[Zodb-checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/ZODB - interfaces.py:1.2 subtransactions.txt:1.2 ConflictResolution.py:1.22 Connection.py:1.118 DB.py:1.61 DemoStorage.py:1.25 Transaction.py:1.57 referencesf.py:1.7 serialize.py:1.3 coptimizations.c:NONE

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at zope.com
Wed Feb 18 21:59:41 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/ZODB
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11908/lib/python/ZODB

Modified Files:
	ConflictResolution.py Connection.py DB.py DemoStorage.py 
	Transaction.py referencesf.py serialize.py 
Added Files:
	interfaces.py subtransactions.txt 
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Merge zope3-zodb3-devel-branch to the Zope head (Zope 2 head).

Add support for persistent weak references.  The implementation is in
pure Python right now; coptimizations.c was disabled.  We need to
restore the C code before going to beta.

The persistent reference format has evolved a little, but the code on
the branch doesn't document it.  The ref is usually a an oid-class
pair, where the class is an actual class object.  It can also be a
list, for weak references, or a bare oid.

Add support for data managers written against the ZODB4 transaction
API.  The transaction implementation provides an adapter between the
two interfaces.  There's a substantial doctest test suite for this

Add add() method to Connection to explicitly add an object and get it
an assigned _p_oid.  It's possible to add an unconnected object; this
isn't recommended, because it will be lost at pack time.

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/interfaces.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Feb 18 21:59:40 2004
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/interfaces.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Interfaces for ZODB."""
+    from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
+except ImportError:
+    class Interface:
+        pass
+    class Attribute:
+        def __init__(self, __name__, __doc__):
+            self.__name__ = __name__
+            self.__doc__ = __doc__
+class IDataManager(Interface):
+    """Objects that manage transactional storage.
+    These object's may manage data for other objects, or they may manage
+    non-object storages, such as relational databases.
+    """
+    def abort_sub(transaction):
+        """Discard all subtransaction data.
+        See subtransaction.txt
+        This is called when top-level transactions are aborted.
+        No further subtransactions can be started once abort_sub()
+        has been called; this is only used when the transaction is
+        being aborted.
+        abort_sub also implies the abort of a 2-phase commit.
+        This should never fail.
+        """
+    def commit_sub(transaction):
+        """Commit all changes made in subtransactions and begin 2-phase commit
+        Data are saved *as if* they are part of the current transaction.
+        That is, they will not be persistent unless the current transaction
+        is committed.
+        This is called when the current top-level transaction is committed.
+        No further subtransactions can be started once commit_sub()
+        has been called; this is only used when the transaction is
+        being committed.
+        This call also implied the beginning of 2-phase commit.
+        """
+    # Two-phase commit protocol.  These methods are called by the
+    # ITransaction object associated with the transaction being
+    # committed.
+    def tpc_begin(transaction, subtransaction=False):
+        """Begin commit of a transaction, starting the two-phase commit.
+        transaction is the ITransaction instance associated with the
+        transaction being committed.
+        subtransaction is a Boolean flag indicating whether the
+        two-phase commit is being invoked for a subtransaction.
+        Important note: Subtransactions are modelled in the sense that
+        when you commit a subtransaction, subsequent commits should be
+        for subtransactions as well.  That is, there must be a
+        commit_sub() call between a tpc_begin() call with the
+        subtransaction flag set to true and a tpc_begin() with the
+        flag set to false.
+        """
+    def tpc_abort(transaction):
+        """Abort a transaction.
+        This is always called after a tpc_begin call.
+        transaction is the ITransaction instance associated with the
+        transaction being committed.
+        This should never fail.
+        """
+    def tpc_finish(transaction):
+        """Indicate confirmation that the transaction is done.
+        transaction is the ITransaction instance associated with the
+        transaction being committed.
+        This should never fail. If this raises an exception, the
+        database is not expected to maintain consistency; it's a
+        serious error.
+        """
+    def tpc_vote(transaction):
+        """Verify that a data manager can commit the transaction
+        This is the last chance for a data manager to vote 'no'.  A
+        data manager votes 'no' by raising an exception.
+        transaction is the ITransaction instance associated with the
+        transaction being committed.
+        """
+    def commit(object, transaction):
+        """CCCommit changes to an object
+        Save the object as part of the data to be made persistent if
+        the transaction commits.
+        """
+    def abort(object, transaction):
+        """Abort changes to an object
+        Only changes made since the last transaction or
+        sub-transaction boundary are discarded.
+        This method may be called either:
+        o Outside of two-phase commit, or
+        o In the first phase of two-phase commit
+        """
+class ITransaction(Interface):
+    """Object representing a running transaction.
+    Objects with this interface may represent different transactions
+    during their lifetime (.begin() can be called to start a new
+    transaction using the same instance).
+    """
+    user = Attribute(
+        "user",
+        "The name of the user on whose behalf the transaction is being\n"
+        "performed.  The format of the user name is defined by the\n"
+        "application.")
+    # XXX required to be a string?
+    description = Attribute(
+        "description",
+        "Textual description of the transaction.")
+    def begin(info=None, subtransaction=None):
+        """Begin a new transaction.
+        If the transaction is in progress, it is aborted and a new
+        transaction is started using the same transaction object.
+        """
+    def commit(subtransaction=None):
+        """Finalize the transaction.
+        This executes the two-phase commit algorithm for all
+        IDataManager objects associated with the transaction.
+        """
+    def abort(subtransaction=0, freeme=1):
+        """Abort the transaction.
+        This is called from the application.  This can only be called
+        before the two-phase commit protocol has been started.
+        """
+    def join(datamanager):
+        """Add a datamanager to the transaction.
+        The datamanager must implement the
+        transactions.interfaces.IDataManager interface, and be
+        adaptable to ZODB.interfaces.IDataManager.
+        """
+    def register(object):
+        """Register the given object for transaction control."""
+    def note(text):
+        """Add text to the transaction description.
+        If a description has already been set, text is added to the
+        end of the description following two newline characters.
+        Surrounding whitespace is stripped from text.
+        """
+        # XXX does impl do the right thing with ''?  Not clear what
+        # the "right thing" is.
+    def setUser(user_name, path="/"):
+        """Set the user name.
+        path should be provided if needed to further qualify the
+        identified user.
+        """
+    def setExtendedInfo(name, value):
+        """Add extension data to the transaction.
+        name is the name of the extension property to set; value must
+        be a picklable value.
+        Storage implementations may limit the amount of extension data
+        which can be stored.
+        """
+        # XXX is this this allowed to cause an exception here, during
+        # the two-phase commit, or can it toss data silently?

