[ZDP] move to zope.org ?

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 10:10:39 +1000

> >At this point, all Zope documentation seems to be sporadic and well, uh
> >in Anarchy. ZBook framework probably would probably be our salvation. If
> >we done this right, all how-to's writer can work together in a framework
> >that offers the definitive guide to Zope, from the dummies
> >to the wizards.
> I think we will first have to wait for Tom Deprez to return from vacation
> (I assume he is, because he also doesn't respond to direct mail right now).
> He wrote the ZBook, not as a framework, but as a way to learn Zope himself.
> It would only be fair to ask his opinion on the subject.
Indeed..I have seen on Stephen's Portal that Tom has finished gathering
some requirements document of some sorts. I do
wonder of what they are..Let's wait for a week for him (if after that
he's still not avaialable, lucky guy-->long vacation :0)

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