[ZDP] Re: [ZDP] Réf. : [ZDP] ZCL revision 4

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:17:13 +0200


>Yes, I prefer Installation in Chap III.

??? Now I'm completely lost!
You earlier wrote this :

To allow more consistency and efficiency in ZBook writing, I propose to
take the following topics: the complete III.1. + Authentication topics in

>Anyway I think this is not really important, because people should be able
>to read ZBook beginning with the chapters they prefer according to their
>experience and interests, i.e. the guide should be enough flexible so that
>they can decide to read Chapter I, and then III and IV, then come back to

This is my opinion too... It must be possible to read the chapters in an
other order.. or skip some.
