[Grok-dev] Make self.request.principal to be an instance of MyOwnPrincipalInfo (my own class)

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 04:34:51 EST 2011

On 1/9/11 21:57 PM, Hector Blanco wrote:
> --------------- (in app.py) ---------------
> def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials):
> 	if isinstance(credentials, dict):
> 		if (("login" in credentials) and ("password" in credentials)):
> 			user = self.getAccount(credentials['login'])
> 			if user and (user.checkPassword(credentials['password'])):
> 				return MyOwnPrincipalInfo.MyOwnPrincipalInfo(user)
> 	return None
> I guess that if the principal info is implementing a factory pattern I
> should register MyOwnPrincipalInfo class as "returnable" by the
> factory, but I don't really know how to do that.

This "def authenticateCredentials()" method is implemented where in your 
code? If you want to do this, you'd need to create your own 
IAuthentication utility and register that for you site.

Another possibility, if you for some reason you cannot use the dolmen.* 
packages that would provide features you are looking for, is to create 
your own IAuthenticatedPrincipalFactory adapter.

This adapter is looked up whenever the Pluggable Authentication Utility 
creates an authenticated principal from the principal info that was 
found. There you could hook in you own implementation, something like 
(incomplete and untested, but I hope you get the idea!):

class MyOwnPrincipalInfo(grok.MultiAdapter):
         grok.adapts(IPrincipalInfo, IBrowserRequest)

	def someOtherVeryCoolStuff(self):
		# do whatever


regrrds, jw

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