttributeBoolean( v_node
+                                                           , 'update_always'
+                                                           )
+               , 'default' : _extractDefaultNode( v_node, encoding )
+               , 'guard' : _extractGuardNode( v_node, encoding )
+               }
+        result.append( info )
+    return result
+def _extractWorklistNodes( root, encoding=None ):
+    result = []
+    for w_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'worklist' ):
+        info = { 'worklist_id' : _getNodeAttribute( w_node, 'worklist_id'
+                                                    , encoding )
+               , 'title' : _getNodeAttribute( w_node, 'title' , encoding )
+               , 'description' : _extractDescriptionNode( w_node, encoding )
+               , 'match' : _extractMatchNode( w_node, encoding )
+               , 'action' : _extractActionNode( w_node, encoding )
+               , 'guard' : _extractGuardNode( w_node, encoding )
+               }
+        result.append( info )
+    return result
+def _extractScriptNodes( root, encoding=None ):
+    result = []
+    for s_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'script' ):
+        try:
+            function = _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'function' )
+        except ValueError:
+            function = ''
+        try:
+            module = _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'module' )
+        except ValueError:
+            module = ''
+        info = { 'script_id' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'script_id' )
+               , 'meta_type' : _getNodeAttribute( s_node, 'type' , encoding )
+               , 'function'  : function
+               , 'module'    : module
+               }
+        filename = _queryNodeAttribute( s_node, 'filename' , None, encoding )
+        if filename is not None:
+            info[ 'filename' ] = filename
+        result.append( info )
+    return result
+def _extractPermissionNodes( root, encoding=None ):
+    result = []
+    for p_node in root.getElementsByTagName( 'permission' ):
+        result.append( _coalesceTextNodeChildren( p_node, encoding ) )
+    return result
+def _extractActionNode( parent, encoding=None ):
+    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'action' )
+    assert len( nodes ) <= 1, nodes
+    if len( nodes ) < 1:
+        return { 'name' : '', 'url' : '', 'category' : '' }
+    node = nodes[ 0 ]
+    return { 'name' : _coalesceTextNodeChildren( node, encoding )
+           , 'url' : _getNodeAttribute( node, 'url', encoding )
+           , 'category' : _getNodeAttribute( node, 'category', encoding )
+           }
+def _extractGuardNode( parent, encoding=None ):
+    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'guard' )
+    assert len( nodes ) <= 1, nodes
+    if len( nodes ) < 1:
+        return { 'permissions' : (), 'roles' : (), 'groups' : (), 'expr' : '' }
+    node = nodes[ 0 ]
+    expr_nodes = node.getElementsByTagName( 'guard-expression' )
+    assert( len( expr_nodes ) <= 1 )
+    expr_text = expr_nodes and _coalesceTextNodeChildren( expr_nodes[ 0 ]
+                                                        , encoding
+                                                        ) or ''
+    return { 'permissions' : [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
+                                for x in node.getElementsByTagName(
+                                                    'guard-permission' ) ]
+           , 'roles' : [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
+                          for x in node.getElementsByTagName( 'guard-role' ) ]
+           , 'groups' : [ _coalesceTextNodeChildren( x, encoding )
+                          for x in node.getElementsByTagName( 'guard-group' ) ]
+           , 'expression' : expr_text
+           }
+def _extractDefaultNode( parent, encoding=None ):
+    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'default' )
+    assert len( nodes ) <= 1, nodes
+    if len( nodes ) < 1:
+        return { 'value' : '', 'expression' : '', 'type' : 'n/a' }
+    node = nodes[ 0 ]
+    value_nodes = node.getElementsByTagName( 'value' )
+    assert( len( value_nodes ) <= 1 )
+    value_type = 'n/a'
+    if value_nodes:
+        value_type = value_nodes[ 0 ].getAttribute( 'type' ) or 'n/a'
+    value_text = value_nodes and _coalesceTextNodeChildren( value_nodes[ 0 ]
+                                                          , encoding
+                                                          ) or ''
+    expr_nodes = node.getElementsByTagName( 'expression' )
+    assert( len( expr_nodes ) <= 1 )
+    expr_text = expr_nodes and _coalesceTextNodeChildren( expr_nodes[ 0 ]
+                                                        , encoding
+                                                        ) or ''
+    return { 'value' : value_text
+           , 'type' : value_type
+           , 'expression' : expr_text
+           }
+_SEMICOLON_LIST_SPLITTER = re.compile( r';[ ]*' )
+def _extractMatchNode( parent, encoding=None ):
+    nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName( 'match' )
+    result = {}
+    for node in nodes:
+        name = _getNodeAttribute( node, 'name', encoding )
+        values = _getNodeAttribute( node, 'values', encoding )
+        result[ name ] = _SEMICOLON_LIST_SPLITTER.split( values )
+    return result
+def _guessVariableType( value ):
+    from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
+    if value is None:
+        return 'none'
+    if isinstance( value, DateTime ):
+        return 'datetime'
+    if isinstance( value, bool ):
+        return 'bool'
+    if isinstance( value, int ):
+        return 'int'
+    if isinstance( value, float ):
+        return 'float'
+    if isinstance( value, basestring ):
+        return 'string'
+    return 'unknown'
+def _convertVariableValue( value, type_id ):
+    from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
+    if type_id == 'none':
+        return None
+    if type_id == 'datetime':
+        return DateTime( value )
+    if type_id == 'bool':
+        if isinstance( value, basestring ):
+            value = str( value ).lower()
+            return value in ( 'true', 'yes', '1' )
+        else:
+            return bool( value )
+    if type_id == 'int':
+        return int( value )
+    if type_id == 'float':
+        return float( value )
+    return value
+from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript
+from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import ExternalMethod
+from OFS.DTMLMethod import DTMLMethod
+{ PythonScript.meta_type : 'py'
+, DTMLMethod.meta_type : 'dtml'
+def _initDCWorkflow( workflow
+                   , title
+                   , state_variable
+                   , initial_state
+                   , states
+                   , transitions
+                   , variables
+                   , worklists
+                   , permissions
+                   , scripts
+                   , context
+                   ):
+    """ Initialize a DC Workflow using values parsed from XML.
+    """
+    workflow.title = title
+    workflow.state_var = state_variable
+    workflow.initial_state = initial_state
+    permissions = permissions[:]
+    permissions.sort()
+    workflow.permissions = tuple(permissions)
+    _initDCWorkflowVariables( workflow, variables )
+    _initDCWorkflowStates( workflow, states )
+    _initDCWorkflowTransitions( workflow, transitions )
+    _initDCWorkflowWorklists( workflow, worklists )
+    _initDCWorkflowScripts( workflow, scripts, context )
+def _initDCWorkflowVariables( workflow, variables ):
+    """ Initialize DCWorkflow variables
+    """
+    from Products.DCWorkflow.Variables import VariableDefinition
+    for v_info in variables:
+        id = str( v_info[ 'variable_id' ] ) # no unicode!
+        v = VariableDefinition( id )
+        workflow.variables._setObject( id, v )
+        v = workflow.variables._getOb( id )
+        guard = v_info[ 'guard' ]
+        props = { 'guard_roles' : ';'.join( guard[ 'roles' ] )
+                , 'guard_permissions' : ';'.join( guard[ 'permissions' ] )
+                , 'guard_groups' : ';'.join( guard[ 'groups' ] )
+                , 'guard_expr' : guard[ 'expression' ]
+                }
+        default = v_info[ 'default' ]
+        default_value = _convertVariableValue( default[ 'value' ]
+                                             , default[ 'type' ] )
+        v.setProperties( description = v_info[ 'description' ]
+                       , default_value = default_value
+                       , default_expr = default[ 'expression' ]
+                       , for_catalog = v_info[ 'for_catalog' ]
+                       , for_status = v_info[ 'for_status' ]
+                       , update_always = v_info[ 'update_always' ]
+                       , props = props
+                       )
+def _initDCWorkflowStates( workflow, states ):
+    """ Initialize DCWorkflow states
+    """
+    from Globals import PersistentMapping
+    from Products.DCWorkflow.States import StateDefinition
+    for s_info in states:
+        id = str( s_info[ 'state_id' ] ) # no unicode!
