[Grok-dev] Gathering feedbacks

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 03:55:38 EST 2010

Hi Souheil,

Souheil CHELFOUH <trollfot at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been working for month on packages for Grok and I very rarely
> get feedbacks.
> Actually, I've been asking for it and got almost none. I know it can
> be cumbersome to take the time and write constructive remarks, but, we
> are all trying to head the same direction here.
> As a community, a common action would be very profitable. I hope to
> get your input, somehow.

You're essentially right: we need to give each other more feedback on 
Grok- and Grok-related developments.

Speaking for myself, I currently try to spend my limited time on core-
grok developments - like the zapp-zope.app efforts - even if things like 
the hurry.resource integration that people have been working on interest 
me very much.

I sincerely hope our community, that is somewhat small still if you ask 
me, will steadily grow. And yes, asking for feedback and _getting it_ 
will surely help with that.


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