[Grok-dev] Re: Using POST request

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Fri Mar 21 13:55:15 EDT 2008

--On 21. März 2008 18:19:28 +0100 Martijn Faassen <faassen at startifact.com> 

> Andreas Jung wrote:
>> --On 21. März 2008 17:11:47 +0100 Martijn Faassen
> [snip]
>>> Hmm...I just noticed your MyREST2 doesn't actually say which layer it is
>>> in! Try:
>>> class MyREST2(grok.REST):
>>>     grok.context(eggserver)
>>>     grok.layer(MyPubLayer)
>>>     def POST(self):
>>>         import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
>> Also defining the layer won't work.
> Too bad, I was hopeful that was going to do the trick. The 'grok.layer()'
> declaration on the view is definitely necessary - both the protocol and
> the REST views need to be associated with the same layer. Do GET and so
> on work and it's just POST?

Only POST. All other views using GET work as expected.

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