[Zodb-checkins] CVS: ZEO/ZEO/zrpc - client.py:

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Sat, 26 Jan 2002 13:37:30 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/ZEO/ZEO/zrpc
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4531/zrpc

Modified Files:
      Tag: Standby-branch
Log Message:
ConnectThread.connect():  add enough errno smarts so that checkWriteClient
passes on Windows too.

=== ZEO/ZEO/zrpc/client.py => ===
         self.sock = sock
+# When trying to do a connect on a non-blocking socket, some outcomes
+# are expected.  Set _CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS to the errno value(s) expected
+# when an initial connect can't complete immediately.  Set _CONNECT_OK
+# to the errno value(s) expected if the connect succeeds *or* if it's
+# already connected (our code can attempt redundant connects).
+if hasattr(errno, "WSAEWOULDBLOCK"):    # Windows
+    _CONNECT_OK          = (0, errno.WSAEISCONN)
+else:                                   # Unix
+    _CONNECT_OK          = (0, errno.EISCONN)
 class ConnectThread(threading.Thread):
     """Thread that tries to connect to server given one or more addresses.
@@ -213,8 +225,6 @@
                 self.sockets[s] = addr
                 # XXX can still block for a while if addr requires DNS
-                # YYY What is that XXX comment trying to say?  self.connect
-                # YYY explicitly tolerates EINPROGRESS.
                 e = self.connect(s)
             # next wait until they actually connect
@@ -254,9 +264,9 @@
         addr = self.sockets[s]
         e = s.connect_ex(addr)
-        if e == errno.EINPROGRESS:
+        if e in _CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS:
             return 1
-        elif e == 0 or e == errno.EISCONN:
+        elif e in _CONNECT_OK:
             c = self.test_connection(s, addr)
             log("connected to %s" % repr(addr), level=zLOG.DEBUG)
             if c: