[ZDP] Re: [ZDP] Réf. : [ZDP] ZCL

Maik.Röder roeder@berg.net
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 18:16:25 +0100

Hi !

> > If people have some remarks for better visibility, do not hesitate.

Make many Phases on this page:


Phase I:  A Web Application Platform
Phase II: Zen, Architecture and Power of Zope
Phase III: Application Development
Phase IV: Zope Security
Phase V: Cutting Edge

I really don't like this, but when you choose the Process ZClass
for the ZCL, this is the intended usage of Process.

Without creating your own ZClasses, you can do the following::

Put many DraftSubmission Folders inside ZBook:

Part I:  A Web Application Platform
Part II: Zen, Architecture and Power of Zope
Part III: Application Development
Part IV: Zope Security
Part V: Cutting Edge

Inside these DraftSubmissionFolders, create many
DraftSubmissionFolders Chapter.

Inside these DraftSubmissionFolders, create many
DraftSubmissionFolders SubChapter.

I don't like this either, but anyway this is
the practical thing to do.

If you want more, then create the ZClasses:


This is really easy, because you just have to make them
as subclasses of DocumentFolder and DocumentFolder
already does everything for you.

You could make Subchapter a Subclass from DraftSubmissionFolder,
and again, you would not have to program anything !

I like this very much.

> > Now we can start uploading our drafts following the chapter numbers
> > associated in the ZCL, and the ZCLProcess for anything that is
> > new/modification.
> > But I don't remember now where we are supposed to upload them. Is it > > in our  respective Member folders ?

We decided against this, because we want to enforce a structure on
the ZDP site. 

> mmm, wouldn't it be better to upload these drafts somewhere under the
> ZCL/ZBook itself?

Yes. Just make a ZClass ZBook, and add a List_Chapters method.
> i.e. By clicking on a topic, people get the draft and its comments?
> Thus, if possible we start from the ZCL. Or we create a tree (with all its
> drafts) under ZBook. I think the last one is the best one!

I obviously agree with Tom here.

> (I believe the member page is automatically updated with the members drafts
> even if they are not stored under the members folder. At least this was a
> point we wanted to have)

Yes, but we still have to make ZClasses register with the Catalog.


Maik Röder