[ZDP] Other Zope Books?

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 10:43:25 +1000

How about t-shirt's to lift the spirit up ? :)

I'll be flying to Indonesia for a week on 12 November. If anyone can
design a cool
logo and slogan, I'll try to print some t-shirts down there (cheaper,
and pretty good t-shirt material)..I'll throw away my year's worth wages
for this :)

So, let's start with a cool t-shirt slogan:..

any takers ?


Tom Deprez wrote:
> ....sghhhh and nobody contacted ZDP for helping them out....
> Maybe ZBook is not usefull anymore?.... nah! ZBook will be the most
> up-to-date book ever!
> Come on people! Let's work on ZBook! Let's make one hack of a tool for
> publishing all great information about Zope!
> And let ZBook be the heart of it.
> Who will help??
> Tom.
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