+        s = StateDefinition( id )
+        workflow.states._setObject( id, s )
+        s = workflow.states._getOb( id )
+        s.setProperties( title = s_info[ 'title' ]
+                       , description = s_info[ 'description' ]
+                       , transitions = s_info[ 'transitions' ]
+                       )
+        for k, v in s_info[ 'permissions' ].items():
+            s.setPermission( k, isinstance(v, list), v )
+        gmap = s.group_roles = PersistentMapping()
+        for group_id, roles in s_info[ 'groups' ]:
+            gmap[ group_id ] = roles
+        vmap = s.var_values = PersistentMapping()
+        for name, v_info in s_info[ 'variables' ].items():
+            value = _convertVariableValue( v_info[ 'value' ]
+                                         , v_info[ 'type' ] )
+            vmap[ name ] = value
+def _initDCWorkflowTransitions( workflow, transitions ):
+    """ Initialize DCWorkflow transitions
+    """
+    from Globals import PersistentMapping
+    from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TransitionDefinition
+    for t_info in transitions:
+        id = str( t_info[ 'transition_id' ] ) # no unicode!
+        t = TransitionDefinition( id )
+        workflow.transitions._setObject( id, t )
+        t = workflow.transitions._getOb( id )
+        trigger_type = list( TRIGGER_TYPES ).index( t_info[ 'trigger' ] )
+        action = t_info[ 'action' ]
+        guard = t_info[ 'guard' ]
+        props = { 'guard_roles' : ';'.join( guard[ 'roles' ] )
+                , 'guard_permissions' : ';'.join( guard[ 'permissions' ] )
+                , 'guard_groups' : ';'.join( guard[ 'groups' ] )
+                , 'guard_expr' : guard[ 'expression' ]
+                }
+        t.setProperties( title = t_info[ 'title' ]
+                       , description = t_info[ 'description' ]
+                       , new_state_id = t_info[ 'new_state' ]
+                       , trigger_type = trigger_type
+                       , script_name = t_info[ 'before_script' ]
+                       , after_script_name = t_info[ 'after_script' ]
+                       , actbox_name = action[ 'name' ]
+                       , actbox_url = action[ 'url' ]
+                       , actbox_category = action[ 'category' ]
+                       , props = props
+                       )
+        t.var_exprs = PersistentMapping( t_info[ 'variables' ].items() )
+def _initDCWorkflowWorklists( workflow, worklists ):
+    """ Initialize DCWorkflow worklists
+    """
+    from Globals import PersistentMapping
+    from Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists import WorklistDefinition
+    for w_info in worklists:
+        id = str( w_info[ 'worklist_id' ] ) # no unicode!
+        w = WorklistDefinition( id )
+        workflow.worklists._setObject( id, w )
+        w = workflow.worklists._getOb( id )
+        action = w_info[ 'action' ]
+        guard = w_info[ 'guard' ]
+        props = { 'guard_roles' : ';'.join( guard[ 'roles' ] )
+                , 'guard_permissions' : ';'.join( guard[ 'permissions' ] )
+                , 'guard_groups' : ';'.join( guard[ 'groups' ] )
+                , 'guard_expr' : guard[ 'expression' ]
+                }
+        w.setProperties( description = w_info[ 'description' ]
+                       , actbox_name = action[ 'name' ]
+                       , actbox_url = action[ 'url' ]
+                       , actbox_category = action[ 'category' ]
+                       , props = props
+                       )
+        w.var_matches = PersistentMapping()
+        for k, v in w_info[ 'match' ].items():
+            w.var_matches[ str( k ) ] = tuple( [ str(x) for x in v ] )
+def _initDCWorkflowScripts( workflow, scripts, context ):
+    """ Initialize DCWorkflow scripts
+    """
+    for s_info in scripts:
+        id = str( s_info[ 'script_id' ] ) # no unicode!
+        meta_type = s_info[ 'meta_type' ]
+        filename = s_info[ 'filename' ]
+        file = ''
+        if filename:
+            file = context.readDataFile( filename )
+        if meta_type == PythonScript.meta_type:
+            script = PythonScript( id )
+            script.write( file )
+        elif meta_type == ExternalMethod.meta_type:
+            script = ExternalMethod( id
+                                   , ''
+                                   , s_info['module']
+                                   , s_info['function']
+                                   )
+        elif meta_type == DTMLMethod.meta_type:
+            script = DTMLMethod( file, __name__=id )
+        workflow.scripts._setObject( id, script )
+#   deprecated DOM parsing utilities
+_marker = object()
+def _queryNodeAttribute( node, attr_name, default, encoding=None ):
+    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
+    o Return 'default' if the attribute is not present.
+    """
+    attr_node = node.attributes.get( attr_name, _marker )
+    if attr_node is _marker:
+        return default
+    value = attr_node.nodeValue
+    if encoding is not None:
+        value = value.encode( encoding )
+    return value
+def _getNodeAttribute( node, attr_name, encoding=None ):
+    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
+    """
+    value = _queryNodeAttribute( node, attr_name, _marker, encoding )
+    if value is _marker:
+        raise ValueError, 'Invalid attribute: %s' % attr_name
+    return value
+def _queryNodeAttributeBoolean( node, attr_name, default ):
+    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
+    o Return 'default' if the attribute is not present.
+    """
+    attr_node = node.attributes.get( attr_name, _marker )
+    if attr_node is _marker:
+        return default
+    value = node.attributes[ attr_name ].nodeValue.lower()
+    return value in ( 'true', 'yes', '1' )
+def _getNodeAttributeBoolean( node, attr_name ):
+    """ Extract a string-valued attribute from node.
+    """
+    value = node.attributes[ attr_name ].nodeValue.lower()
+    return value in ( 'true', 'yes', '1' )
+def _coalesceTextNodeChildren( node, encoding=None ):
+    """ Concatenate all childe text nodes into a single string.
+    """
+    from xml.dom import Node
+    fragments = []
+    node.normalize()
+    child = node.firstChild
+    while child is not None:
+        if child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
+            fragments.append( child.nodeValue )
+        child = child.nextSibling
+    joined = ''.join( fragments )
+    if encoding is not None:
+        joined = joined.encode( encoding )
+    return ''.join( [ line.lstrip() for line in joined.splitlines(True) ] )
+def _extractDescriptionNode(parent, encoding=None):
+    d_nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName('description')
+    if d_nodes:
+        return _coalesceTextNodeChildren(d_nodes[0], encoding)
+    else:
+        return ''

Added: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/interfaces.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/interfaces.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/interfaces.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""DCWorkflow interfaces.
+from zope.interface import Interface
+class IDCWorkflowDefinition(Interface):
+    """Web-configurable workflow definition.
+    """

Property changes on: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/interfaces.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/tests/test_exportimport.py (from rev 40305, CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/tests/test_workflow.py)
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/tests/test_workflow.py	2005-11-21 19:08:48 UTC (rev 40305)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/tests/test_exportimport.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -0,0 +1,2337 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""DCWorkflow export / import unit tests.
