[ZDP] Open Source documentation article

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:26:49 +1000

Thanks for the good article Patrick. It is very relevant of what we have

I found this paragraph interesting.

"                       The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) is
currently made up of 118 HOWTOs on a wide range topics, covering
everything from
                       3DFX to the X-Window system. There are also 99
mini-HOWTOs, which are even more focused, covering things like
                       Soundblaster-AWE cards and Ultra DMA. Clearly the
community can and will respond to the need for documentation when it is
                       allowed to do so in bite-sized chunks of

This is what ZCL is for. To allow people to write bites-sized chunks of
their knowledge about Zope in a logical manner.

For example, Kamon writes specifically for IIS/NT/98 installation and
security. Just that. I write for the whole chapter of Python (sounds
big, but they are just introductory materials). You also can contribute
in a similar fashion. Pick a specific topic or suggest one, and write
them. In average, it's probably around 1000 words or less. 

You don't have to write the whole chapter. You can write just for a
particular topic that you like. When you finish, you can move on and do
another or just stop and have a break. Others then can modify and
enhance what you have contributed. Bits and pieces. 

That's what ZCL means. ZCL is not a mere table of contents.


Patrick Phalen wrote:
> Here's a new article that speaks right to the difficulty of getting
> documentation written for open source projects.
> http://linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-1999-10/lw-10-vcontrol_2.html?10-13
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