[Grok-dev] Grok Wiki

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Thu Aug 23 06:44:45 EDT 2007

Hi there,

Am Donnerstag, den 23.08.2007, 13:40 +0530 schrieb Baiju M:
> Sebastian Ware wrote:
> > I think using the zope 3 wiki would be a kiss of death :)
> There is already a wiki created for Grok project:
> http://wiki.zope.org/grok/FrontPage
> This is a separate wiki instance, so if you search something only pages
> in grok wiki will appear.  If any of you interested in changing UI of this
> please contact zope-web list.

This is a good point, I think. I didn't notice yet, that this wiki
exists. However, with the current tutorials I stumbled on some
shortcomings, when trying to edit:

 - the wiki apparently does not support the '..code-block: python' 
   directive. This means: we have to drop use of it or to update the
   wiki manually (replace the directive with simple '::').

 - the wiki seems to cut documents at '</body>' in code examples. Is 
   there a way to get around that?

Thanks for the hint!


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