+import unittest
+import Testing
+import Products
+from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript
+from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import ExternalMethod
+from Products.Five import zcml
+import Products.GenericSetup.PythonScripts
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_workflow \
+        import _BINDINGS_TOOL_EXPORT
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_workflow import _DUMMY_ZCML
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_workflow \
+        import _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_workflow \
+        import _WorkflowSetup as WorkflowSetupBase
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_workflow import DummyWorkflow
+from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.tests.test_workflow \
+        import DummyWorkflowTool
+from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import DCWorkflowDefinition
+from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
+from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_AUTOMATIC
+from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyExportContext
+from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyImportContext
+class _GuardChecker:
+    def _genGuardProps( self, permissions, roles, groups, expr ):
+        return { 'guard_permissions'   : '; '.join( permissions )
+               , 'guard_roles'         : '; '.join( roles )
+               , 'guard_groups'        : '; '.join( groups )
+               , 'guard_expr'          : expr
+               }
+    def _assertGuard( self, info, permissions, roles, groups, expr ):
+        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'guard_permissions' ] )
+                        , len( permissions ) )
+        for expected in permissions:
+            self.failUnless( expected in info[ 'guard_permissions' ] )
+        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'guard_roles' ] )
+                        , len( roles ) )
+        for expected in roles:
+            self.failUnless( expected in info[ 'guard_roles' ] )
+        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'guard_groups' ] )
+                        , len( groups ) )
+        for expected in groups:
+            self.failUnless( expected in info[ 'guard_groups' ] )
+        self.assertEqual( info[ 'guard_expr' ], expr )
+class _WorkflowSetup(WorkflowSetupBase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        WorkflowSetupBase.setUp(self)
+        zcml.load_config('permissions.zcml', Products.Five)
+        zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.DCWorkflow)
+        zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.GenericSetup.PythonScripts)
+        zcml.load_string(_DUMMY_ZCML)
+    def _initDCWorkflow( self, workflow_id ):
+        wf_tool = self.root.site.portal_workflow
+        wf_tool._setObject( workflow_id, DCWorkflowDefinition( workflow_id ) )
+        return wf_tool._getOb( workflow_id )
+    def _initVariables( self, dcworkflow ):
+        for id, args in _WF_VARIABLES.items():
+            dcworkflow.variables.addVariable( id )
+            variable = dcworkflow.variables._getOb( id )
+            ( descr, def_val, def_exp, for_cat, for_stat, upd_alw
+            ) = args[ :-4 ]
+            variable.setProperties( description=args[0]
+                                  , default_value=args[1]
+                                  , default_expr=args[2]
+                                  , for_catalog=args[3]
+                                  , for_status=args[4]
+                                  , update_always=args[5]
+                                  , props=self._genGuardProps( *args[ -4: ] )
+                                  )
+    def _initStates( self, dcworkflow ):
+        dcworkflow.groups = _WF_GROUPS
+        for k, v in _WF_STATES.items():
+            dcworkflow.states.addState( k )
+            state = dcworkflow.states._getOb( k )
+            state.setProperties( title=v[ 0 ]
+                               , description=v[ 1 ]
+                               , transitions=v[ 2 ]
+                               )
+            if not v[ 3 ]:
+                state.permission_roles = {}
+            for permission, roles in v[ 3 ].items():
+                state.setPermission( permission
+                                   , not isinstance( roles, tuple )
+                                   , roles
+                                   )
+            faux_request = {}
+            for group_id, roles in v[ 4 ]:
+                for role in roles:
+                    faux_request[ '%s|%s' % ( group_id, role ) ] = True
+            state.setGroups( REQUEST=faux_request )
+            for k, v in v[ 5 ].items():
+                state.addVariable( k, v )
+    def _initTransitions( self, dcworkflow ):
+        for k, v in _WF_TRANSITIONS.items():
+            dcworkflow.transitions.addTransition( k )
+            transition = dcworkflow.transitions._getOb( k )
+            transition.setProperties( title=v[ 0 ]
+                                    , description=v[ 1 ]
+                                    , new_state_id=v[ 2 ]
+                                    , trigger_type=v[ 3 ]
+                                    , script_name=v[ 4 ]
+                                    , after_script_name=v[ 5 ]
+                                    , actbox_name=v[ 6 ]
+                                    , actbox_url=v[ 7 ]
+                                    , actbox_category=v[ 8 ]
+                                    , props=self._genGuardProps( *v[ -4: ] )
+                                    )
+            for k, v in v[ 9 ].items():
+                transition.addVariable( k, v )
+    def _initWorklists( self, dcworkflow ):
+        for k, v in _WF_WORKLISTS.items():
+            dcworkflow.worklists.addWorklist( k )
+            worklist = dcworkflow.worklists._getOb( k )
+            worklist.title = v[ 0 ]
+            props=self._genGuardProps( *v[ -4: ] )
+            for var_id, matches in v[ 2 ].items():
+                props[ 'var_match_%s' % var_id ] = ';'.join( matches )
+            worklist.setProperties( description=v[ 1 ]
+                                  , actbox_name=v[ 3 ]
+                                  , actbox_url=v[ 4 ]
+                                  , actbox_category=v[ 5 ]
+                                  , props=props
+                                  )
+    def _initScripts( self, dcworkflow ):
+        for k, v in _WF_SCRIPTS.items():
+            if v[ 0 ] == PythonScript.meta_type:
+                script = PythonScript( k )
+                script.write( v[ 1 ] )
+            elif v[ 0 ] == ExternalMethod.meta_type:
+                script = ExternalMethod(k,'', v[3], v[4])
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, 'Unknown script type: %s' % v[ 0 ]
+            dcworkflow.scripts._setObject( k, script )
+class WorkflowDefinitionConfiguratorTests( _WorkflowSetup, _GuardChecker ):
+    def _getTargetClass( self ):
+        from Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport \
+                import WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator
+        return WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator
+    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_defaults( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_defaults'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
+        self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], WF_ID )
+        self.assertEqual( info[ 'meta_type' ], DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type )
+        self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], dcworkflow.title )
+        self.assertEqual( info[ 'state_variable' ], dcworkflow.state_var )
+        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'permissions' ] ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'variable_info' ] ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'state_info' ] ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( info[ 'transition_info' ] ), 0 )
+    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_permissions( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_permissions'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
+        permissions = info[ 'permissions' ]
+        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( _WF_PERMISSIONS ) )
+        for permission in _WF_PERMISSIONS:
+            self.failUnless( permission in permissions )
+    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_variables( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_variables'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
+        variable_info = info[ 'variable_info' ]
+        self.assertEqual( len( variable_info ), len( _WF_VARIABLES ) )
+        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in variable_info ]
+        for k in _WF_VARIABLES.keys():
+            self.failUnless( k in ids )
+        for info in variable_info:
+            expected = _WF_VARIABLES[ info[ 'id' ] ]
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'default_value' ], expected[ 1 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'default_expr' ], expected[ 2 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'for_catalog' ], expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'for_status' ], expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'update_always' ], expected[ 5 ] )
+            self._assertGuard( info, *expected[ -4: ] )
+    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_states( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_states'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
+        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
+        self.assertEqual( info[ 'state_variable' ], dcworkflow.state_var )
+        self.assertEqual( info[ 'initial_state' ], dcworkflow.initial_state )
+        state_info = info[ 'state_info' ]
+        self.assertEqual( len( state_info ), len( _WF_STATES ) )
+        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in state_info ]
+        for k in _WF_STATES.keys():
+            self.failUnless( k in ids )
+        for info in state_info:
+            expected = _WF_STATES[ info[ 'id' ] ]
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 1 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'transitions' ], expected[ 2 ] )
+            permissions = info[ 'permissions' ]
+            self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( expected[ 3 ] ) )
+            for ep_id, ep_roles in expected[ 3 ].items():
+                fp = [ x for x in permissions if x[ 'name' ] == ep_id ][ 0 ]
+                self.assertEqual( fp[ 'acquired' ]
+                                , not isinstance( ep_roles, tuple ) )
+                self.assertEqual( len( fp[ 'roles' ] ), len( ep_roles ) )
+                for ep_role in ep_roles:
+                    self.failUnless( ep_role in fp[ 'roles' ] )
+            groups = info[ 'groups' ]
+            self.assertEqual( len( groups ), len( expected[ 4 ] ) )
+            for i in range( len( groups ) ):
+                self.assertEqual( groups[ i ], expected[ 4 ][ i ] )
+            variables = info[ 'variables' ]
+            self.assertEqual( len( variables ), len( expected[ 5 ] ) )
+            for v_info in variables:
+                name, type, value = ( v_info[ 'name' ]
+                                    , v_info[ 'type' ], v_info[ 'value' ] )
+                self.assertEqual( value, expected[ 5 ][ name ] )
+                if isinstance( value, bool ):
+                    self.assertEqual( type, 'bool' )
+                elif isinstance( value, int ):
+                    self.assertEqual( type, 'int' )
+                elif isinstance( value, float ):
+                    self.assertEqual( type, 'float' )
+                elif isinstance( value, basestring ):
+                    self.assertEqual( type, 'string' )
+    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_transitions( self ):
+        from Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport import TRIGGER_TYPES
