[Gsoc] Grok RDB integration (Gsoc student: Rama D. Chavali)

Bernd Dorn bernd.dorn at lovelysystems.com
Thu Apr 3 07:37:48 EDT 2008

On 03.04.2008, at 13:10, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>> i don't think that it is a good idea for nozodb to worry about any  
>> specific persistence implementation besides the transaction  
>> handling, but it could serve as an example for rdb-based persistence.
>> thinkin twice about it, we have to have a look if we even need the  
>> transaction stuff in nozodb
> Personally, I find it desireable to use the repoze approach and  
> split away as much as possible from zope.app.publication into WSGI  
> middlewares. For instance, repoze.tm is a middle-ware that does  
> transaction management. If we used that in Zope,  
> zope.app.publication would become simpler because the transaction  
> handling could be removed.
> repoze has effectively shown that this approach enables a non-ZODB  
> object publisher based on Zope 2. I think the same can work in Zope 3.

very good point, we will investigate this approach if the project gets  

Lovely Systems, senior developer

phone: +43 5572 908060, fax: +43 5572 908060-77
Schmelzhütterstraße 26a, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria
skype: bernd.dorn

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