[ZF] BoD meeting minutes 2009-07-20

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Thu Jul 23 11:38:37 EDT 2009

The following minutes are available online at:


Jens Vagelpohl
Secretary, Zope Foundation Board of Directors


Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors

Date and Time: Monday, July 20, 2009 15:00 UTC
Location: IRC meeting, irc://irc.freenode.net/#zope-foundation
Directors Present:
- Faassen, Martijn
- Jung, Andreas
- Page, Rob
- Richter, Stephan
- Seaver, Tres
- Theune, Christian
- Vagelpohl, Jens

- Call to Order
- Treasurer's report
     - Dues not yet paid
     - Non-Profit status update
- Operational Issues
     - Status CRM
- Membership Committee
     - New members since last meeting
     - Transfer of existing contributor forms to secretary
- Repo committee
     - Update on new committer agreement transfer procedure
     - New committers since last meeting
     - Changing the copyright attribution in the repo to the
     - No more snailmail address in contributor form
- IP Committee
     - Updated copyright transfer agreement for commits made
       in "limbo time".
- Website
     - website progress
- New business
     - EU FOWABE project update
- Next meeting

Call to Order
The chairman calls the meeting to order at 15:03 UTC.

Treasurer's report
The treasurer reports that all sponsor memberships are paid in full.

The non-profit status application is still under way, the IRS has
sent yet another set of questions. Rob Page will prepare a response
with the help of the chairman as needed. The chairman notes that
the new bylaws should simplify the response and address all IRS
concerns stemming from old bylaws stipulations. The response must
be submitted by the end of July.

Operational issues
The hosted SugarCRM instance is in place but currently unused due
to the secretary traveling until the end of July. In August, Rob
Page will set up a meeting with the secretary to discuss any changes
in the CRM instance to support our use cases. After that we can
start entering data.

Membership Committee
The secretary reports that no new members have joined the foundation
since the last meeting in June.

The process of forwarding old contributor agreements from Zope
Corporation to the secretary is still held up on scanning the old
agreements. These are now finished all the way through 2008, so
only documents dated 2009 are left. Rob Page will then send the scans
to the secretary for archiving.

Repo committee
The secretary has finished the contributor agreement transfer.
Repository write access has been removed for all those former
contributors who have not signed the new agreement on June 30. No
complaints have been received so far. Out of 295 existing
contributors 6 asked to be dropped, 26 could not be reached anymore,
104 did not send in a new signed agreement, and 158 responded with
a signed agreement.

Christian Theune reports two new contributors signed up, Balazs Ree
and Fabio Tranchitello.

A planned meeting between Christian Theune and Andreas Jung to show
Andreas how to admit new contributors was cancelled, they will
communicate in private to arrange it again.

Christian Theune reported on his work to automate copyright header
adjustments in the Subversion repository to change any mentioning
of Zope Corporation into Zope Foundation. A first version has been
checked in [1] and has seen some light testing. There are a couple
unanswered questions about how to handle copyright preambles
without copyright years. Christian will continue work on the script
and provide instructions for running it.

Following issues with contributor forms that were sent to the
ZF via postal mail Christian Theune has modified the contributor
agreement form to omit any postal mailing instructions. Only
submission via Fax or email is documented now.

IP Committee
Now that all contributors have been migrated to the new contributor
agreement a second copyright transfer document can be signed by
Zope Corporation and the Zope Foundation. The second document
covers all contributions from the time the first document was
signed up to the contributor agreement transfer completion. The
chairman will sign a new transfer agreement and send it to Rob Page
as the Zope Corporation representative.

Andreas Jung reports that the people tasked with producing the
HTML and CSS for the agreed-upon design are currently on vacation,
so nothing has been done yet. Andreas will send them a reminder
email asking for a schedule. If there is no timely response the
ZF will seek new volunteers for this task.

New Business
The chairman reports on the ZEA-led FOWABE project participation.
The proposal has not passed the second round of EU review, so no
further foundation involvement is required.

The chairman asks the vice chairman to solicit suggestions and
opinions for the next meeting date. The results will be announced
on foundation-board at zope.org once they are ready.

The chairman adjourns the meeting at 15:31 UTC.

These minutes were written by the secretary, Jens Vagelpohl,
according to the notes taken during the meeting.

These minutes were posted to the foundation-board at zope.org mailing
list and approved by all directors on July 23, 2009.

The Chairman bid the Secretary keep these minutes on file.

[1] http://svn.zope.org/Sandbox/ctheune/foundation/fix-copyright.sh?rev=102031&view=markup

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