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_transitions'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
+        transition_info = info[ 'transition_info' ]
+        self.assertEqual( len( transition_info ), len( _WF_TRANSITIONS ) )
+        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in transition_info ]
+        for k in _WF_TRANSITIONS.keys():
+            self.failUnless( k in ids )
+        for info in transition_info:
+            expected = _WF_TRANSITIONS[ info[ 'id' ] ]
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 1 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'new_state_id' ], expected[ 2 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'trigger_type' ]
+                            , TRIGGER_TYPES[ expected[ 3 ] ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'script_name' ], expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'after_script_name' ], expected[ 5 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_name' ], expected[ 6 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_url' ], expected[ 7 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_category' ], expected[ 8 ] )
+            variables = info[ 'variables' ]
+            self.assertEqual( len( variables ), len( expected[ 9 ] ) )
+            for v_info in variables:
+                self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'expr' ]
+                                , expected[ 9 ][ v_info[ 'name' ] ] )
+            self._assertGuard( info, *expected[ -4: ] )
+    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_worklists( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_worklists'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
+        worklist_info = info[ 'worklist_info' ]
+        self.assertEqual( len( worklist_info ), len( _WF_WORKLISTS ) )
+        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in worklist_info ]
+        for k in _WF_WORKLISTS.keys():
+            self.failUnless( k in ids )
+        for info in worklist_info:
+            expected = _WF_WORKLISTS[ info[ 'id' ] ]
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], expected[ 1 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_name' ], expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_url' ], expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'actbox_category' ], expected[ 5 ] )
+            var_match = info[ 'var_match' ]
+            self.assertEqual( len( var_match ), len( expected[ 2 ] ) )
+            for var_id, values_txt in var_match:
+                values = [ x.strip() for x in values_txt.split( ';' ) ]
+                e_values = expected[ 2 ][ var_id ]
+                self.assertEqual( len( values ), len( e_values ) )
+                for e_value in e_values:
+                    self.failUnless( e_value in values )
+            self._assertGuard( info, *expected[ -4: ] )
+    def test_getWorkflowInfo_dcworkflow_scripts( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_scripts'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        info = configurator.getWorkflowInfo( WF_ID )
+        script_info = info[ 'script_info' ]
+        self.assertEqual( len( script_info ), len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
+        ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in script_info ]
+        for k in _WF_SCRIPTS.keys():
+            self.failUnless( k in ids )
+        for info in script_info:
+            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ info[ 'id' ] ]
+            self.assertEqual( info[ 'meta_type' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            if info[ 'meta_type' ] == PythonScript.meta_type:
+                self.assertEqual( info[ 'filename' ]
+                                , expected[ 2 ] % WF_ID )
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual( info[ 'filename' ], expected[ 2 ] )
+    def test_generateXML_empty( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'empty'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Empty DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'initial'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE
+        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML()
+                        , _EMPTY_WORKFLOW_EXPORT % ( WF_ID
+                                                   , WF_TITLE
+                                                   , WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                                                   ) )
+    def test_generateWorkflowXML_normal( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID )
+        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE
+        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
+        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
+        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
+        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
+        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
+        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
+        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow).__of__(site)
+        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML()
+                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+    def test_generateWorkflowXML_multiple( self ):
+        WF_ID_1 = 'dc1'
+        WF_TITLE_1 = 'Normal DCWorkflow #1'
+        WF_ID_2 = 'dc2'
+        WF_TITLE_2 = 'Normal DCWorkflow #2'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow_1 = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_1 )
+        dcworkflow_1.title = WF_TITLE_1
+        dcworkflow_1.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
+        dcworkflow_1.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
+        self._initVariables( dcworkflow_1 )
+        self._initStates( dcworkflow_1 )
+        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow_1 )
+        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow_1 )
+        self._initScripts( dcworkflow_1 )
+        dcworkflow_2 = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_2 )
+        dcworkflow_2.title = WF_TITLE_2
+        dcworkflow_2.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
+        dcworkflow_2.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
+        self._initVariables( dcworkflow_2 )
+        self._initStates( dcworkflow_2 )
+        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow_2 )
+        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow_2 )
+        self._initScripts( dcworkflow_2 )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow_1).__of__(site)
+        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML()
+                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_1
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_1
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_1.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        configurator = self._makeOne(dcworkflow_2).__of__(site)
+        self._compareDOM( configurator.generateWorkflowXML()
+                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_2
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_2
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_2.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_empty( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'empty'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Empty DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'initial'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML( _EMPTY_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                                         % ( WF_ID
+                                           , WF_TITLE
+                                           , WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                                           ) )
+        self.assertEqual( len( states ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( transitions ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( variables ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( worklists ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( scripts ), 0 )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_attribs( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
+                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( workflow_id, WF_ID )
+        self.assertEqual( title, WF_TITLE )
+        self.assertEqual( state_variable, 'state' )
+        self.assertEqual( initial_state, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_states( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
+                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( len( states ), len( _WF_STATES ) )
+        for state in states:
+            state_id = state[ 'state_id' ]
+            self.failUnless( state_id in _WF_STATES )
+            expected = _WF_STATES[ state_id ]
+            self.assertEqual( state[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            description = ''.join( state[ 'description' ] )
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in description )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( state[ 'transitions' ] ), expected[ 2 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( state[ 'permissions' ], expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( state[ 'groups' ] )
+                            , tuple( expected[ 4 ] ) )
+            for k, v_info in state[ 'variables' ].items():
+                exp_value = expected[ 5 ][ k ]
+                self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'value' ], str( exp_value ) )
+                if isinstance( exp_value, bool ):
+                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'bool' )
+                elif isinstance( exp_value, int ):
+                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'int' )
+                elif isinstance( exp_value, float ):
+                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'float' )
+                elif isinstance( exp_value, basestring ):
+                    self.assertEqual( v_info[ 'type' ], 'string' )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_transitions( self ):
+        from Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport import TRIGGER_TYPES
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
+                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( len( transitions ), len( _WF_TRANSITIONS ) )
+        for transition in transitions:
+            transition_id = transition[ 'transition_id' ]
+            self.failUnless( transition_id in _WF_TRANSITIONS )
+            expected = _WF_TRANSITIONS[ transition_id ]
+            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            description = ''.join( transition[ 'description' ] )
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in description )
+            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'new_state' ], expected[ 2 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'trigger' ]
+                            , TRIGGER_TYPES[ expected[ 3 ] ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'before_script' ], expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'after_script' ]
+                            , expected[ 5 ] )
+            action = transition[ 'action' ]
+            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'name', '' ), expected[ 6 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'url', '' ), expected[ 7 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'category', '' ), expected[ 8 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition[ 'variables' ], expected[ 9 ] )
+            guard = transition[ 'guard' ]
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'permissions', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 10 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'roles', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 11 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'groups', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 12 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.get( 'expression', '' ), expected[ 13 ] )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_variables( self ):
