[ZDP] FWD: RE: Graphics creation volunteer

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom.deprez@village.uunet.be
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 21:56:55 +0200

----- Original Message -----
From: savvas xenophontos <fiftybmg@operamail.com>
To: <zdp@zope.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 7:44 PM
Subject: [ZDP] FWD: RE: Graphics creation volunteer

> I would like to volunteer to create graphics for the Zope site, as

Great, now we've 2 persons who want to create graphics for ZDP! Maybe you 2
can talk to each other?

Here is a post of this day on ZDP about graphics:

The graphic designers are free to use their own imagination, except, the
graphics should have some consistency.
See below for more information about the status at ZDP

> I've got a fairly good background in illustration and design and
> would be happy to help out here. Just let me know *exactly* what
> you want (describing what, relative size) and where you want it.
> --chris hunter
> chris.hunter@humancode.com

Ok, first thanks for offering your help. Second, I don't know much about
creating graphics,
so I don't know if my descriptions will be helpfull for you. I
mean, if you've got a great idea, just let us see!

What I had in mind was the following :

Some graphs always make a page much fancier and attracks or keeps people a
little bit more on the page. Hoping that they've read everything.
Since we want to attrack some writers/readers/programmers (for ZDP tool) to
our intention I thought why not making something fancy. One page with
information and some graphics, all in the same style.

All what we've got now, can be found here http://zdp.zope.org/ZBookStatus/
except for the FAQ (zope1)

ZDP will stand for : ZHow-To, ZFAQ, ZTutorial, ZBook, ZQR (Quick Reference)

What about making a logo for all 5 of them? Something like the logo's you
can see here http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/ludit/urc_thema.html ... OR
something more 'Zopish' ... The logo's should have the same style but each
of them illustrates another topic of ZDP.

Of course ZDP logo would also be great! (and needed)


then some pictures which present the status of a draft? like the faces of a
baby, a person, and an old person?

Maybe somebody has better ideas and even more? But I think the most
important at this moment are : a logo for ZDP, ZBook, ZQR, ZFAQ, ZHow-To,

Somebody more ideas?
