[ZDP] Re: Drafts

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 15:23:14 +0100

>Our ideas are some applications of the newly arrived Zope Portal Toolkit, I
>think. It would be interesting that someone who already looked at the PTK
>try a parallele/convergence between the PTK and the way ZDP works. This may
>also bring our project further in understanding Zope possibilities.

mmm, I don't know anything about the PTK. Only what is been said a few
months back. Yes, perhaps we can benefit of a merge. However until then -
and this can be still a long time - we need to go further with what we have.
We have already very good tools, made by Maik. They all do what we want and
we only need to get that last thing done with ZBook. That is displaying the
latest draft. If we can do this, we can publish our drafts and make an
announcement of the rebirth of ZDP.
Then, while doing, members can look at PTK and maybe merge ZDP-Tools and
PTK together. But at this moment I think it will only slow down ZDP once more.

Isn't there anybody else on this list except Kamon and me?