+        from Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport import TRIGGER_TYPES
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
+                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( len( variables ), len( _WF_VARIABLES ) )
+        for variable in variables:
+            variable_id = variable[ 'variable_id' ]
+            self.failUnless( variable_id in _WF_VARIABLES )
+            expected = _WF_VARIABLES[ variable_id ]
+            description = ''.join( variable[ 'description' ] )
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 0 ] in description )
+            default = variable[ 'default' ]
+            self.assertEqual( default[ 'value' ], expected[ 1 ] )
+            exp_type = 'n/a'
+            if expected[ 1 ]:
+                exp_value = expected[ 1 ]
+                if isinstance( exp_value, bool ):
+                    exp_type = 'bool'
+                elif isinstance( exp_value, int ):
+                    exp_type = 'int'
+                elif isinstance( exp_value, float ):
+                    exp_type = 'float'
+                elif isinstance( exp_value, basestring ):
+                    exp_type = 'string'
+                else:
+                    exp_type = 'XXX'
+            self.assertEqual( default[ 'type' ], exp_type )
+            self.assertEqual( default[ 'expression' ], expected[ 2 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( variable[ 'for_catalog' ], expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( variable[ 'for_status' ], expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( variable[ 'update_always' ], expected[ 5 ] )
+            guard = variable[ 'guard' ]
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'permissions', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 6 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'roles', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 7 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'groups', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 8 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.get( 'expression', '' ), expected[ 9 ] )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_worklists( self ):
+        from Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport import TRIGGER_TYPES
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
+                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( len( worklists ), len( _WF_WORKLISTS ) )
+        for worklist in worklists:
+            worklist_id = worklist[ 'worklist_id' ]
+            self.failUnless( worklist_id in _WF_WORKLISTS )
+            expected = _WF_WORKLISTS[ worklist_id ]
+            self.assertEqual( worklist[ 'title' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            description = ''.join( worklist[ 'description' ] )
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in description )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( worklist[ 'match' ] )
+                            , tuple( expected[ 2 ] ) )
+            action = worklist[ 'action' ]
+            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'name', '' ), expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'url', '' ), expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( action.get( 'category', '' ), expected[ 5 ] )
+            guard = worklist[ 'guard' ]
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'permissions', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 6 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'roles', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 7 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( tuple( guard.get( 'groups', () ) )
+                            , expected[ 8 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.get( 'expression', '' ), expected[ 9 ] )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_permissions( self ):
+        from Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport import TRIGGER_TYPES
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
+                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( _WF_PERMISSIONS ) )
+        for permission in permissions:
+            self.failUnless( permission in _WF_PERMISSIONS )
+    def test_parseWorkflowXML_normal_scripts( self ):
+        from Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport import TRIGGER_TYPES
+        WF_ID = 'normal'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Normal DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        configurator = self._makeOne( site ).__of__( site )
+        ( workflow_id
+        , title
+        , state_variable
+        , initial_state
+        , states
+        , transitions
+        , variables
+        , worklists
+        , permissions
+        , scripts
+        ) = configurator.parseWorkflowXML(
+                          _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( len( scripts ), len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
+        for script in scripts:
+            script_id = script[ 'script_id' ]
+            self.failUnless( script_id in _WF_SCRIPTS )
+            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ script_id ]
+            self.assertEqual( script[ 'meta_type' ], expected[ 0 ] )
+            # Body is not kept as part of the workflow XML
+            if script[ 'meta_type' ] == PythonScript.meta_type:
+                self.assertEqual( script[ 'filename' ]
+                                , expected[ 2 ] % workflow_id )
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual( script[ 'filename' ], expected[ 2 ] )
+( 'Open content for modifications'
+, 'Modify content'
+, 'Query history'
+, 'Restore expired content'
+( 'Content_owners'
+, 'Content_assassins'
+{ 'when_opened':  ( 'Opened when'
+                  , ''
+                  , "python:None"
+                  , True
+                  , False
+                  , True
+                  , ( 'Query history', 'Open content for modifications' )
+                  , ()
+                  , ()
+                  , ""
+                  )
+, 'when_expired': ( 'Expired when'
+                  , ''
+                  , "nothing"
+                  , True
+                  , False
+                  , True
+                  , ( 'Query history', 'Open content for modifications' )
+                  , ()
+                  , ()
+                  , ""
+                  )
+, 'killed_by':    ( 'Killed by'
+                  , 'n/a'
+                  , ""
+                  , True
+                  , False
+                  , True
+                  , ()
+                  , ( 'Hangman', 'Sherrif' )
+                  , ()
+                  , ""
+                  )
+{ 'closed':  ( 'Closed'
+             , 'Closed for modifications'
+             , ( 'open', 'kill', 'expire' )
+             , { 'Modify content':  () }
+             , ()
+             , { 'is_opened':  False, 'is_closed':  True }
+             )
+, 'opened':  ( 'Opened'
+             , 'Open for modifications'
+             , ( 'close', 'kill', 'expire' )
+             , { 'Modify content':  [ 'Owner', 'Manager' ] }
+             , [ ( 'Content_owners', ( 'Owner', ) ) ]
+             , { 'is_opened':  True, 'is_closed':  False }
+             )
+, 'killed':  ( 'Killed'
+             , 'Permanently unavailable'
+             , ()
+             , {}
+             , ()
+             , {}
+             )
+, 'expired': ( 'Expired'
+             , 'Expiration date has passed'
+             , ( 'open', )
+             , { 'Modify content':  [ 'Owner', 'Manager' ] }
+             , ()
+             , { 'is_opened':  False, 'is_closed':  False }
+             )
+{ 'open':    ( 'Open'
+             , 'Open the object for modifications'
+             , 'opened'
+             , TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
+             , 'before_open'
+             , ''
+             , 'Open'
+             , 'string:${object_url}/open_for_modifications'
+             , 'workflow'
+             , { 'when_opened' : 'object/ZopeTime' }
+             , ( 'Open content for modifications', )
+             , ()
+             , ()
+             , ""
+             )
+, 'close':   ( 'Close'
+             , 'Close the object for modifications'
+             , 'closed'
+             , TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
+             , ''
+             , 'after_close'
+             , 'Close'
+             , 'string:${object_url}/close_for_modifications'
+             , 'workflow'
+             , {}
+             , ()
+             , ( 'Owner', 'Manager' )
+             , ()
+             , ""
+             )
+, 'kill':    ( 'Kill'
+             , 'Make the object permanently unavailable.'
+             , 'killed'
+             , TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
+             , ''
+             , 'after_kill'
+             , 'Kill'
+             , 'string:${object_url}/kill_object'
+             , 'workflow'
+             , { 'killed_by' : 'string:${user/getId}' }
+             , ()
+             , ()
+             , ( 'Content_assassins', )
+             , ""
+             )
+, 'expire':  ( 'Expire'
+             , 'Retire objects whose expiration is past.'
+             , 'expired'
+             , TRIGGER_AUTOMATIC
+             , 'before_expire'
+             , ''
+             , ''
+             , ''
+             , ''
+             , { 'when_expired' : 'object/ZopeTime' }
+             , ()
+             , ()
+             , ()
+             , "python: object.expiration() <= object.ZopeTime()"
+             )
+{ 'expired_list':   ( 'Expired'
+                    , 'Worklist for expired content'
+                    , { 'state' : ( 'expired', ) }
+                    , 'Expired items'
+                    , 'string:${portal_url}/expired_items'
+                    , 'workflow'
+                    , ( 'Restore expired content', )
+                    , ()
+                    , ()
+                    , ""
+                    )
+, 'alive_list':     ( 'Alive'
+                    , 'Worklist for content not yet expired / killed'
+                    , { 'state' : ( 'open',  'closed' ) }
+                    , 'Expired items'
+                    , 'string:${portal_url}/expired_items'
+                    , 'workflow'
+                    , ( 'Restore expired content', )
+                    , ()
+                    , ()
+                    , ""
+                    )
+## Script (Python) "before_open"
+##bind container=container
+##bind context=context
+##bind namespace=
+##bind script=script
+##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
+return 'before_open'
+## Script (Python) "after_close"
+##bind container=container
+##bind context=context
+##bind namespace=
+##bind script=script
+##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
+return 'after_close'
+## Script (Python) "after_kill"
+##bind container=container
+##bind context=context
+##bind namespace=
+##bind script=script
+##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
+return 'after_kill'
+{ 'before_open':    ( PythonScript.meta_type
+                    , _BEFORE_OPEN_SCRIPT
+                    , 'workflows/%s/scripts/before_open.py'
+                    , None
+                    , None
+                    )
+, 'after_close':    ( PythonScript.meta_type
+                    , _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT
+                    , 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py'
+                    , None
+                    , None
+                    )
+, 'after_kill':     ( PythonScript.meta_type
+                    , _AFTER_KILL_SCRIPT
+                    , 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_kill.py'
+                    , None
+                    , None
+                    )
