[ZDP] Re: Réf. : Re: Drafts

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 16:36:51 +0100

At 16:28 25/01/2000 +0100, kamon.ayeva@bureauveritas.com wrote:
>I suggest to use:
>document_status (or status): Needs review, Reviewed, or Accepted
>draft_status: Previous, Current
>When adding a draft, draft_status="Current".
>If there was an existing draft for the same chapter, this one is changed to
>Then, in the dtml for displaying a chapter's drafts:
><dtml-if draft_status=="Current">
>       <dtml-var draft>

Hi Kamo, 

I think this status isn't even needed. We can just look at the object with
type draft and then look at its creation date... The latest draft is the
one with the last creation date.
