[Grok-dev] Re: STORM howto

Sebastian Ware sebastian at urbantalk.se
Fri Mar 14 07:00:21 EDT 2008

I got STORM with Christians stormcontainer running in 15 minutes. It  
impressed me (I am no wizz developer).

Personally, I believe supporting a (1) minimalistic AND a (1) whistles  
and bells ORM could be an excellent story. This is what Turbogears  
does, eventhough that is partly due to legacy reasons.

STORM being a smaller code base should mean it is easier to customise  
for an unsupported database, which is a nice fall back.

Mvh Sebastian

14 mar 2008 kl. 11.38 skrev Martijn Faassen:

> Martin Aspeli wrote:
> [snip]
>> These are good points. I don't have a particular preference one way  
>> or the other since I'm largely ignorant about Storm, except to say  
>> that I think SQLAlchemy is a marvellous project.
>> I do worry a bit that if Grok tries to lessen the Zope  
>> "ghettoisation" (as Chris McDonough is so fond of saying), going  
>> with a Zope-focused SQL ORM library may be counter-productive. If  
>> people who write TurboGears or Pylons code have existing DB  
>> mappings, the idea of being able to port them to Grok and get  
>> object publishing "for free" is attractive.
> Yeah, I understand. On the other hand, there's nothing particularly  
> Zope focused about Storm. As an interesting observation, when we  
> have discussions about what AJAX system to use, people make  
> convincing arguments for using the Zope community originated KSS.
> Grok tries to reduce the ghettoisation of Zope primarily by other  
> ways, such as advocacy, documentation and making things easier to  
> use. I believe Zope 3 technology *is* mostly successful in reducing  
> this, we just have to take a last step. :)
> Using what code everybody else is using may not always be the best  
> choice, as we cannot capitalize on the strengths of innovation our  
> community also possesses.
> Anyway, that's the counter argument to this. The "reduce  
> ghettoisation" argument, which I support, should be kept in mind but  
> cannot be considered alone.
> I'm on the fence between SQLAlchemy and Storm; SQLAlchemy does have  
> some features that would be very interesting for Grok.
> Regards,
> Martijn
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