+, 'before_expire': ( ExternalMethod.meta_type
+                   , ''
+                   , ''
+                   , 'DCWorkflow.test_method'
+                   , 'test'
+                   )
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow Tool">
+ <property name="title"></property>
+ <object name="Non-DCWorkflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow"/>
+ <object name="dcworkflow" meta_type="Workflow"/>
+ <bindings>
+  <default/>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow Tool">
+ <property name="title"></property>
+ <object name="Non-DCWorkflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow"/>
+ <object name="%(workflow_id)s" meta_type="Workflow"/>
+ <bindings>
+  <default/>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="Dummy Workflow Tool">
+ <property name="title"></property>
+ <object name="name with spaces" meta_type="Workflow"/>
+ <bindings>
+  <default/>
+ </bindings>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    workflow_id="%s"
+    title="%s"
+    state_variable="state"
+    initial_state="%s">
+# Make sure old exports are still imported well. Changes:
+# - scripts are now in in a 'scripts' subdirectory
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    workflow_id="%(workflow_id)s"
+    title="%(title)s"
+    state_variable="state"
+    initial_state="%(initial_state)s">
+ <permission>Open content for modifications</permission>
+ <permission>Modify content</permission>
+ <permission>Query history</permission>
+ <permission>Restore expired content</permission>
+ <state
+    state_id="closed"
+    title="Closed">
+  <description>Closed for modifications</description>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="open"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="kill"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="expire"/>
+  <permission-map
+    acquired="False"
+    name="Modify content">
+  </permission-map>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_closed"
+    type="bool">True</assignment>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_opened"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+ </state>
+ <state
+    state_id="expired"
+    title="Expired">
+  <description>Expiration date has passed</description>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="open"/>
+  <permission-map
+    acquired="True"
+    name="Modify content">
+   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
+   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
+  </permission-map>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_closed"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_opened"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+ </state>
+ <state
+    state_id="killed"
+    title="Killed">
+  <description>Permanently unavailable</description>
+ </state>
+ <state
+    state_id="opened"
+    title="Opened">
+  <description>Open for modifications</description>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="close"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="kill"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="expire"/>
+  <permission-map
+    acquired="True"
+    name="Modify content">
+   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
+   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
+  </permission-map>
+  <group-map name="Content_owners">
+   <group-role>Owner</group-role>
+  </group-map>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_closed"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_opened"
+    type="bool">True</assignment>
+ </state>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="close"
+    title="Close"
+    trigger="USER"
+    new_state="closed"
+    before_script=""
+    after_script="after_close">
+  <description>Close the object for modifications</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${object_url}/close_for_modifications">Close</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-role>Owner</guard-role>
+   <guard-role>Manager</guard-role>
+  </guard>
+ </transition>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="expire"
+    title="Expire"
+    trigger="AUTOMATIC"
+    new_state="expired"
+    before_script="before_expire"
+    after_script="">
+  <description>Retire objects whose expiration is past.</description>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-expression>python: object.expiration() &lt;= object.ZopeTime()</guard-expression>
+  </guard>
+  <assignment
+    name="when_expired">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
+ </transition>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="kill"
+    title="Kill"
+    trigger="USER"
+    new_state="killed"
+    before_script=""
+    after_script="after_kill">
+  <description>Make the object permanently unavailable.</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${object_url}/kill_object">Kill</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-group>Content_assassins</guard-group>
+  </guard>
+  <assignment
+    name="killed_by">string:${user/getId}</assignment>
+ </transition>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="open"
+    title="Open"
+    trigger="USER"
+    new_state="opened"
+    before_script="before_open"
+    after_script="">
+  <description>Open the object for modifications</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${object_url}/open_for_modifications">Open</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
+  </guard>
+  <assignment
+    name="when_opened">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
+ </transition>
+ <worklist
+    worklist_id="alive_list"
+    title="Alive">
+  <description>Worklist for content not yet expired / killed</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
+  </guard>
+  <match name="state" values="open; closed"/>
+ </worklist>
+ <worklist
+    worklist_id="expired_list"
+    title="Expired">
+  <description>Worklist for expired content</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
+  </guard>
+  <match name="state" values="expired"/>
+ </worklist>
+ <variable
+    variable_id="killed_by"
+    for_catalog="True"
+    for_status="False"
+    update_always="True">
+   <description>Killed by</description>
+   <default>
+    <value type="string">n/a</value>
+   </default>
+   <guard>
+    <guard-role>Hangman</guard-role>
+    <guard-role>Sherrif</guard-role>
+   </guard>
+ </variable>
+ <variable
+    variable_id="when_expired"
+    for_catalog="True"
+    for_status="False"
+    update_always="True">
+   <description>Expired when</description>
+   <default>
+    <expression>nothing</expression>
+   </default>
+   <guard>
+    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
+    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
+   </guard>
+ </variable>
+ <variable
+    variable_id="when_opened"
+    for_catalog="True"
+    for_status="False"
+    update_always="True">
+   <description>Opened when</description>
+   <default>
+    <expression>python:None</expression>
+   </default>
+   <guard>
+    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
+    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
+   </guard>
+ </variable>
+ <script
+    script_id="after_close"
+    type="Script (Python)"
+    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/after_close.py"
+    module=""
+    function=""
+    />
+ <script
+    script_id="after_kill"
+    type="Script (Python)"
+    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/after_kill.py"
+    module=""
+    function=""
+    />
+ <script
+    script_id="before_expire"
+    type="External Method"
+    filename=""
+    module="DCWorkflow.test_method"
+    function="test"
+    />
+ <script
+    script_id="before_open"
+    type="Script (Python)"
+    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/before_open.py"
+    module=""
+    function=""
+    />
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    workflow_id="%(workflow_id)s"
+    title="%(title)s"
+    state_variable="state"
+    initial_state="%(initial_state)s">
+ <permission>Open content for modifications</permission>
+ <permission>Modify content</permission>
+ <permission>Query history</permission>
+ <permission>Restore expired content</permission>
+ <state
+    state_id="closed"
+    title="Closed">
+  <description>Closed for modifications</description>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="open"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="kill"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="expire"/>
+  <permission-map
+    acquired="False"
+    name="Modify content">
+  </permission-map>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_closed"
+    type="bool">True</assignment>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_opened"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+ </state>
+ <state
+    state_id="expired"
+    title="Expired">
+  <description>Expiration date has passed</description>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="open"/>
+  <permission-map
+    acquired="True"
+    name="Modify content">
+   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
+   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
+  </permission-map>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_closed"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_opened"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+ </state>
+ <state
+    state_id="killed"
+    title="Killed">
+  <description>Permanently unavailable</description>
+ </state>
+ <state
+    state_id="opened"
+    title="Opened">
+  <description>Open for modifications</description>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="close"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="kill"/>
+  <exit-transition
+    transition_id="expire"/>
+  <permission-map
+    acquired="True"
+    name="Modify content">
+   <permission-role>Owner</permission-role>
+   <permission-role>Manager</permission-role>
+  </permission-map>
+  <group-map name="Content_owners">
+   <group-role>Owner</group-role>
+  </group-map>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_closed"
+    type="bool">False</assignment>
+  <assignment
+    name="is_opened"
+    type="bool">True</assignment>
+ </state>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="close"
+    title="Close"
+    trigger="USER"
+    new_state="closed"
+    before_script=""
+    after_script="after_close">
+  <description>Close the object for modifications</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${object_url}/close_for_modifications">Close</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-role>Owner</guard-role>
+   <guard-role>Manager</guard-role>
+  </guard>
+ </transition>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="expire"
+    title="Expire"
+    trigger="AUTOMATIC"
+    new_state="expired"
+    before_script="before_expire"
+    after_script="">
+  <description>Retire objects whose expiration is past.</description>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-expression>python: object.expiration() &lt;= object.ZopeTime()</guard-expression>
+  </guard>
+  <assignment
+    name="when_expired">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
+ </transition>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="kill"
+    title="Kill"
+    trigger="USER"
+    new_state="killed"
+    before_script=""
+    after_script="after_kill">
+  <description>Make the object permanently unavailable.</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${object_url}/kill_object">Kill</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-group>Content_assassins</guard-group>
+  </guard>
+  <assignment
+    name="killed_by">string:${user/getId}</assignment>
+ </transition>
+ <transition
+    transition_id="open"
+    title="Open"
+    trigger="USER"
+    new_state="opened"
+    before_script="before_open"
+    after_script="">
+  <description>Open the object for modifications</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${object_url}/open_for_modifications">Open</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
+  </guard>
+  <assignment
