[Interface-dev] interface.py

Thomas Lotze tl at gocept.com
Sun Jul 10 17:35:52 EDT 2005


I've taken a closer look at the implementation of interfaces in
interface.py recently and noticed a couple of (probably minor) issues.

- First of all, I found several places where functionality built into
  Python is reimplemented, e.g. dict.setdefault or dict.pop. I've tried
  out some changes, and as the same tests break now as did before ;o), I
  assume my changed code is equivalent to that from the repository.[1]
  I've included a patch against
  $Id: interface.py 29899 2005-04-07 17:44:44Z jim $ below. It also
  includes some changes that concern readability only (at least I hope
  my version is more readable...).

- I think it would be good to expose the tagged values dict on Elements
  directly, as an Attribute of IElement. Right now, the *TaggedValue*
  methods forward part of the dict interface, in a way that doesn't add
  any functionality nor semantics but hides a lot. (Just look at those
  places in interface.py where loops are needed to set several tagged
  values from a dict.) Plus, queryTaggedValues is to getTaggedValue as
  dict()[key] is to dict.get with regard to the default parameter, which
  is a confusing naming convention.

- It would probably be a good idea for Interface.namesAndDescriptions
  (or another method for the sake of backwards compatibility) to return
  a dict mapping names to descriptions instead of a list of pairs. It's
  much more natural for the user to call items() on a dict if so desired
  than to reconstruct a dict from the items. It would also eliminate the
  need for Interface.names and Interface.{get,query}DescriptionsFor.

- Using a closure to implement InterfaceClass.__call__ is not IMO an
  evil trick, it's a useful feature of the language.

I'd like to hear your opinions on these issues.


[1] There's actually one place where I wittingly changed behaviour in a
way which IMO shouldn't matter: InterfaceClass.__init__ used to have a
default argument attrs=None, which would be set to {} later. I think
having attrs={} right as the default is the better solution. The change
in behaviour is that an AttributeError occurs if attrs is explicitly set
to None in a call - if that shall be possible, this part of the patch
would have to be skipped. The method would break anyway if some nonsense
(any non-dict, non-None object) was passed as attrs.

<     tags = f_locals.get(TAGGED_DATA)
<     if tags is None:
<         tags = f_locals[TAGGED_DATA] = {}
<     invariants = tags.get('invariants')
<     if invariants is None:
<         invariants = tags['invariants'] = []
>     tags = f_locals.setdefault(TAGGED_DATA, {})
>     invariants = tags.setdefault('invariants', [])
<         if callback is None:
<             return weakref.ref(self)
<         else:
<             return weakref.ref(self, callback)
>         return weakref.ref(self, callback)
<     def __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None,
>     def __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs={}, __doc__=None,
<             if (attrs is not None and
<                 ('__module__' in attrs) and
<                 isinstance(attrs['__module__'], str)
<                 ):
<                 __module__ = attrs['__module__']
>             __module__ = attrs.get('__module__')
>             if isinstance(__module__, str):
<         if attrs is None:
<             attrs = {}
<         if attrs.has_key(TAGGED_DATA):
<             tagged_data = attrs[TAGGED_DATA]
<             del attrs[TAGGED_DATA]
<         else:
<             tagged_data = None
>         tagged_data = attrs.pop(TAGGED_DATA, None)
<         if self == other:
<             return True
<         return other.extends(self)
>         return self == other or other.extends(self)
<         r = {}
<         for name in self.__attrs.keys():
<             r[name] = 1
>         r = self.__attrs.copy()
<             for name in base.names(all):
<                 r[name] = 1
>             r.update(dict.fromkeys(base.names(all)))
<         for name, d in self.__attrs.items():
<             r[name] = d
>         for base in self.__bases__[::-1]:
>             r.update(dict(base.namesAndDescriptions(all)))
<         for base in self.__bases__:
<             for name, d in base.namesAndDescriptions(all):
<                 if name not in r:
<                     r[name] = d
>         r.update(self.__attrs)
<                 pass
<         for b in self.__bases__: b.__d(dict)
>         for b in self.__bases__:
>             b.__d(dict)
<         r = getattr(self, '_v_repr', self)
<         if r is self:
>         try:
>             return self._v_repr
>         except AttributeError:
<         return r
>             return r
<         # TRICK! Create the call method
<         #
<         # An embedded function is used to allow an optional argument to
<         # __call__ without resorting to a global marker.
>         # Mind the closure. It serves to keep a unique marker around to
>         # allow for an optional argument to __call__ without resorting
>         # to a global marker.
<         # The evility of this trick is a reflection of the underlying
<         # evility of "optional" arguments, arguments whose presense or
<         # absense changes the behavior of the methods.
<         # 
<         # I think the evil is necessary, and perhaps desireable to
<         # provide some consistencey with the PEP 246 adapt method.
>         # This provides some consistency with the PEP 246 adapt method.
<             if adapter is None:
<                 if alternate is not marker:
<                     return alternate
>             if adapter is not None:
>                 return adapter
>             elif alternate is not marker:
>                 return alternate
>             else:
<             return adapter
<     __call__ = __call__() # TRICK! Make the *real* __call__ method
>     __call__ = __call__() # Make the closure the *real* __call__ method.
<         sig = "("
>         sig = []
<             sig = sig + v
>             sig.append(v)
<                 sig = sig + "=%s" % `self.optional[v]`
<             sig = sig + ", "
>                 sig[-1] += "=%s" % `self.optional[v]`
<             sig = sig + ("*%s, " % self.varargs)
>             sig.append("*%s" % self.varargs)
<             sig = sig + ("**%s, " % self.kwargs)
<         # slice off the last comma and space
<         if self.positional or self.varargs or self.kwargs:
<             sig = sig[:-2]
>             sig.append("**%s" % self.kwargs)
<         sig = sig + ")"
<         return sig
>         return "(%s)" % ", ".join(sig)
<     for i in range(len(defaults)):
<         opt[names[i+nr]] = defaults[i]
>     opt.update(dict(zip(names[nr:], defaults)))

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