[Grok-dev] schema_fields and form_fields

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Fri Oct 20 07:06:03 EDT 2006


Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>> I think there's also a way to get to the underlying schema field from
>>> the form_fields mapping.
>> form_fields['my_field'].field
> Cool. So, if we expose form_fields on the template, is there still a use
> for the 'class_fields' helper function? Theuni?

I just imported that from the components.py which uses this to do the
setup for the computed form for formlib to introspect the model/view
class as given by the user via 'class fields'. We have to keep that
assumption up or re-write the code not to use schema_fields.


gocept gmbh & co. kg - forsterstraße 29 - 06112 halle/saale - germany
www.gocept.com - ct at gocept.com - phone +49 345 122 9889 7 -
fax +49 345 122 9889 1 - zope and plone consulting and development

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