+    name="when_opened">object/ZopeTime</assignment>
+ </transition>
+ <worklist
+    worklist_id="alive_list"
+    title="Alive">
+  <description>Worklist for content not yet expired / killed</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
+  </guard>
+  <match name="state" values="open; closed"/>
+ </worklist>
+ <worklist
+    worklist_id="expired_list"
+    title="Expired">
+  <description>Worklist for expired content</description>
+  <action
+    category="workflow"
+    url="string:${portal_url}/expired_items">Expired items</action>
+  <guard>
+   <guard-permission>Restore expired content</guard-permission>
+  </guard>
+  <match name="state" values="expired"/>
+ </worklist>
+ <variable
+    variable_id="killed_by"
+    for_catalog="True"
+    for_status="False"
+    update_always="True">
+   <description>Killed by</description>
+   <default>
+    <value type="string">n/a</value>
+   </default>
+   <guard>
+    <guard-role>Hangman</guard-role>
+    <guard-role>Sherrif</guard-role>
+   </guard>
+ </variable>
+ <variable
+    variable_id="when_expired"
+    for_catalog="True"
+    for_status="False"
+    update_always="True">
+   <description>Expired when</description>
+   <default>
+    <expression>nothing</expression>
+   </default>
+   <guard>
+    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
+    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
+   </guard>
+ </variable>
+ <variable
+    variable_id="when_opened"
+    for_catalog="True"
+    for_status="False"
+    update_always="True">
+   <description>Opened when</description>
+   <default>
+    <expression>python:None</expression>
+   </default>
+   <guard>
+    <guard-permission>Query history</guard-permission>
+    <guard-permission>Open content for modifications</guard-permission>
+   </guard>
+ </variable>
+ <script
+    script_id="after_close"
+    type="Script (Python)"
+    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/scripts/after_close.py"
+    module=""
+    function=""
+    />
+ <script
+    script_id="after_kill"
+    type="Script (Python)"
+    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/scripts/after_kill.py"
+    module=""
+    function=""
+    />
+ <script
+    script_id="before_expire"
+    type="External Method"
+    filename=""
+    module="DCWorkflow.test_method"
+    function="test"
+    />
+ <script
+    script_id="before_open"
+    type="Script (Python)"
+    filename="workflows/%(workflow_filename)s/scripts/before_open.py"
+    module=""
+    function=""
+    />
+class Test_exportWorkflow( _WorkflowSetup
+                         , _GuardChecker
+                         ):
+    def test_empty( self ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
+        site = self._initSite()
+        context = DummyExportContext( site )
+        exportWorkflowTool( context )
+        self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 1 )
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows.xml' )
+        self._compareDOM( text, _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT )
+        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+    def test_normal( self ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow'
+        WF_ID_DC = 'dcworkflow'
+        WF_TITLE_DC = 'DCWorkflow'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON )
+        nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON
+        wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON, nondcworkflow )
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_DC )
+        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_DC
+        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
+        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
+        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
+        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
+        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
+        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
+        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
+        context = DummyExportContext( site )
+        exportWorkflowTool( context )
+        # workflows list, wf defintion and 3 scripts
+        self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 5 )
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows.xml' )
+        self._compareDOM( text, _NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT )
+        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 1 ]
+        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % WF_ID_DC )
+        self._compareDOM( text
+                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_DC
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_DC
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_DC.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+        # just testing first script
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 2 ]
+        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py' % WF_ID_DC )
+        self.assertEqual( text, _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT)
+        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/plain' )
+    def test_with_filenames( self ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import exportWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_DC = 'name with spaces'
+        WF_TITLE_DC = 'DCWorkflow with spaces'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        dcworkflow = self._initDCWorkflow( WF_ID_DC )
+        dcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_DC
+        dcworkflow.initial_state = WF_INITIAL_STATE
+        dcworkflow.permissions = _WF_PERMISSIONS
+        self._initVariables( dcworkflow )
+        self._initStates( dcworkflow )
+        self._initTransitions( dcworkflow )
+        self._initWorklists( dcworkflow )
+        self._initScripts( dcworkflow )
+        context = DummyExportContext( site )
+        exportWorkflowTool( context )
+        # workflows list, wf defintion and 3 scripts
+        self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 5 )
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows.xml' )
+        self._compareDOM( text, _FILENAME_TOOL_EXPORT )
+        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 1 ]
+        self.assertEqual( filename
+                        , 'workflows/name_with_spaces/definition.xml' )
+        self._compareDOM( text
+                        , _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                          % { 'workflow_id' : WF_ID_DC
+                            , 'title' : WF_TITLE_DC
+                            , 'initial_state' : WF_INITIAL_STATE
+                            , 'workflow_filename' : WF_ID_DC.replace(' ', '_')
+                            } )
+        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+        # just testing first script
+        filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 2 ]
+        self.assertEqual( filename, 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py' %
+                          WF_ID_DC.replace(' ', '_'))
+        self.assertEqual( text, _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT)
+        self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/plain' )
+class Test_importWorkflow( _WorkflowSetup
+                         , _GuardChecker
+                         ):
+    def _importNormalWorkflow( self, wf_id, wf_title, wf_initial_state ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        workflow_filename = wf_id.replace(' ', '_')
+        context = DummyImportContext( site )
+        context._files[ 'workflows.xml'
+                      ] = (_NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT_WITH_FILENAME
+                            % { 'workflow_id' : wf_id
+                              }
+                          )
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = ( _NORMAL_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                            % { 'workflow_id' : wf_id
+                              , 'title' : wf_title
+                              , 'initial_state' : wf_initial_state
+                              , 'workflow_filename' : workflow_filename
+                              }
+                          )
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_close.py' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/scripts/after_kill.py' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = _AFTER_KILL_SCRIPT
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/scripts/before_open.py' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = _BEFORE_OPEN_SCRIPT
+        importWorkflowTool( context )
+        return wf_tool
+    def _importOldWorkflow( self, wf_id, wf_title, wf_initial_state ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        workflow_filename = wf_id.replace(' ', '_')
+        context = DummyImportContext( site )
+        context._files[ 'workflows.xml'
+                      ] = (_NORMAL_TOOL_EXPORT_WITH_FILENAME
+                            % { 'workflow_id' : wf_id
+                              }
+                          )
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/definition.xml' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = ( _OLD_WORKFLOW_EXPORT
+                            % { 'workflow_id' : wf_id
+                              , 'title' : wf_title
+                              , 'initial_state' : wf_initial_state
+                              , 'workflow_filename' : workflow_filename
+                              }
+                          )
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/after_close.py' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = _AFTER_CLOSE_SCRIPT
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/after_kill.py' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = _AFTER_KILL_SCRIPT
+        context._files[ 'workflows/%s/before_open.py' % workflow_filename
+                      ] = _BEFORE_OPEN_SCRIPT
+        importWorkflowTool( context )
+        return wf_tool
+    def test_empty_default_purge( self ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range( 4 ):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
+        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
+        context = DummyImportContext( site )
+        context._files[ 'workflows.xml' ] = _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool( context )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 0 )
+    def test_empty_explicit_purge( self ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range( 4 ):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
+        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
+        context = DummyImportContext( site, True )
+        context._files[ 'workflows.xml' ] = _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool( context )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 0 )
+    def test_empty_skip_purge( self ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range( 4 ):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
+        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
+        context = DummyImportContext( site, False )
+        context._files[ 'typestool.xml' ] = _EMPTY_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool( context )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 1 )
+        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._default_chain[ 0 ], WF_ID_NON % 1 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 1 )
+        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ]
+                        , ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
+                        )
+    def test_bindings_skip_purge( self ):
+        from Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow import importWorkflowTool
+        WF_ID_NON = 'non_dcworkflow_%s'
+        WF_TITLE_NON = 'Non-DCWorkflow #%s'
+        site = self._initSite()
+        wf_tool = site.portal_workflow
+        for i in range( 4 ):
+            nondcworkflow = DummyWorkflow( WF_TITLE_NON % i )
+            nondcworkflow.title = WF_TITLE_NON % i
