[Grok-dev] Re: First grok package

Darryl Cousins darryl at darrylcousins.net.nz
Sun Mar 18 22:48:12 EDT 2007

Hi All,

I've uploaded a new package containing my grok work. Please note that I
have changed the homepage for the project to http://grok.tfws.org.nz/ 

There you should find a link to download the package and in
documentation the package readme files. The package may be installed
with buildout. I hope you don't mind Martijn that I have used your
INSTALL file from grok-tut pretty much 'as is' (with a thank you of
course). Please check buildout.cfg for z3 user name and password
(currently tfws:tfws) and Zope3 install directory.

Two applications may be installed from grok admin screen and they both
provide 'populate site with sample data' links.

I would be pleased to hear any feedback both on the package and the
information available on the site.

If the buildout and applications work as expected then it would be ok by
me to have the site and package linked from the homepage.

svn: if I have this set up right it should be possible to::

svn co svn://treefernwebservices.co.nz/var/svn/tfws-grok/trunk tfws

But be aware that the project is very volatile and prone to untested
commits. :) I suggest only using the tgz.

Sincere regards,
Darryl Cousins

On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 19:19 +0100, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> It's great to have another codebase available that uses Grok. Would
> it 
> be okay if Kevin placed a link to this application on the grok
> homepage?
> Regards, 

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