+            wf_tool._setObject( WF_ID_NON % i, nondcworkflow )
+        wf_tool._default_chain = ( WF_ID_NON % 1, )
+        wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ] = ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
+        context = DummyImportContext( site, False )
+        context._files[ 'workflows.xml' ] = _BINDINGS_TOOL_EXPORT
+        importWorkflowTool( context )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool.objectIds() ), 4 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._default_chain ), 2 )
+        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._default_chain[ 0 ], WF_ID_NON % 0 )
+        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._default_chain[ 1 ], WF_ID_NON % 1 )
+        self.assertEqual( len( wf_tool._chains_by_type ), 2 )
+        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'sometype' ]
+                        , ( WF_ID_NON % 2, )
+                        )
+        self.assertEqual( wf_tool._chains_by_type[ 'anothertype' ]
+                        , ( WF_ID_NON % 3, )
+                        )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_top_level( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_tool'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing tool'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        self.assertEqual( len( tool.objectIds() ), 2 )
+        self.assertEqual( tool.objectIds()[ 1 ], WF_ID )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_attrs( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_attrs'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing attrs'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        self.assertEqual( workflow.meta_type, DCWorkflowDefinition.meta_type )
+        self.assertEqual( workflow.title, WF_TITLE )
+        self.assertEqual( workflow.state_var, 'state' )
+        self.assertEqual( workflow.initial_state, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_permissions( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_permissions'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing permissions'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        permissions = workflow.permissions
+        self.assertEqual( len( permissions ), len( _WF_PERMISSIONS ) )
+        for permission in permissions:
+            self.failUnless( permission in _WF_PERMISSIONS )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_variables( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_variables'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing variables'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        variables = workflow.variables
+        self.assertEqual( len( variables.objectItems() )
+                        , len( _WF_VARIABLES ) )
+        for id, variable in variables.objectItems():
+            expected = _WF_VARIABLES[ variable.getId() ]
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 0 ] in variable.description )
+            self.assertEqual( variable.default_value, expected[ 1 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( variable.getDefaultExprText(), expected[ 2 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( variable.for_catalog, expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( variable.for_status, expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( variable.update_always, expected[ 5 ] )
+            guard = variable.getInfoGuard()
+            self.assertEqual( guard.permissions, expected[ 6 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.roles, expected[ 7 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.groups, expected[ 8 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.getExprText(), expected[ 9 ] )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_states( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_states'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing states'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        states = workflow.states
+        self.assertEqual( len( states.objectItems() )
+                        , len( _WF_STATES ) )
+        for id, state in states.objectItems():
+            expected = _WF_STATES[ state.getId() ]
+            self.assertEqual( state.title, expected[ 0 ] )
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in state.description )
+            self.assertEqual( len( state.transitions ), len( expected[ 2 ] ) )
+            for transition_id in state.transitions:
+                self.failUnless( transition_id in expected[ 2 ] )
+            for permission in state.getManagedPermissions():
+                p_info = state.getPermissionInfo( permission )
+                p_expected = expected[ 3 ].get( permission, [] )
+                self.assertEqual( bool( p_info[ 'acquired' ] )
+                                , isinstance(p_expected, list) )
+                self.assertEqual( len( p_info[ 'roles' ] ), len( p_expected ) )
+                for role in p_info[ 'roles' ]:
+                    self.failIf( role not in p_expected )
+            group_roles = state.group_roles or {}
+            self.assertEqual( len( group_roles ), len( expected[ 4 ] ) )
+            for group_id, exp_roles in expected[ 4 ]:
+                self.assertEqual( len( state.getGroupInfo( group_id ) )
+                                , len( exp_roles ) )
+                for role in state.getGroupInfo( group_id ):
+                    self.failUnless( role in exp_roles )
+            self.assertEqual( len( state.getVariableValues() )
+                            , len( expected[ 5 ] ) )
+            for var_id, value in state.getVariableValues():
+                self.assertEqual( value, expected[ 5 ][ var_id ] )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_transitions( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_transitions'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing transitions'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        transitions = workflow.transitions
+        self.assertEqual( len( transitions.objectItems() )
+                        , len( _WF_TRANSITIONS ) )
+        for id, transition in transitions.objectItems():
+            expected = _WF_TRANSITIONS[ transition.getId() ]
+            self.assertEqual( transition.title, expected[ 0 ] )
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in transition.description )
+            self.assertEqual( transition.new_state_id, expected[ 2 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition.trigger_type, expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition.script_name, expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition.after_script_name, expected[ 5 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition.actbox_name, expected[ 6 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition.actbox_url, expected[ 7 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( transition.actbox_category, expected[ 8 ] )
+            var_exprs = transition.var_exprs
+            self.assertEqual( len( var_exprs ), len( expected[ 9 ] ) )
+            for var_id, expr in var_exprs.items():
+                self.assertEqual( expr, expected[ 9 ][ var_id ] )
+            guard = transition.getGuard()
+            self.assertEqual( guard.permissions, expected[ 10 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.roles, expected[ 11 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.groups, expected[ 12 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.getExprText(), expected[ 13 ] )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_worklists( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_worklists'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing worklists'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        worklists = workflow.worklists
+        self.assertEqual( len( worklists.objectItems() )
+                        , len( _WF_WORKLISTS ) )
+        for id, worklist in worklists.objectItems():
+            expected = _WF_WORKLISTS[ worklist.getId() ]
+            self.failUnless( expected[ 1 ] in worklist.description )
+            var_matches = worklist.var_matches
+            self.assertEqual( len( var_matches ), len( expected[ 2 ] ) )
+            for var_id, values in var_matches.items():
+                exp_values = expected[ 2 ][ var_id ]
+                self.assertEqual( len( values ), len( exp_values ) )
+                for value in values:
+                    self.failUnless( value in exp_values, values )
+            self.assertEqual( worklist.actbox_name, expected[ 3 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( worklist.actbox_url, expected[ 4 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( worklist.actbox_category, expected[ 5 ] )
+            guard = worklist.getGuard()
+            self.assertEqual( guard.permissions, expected[ 6 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.roles, expected[ 7 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.groups, expected[ 8 ] )
+            self.assertEqual( guard.getExprText(), expected[ 9 ] )
+    def test_from_old_dcworkflow_workflow_scripts( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'old_dcworkflow_scripts'
+        WF_TITLE = 'Old DC Workflow testing scripts'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importOldWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        scripts = workflow.scripts
+        self.assertEqual( len( scripts.objectItems() )
+                        , len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
+        for script_id, script in scripts.objectItems():
+            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ script_id ]
+            self.assertEqual( script.meta_type, expected[ 0 ] )
+            if script.meta_type == PythonScript.meta_type:
+                self.assertEqual( script.manage_FTPget(), expected[ 1 ] )
+    def test_from_empty_dcworkflow_workflow_scripts( self ):
+        WF_ID = 'dcworkflow_scripts'
+        WF_TITLE = 'DC Workflow testing scripts'
+        WF_INITIAL_STATE = 'closed'
+        tool = self._importNormalWorkflow( WF_ID, WF_TITLE, WF_INITIAL_STATE )
+        workflow = tool.objectValues()[ 1 ]
+        scripts = workflow.scripts
+        self.assertEqual( len( scripts.objectItems() )
+                        , len( _WF_SCRIPTS ) )
+        for script_id, script in scripts.objectItems():
+            expected = _WF_SCRIPTS[ script_id ]
+            self.assertEqual( script.meta_type, expected[ 0 ] )
+            if script.meta_type == PythonScript.meta_type:
+                self.assertEqual( script.manage_FTPget(), expected[ 1 ] )
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.TestSuite((
+        unittest.makeSuite( WorkflowDefinitionConfiguratorTests ),
+        unittest.makeSuite( Test_exportWorkflow ),
+        unittest.makeSuite( Test_importWorkflow ),
+        ))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Modified: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/utils.py
--- CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/utils.py	2005-11-22 16:08:56 UTC (rev 40320)
+++ CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/utils.py	2005-11-22 16:12:02 UTC (rev 40321)
@@ -16,15 +16,16 @@
 import os
+from AccessControl.Permission import Permission
+from AccessControl.Role import gather_permissions
+from Acquisition import aq_base
 from App.Common import package_home
 _dtmldir = os.path.join( package_home( globals() ), 'dtml' )
+_xmldir = os.path.join( package_home( globals() ), 'xml' )
-from AccessControl.Role import gather_permissions
-from AccessControl.Permission import Permission
-from Acquisition import aq_base
 def ac_inherited_permissions(ob, all=0):
     # Get all permissions not defined in ourself that are inherited
     # This will be a sequence of tuples with a name as the first item and

Copied: CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/DCWorkflow/xml/wtcWorkflowExport.xml (from rev 40305, CMF/branches/yuppie-workflow_setup/CMFSetup/xml/wtcWorkflowExport.xml)

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