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/subtransactions.txt 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Feb 18 21:59:40 2004
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/subtransactions.txt	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Subtransactions in ZODB 3
+ZODB 3 provides limited support for subtransactions. Subtransactions
+are nested to *one* level. There are top-level transactions and
+subtransactions.  When a transaction is committed, a flag is passed
+indicating whether it is a subtransaction or a top-level transaction.
+Consider the following exampler commit calls:
+- commit()
+  A regular top-level transaction is committed.
+- commit(1)
+  A subtransaction is committed. There is now one subtransaction of
+  the current top-level transaction.
+- commit(1)
+  A subtransaction is committed. There are now two subtransactions of
+  the current top-level transaction.
+- abort(1)
+  A subtransaction is aborted. There are still two subtransactions of
+  the current top-level transaction; work done since the last
+  commit(1) call is discarded.
+- commit()
+  We now commit a top-level transaction. The work done in the previous
+  two subtransactions *plus* work done since the last abort(1) call
+  is saved.
+- commit(1)
+  A subtransaction is committed. There is now one subtransaction of
+  the current top-level transaction.
+- commit(1)
+  A subtransaction is committed. There are now two subtransactions of
+  the current top-level transaction.
+- abort()
+  We now abort a top-level transaction. We discard the work done in
+  the previous two subtransactions *plus* work done since the last
+  commit(1) call.

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/ConflictResolution.py 1.21 => 1.22 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/ConflictResolution.py:1.21	Fri Nov 28 11:44:49 2003
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/ConflictResolution.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -19,25 +19,39 @@
 from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
 import zLOG
-bad_classes = {}
-def bad_class(class_tuple):
-    if bad_classes.has_key(class_tuple) or class_tuple[0][0] == '*':
-        # if we've seen the class before or if it's a ZClass, we know that
-        # we can't resolve the conflict
-        return 1
 ResolvedSerial = 'rs'
-def _classFactory(location, name,
-                  _silly=('__doc__',), _globals={}):
-    return getattr(__import__(location, _globals, _globals, _silly),
-                   name)
+class BadClassName(Exception):
+    pass
+_class_cache = {}
+_class_cache_get = _class_cache.get
+def find_global(*args):
+    cls = _class_cache_get(args, 0)
+    if cls == 0:
+        # Not cached. Try to import
+        try:
+            module = __import__(args[0], {}, {}, ['cluck'])
+        except ImportError:
+            cls = 1
+        else:
+            cls = getattr(module, args[1], 1)
+        _class_cache[args] = cls
+        if cls == 1:
+            zLOG.LOG("Conflict Resolution", zLOG.BLATHER,
+                     "Unable to load class", error=sys.exc_info())
+    if cls == 1:
+        # Not importable
+        raise BadClassName(*args)
+    return cls
 def state(self, oid, serial, prfactory, p=''):
     p = p or self.loadSerial(oid, serial)
     file = StringIO(p)
     unpickler = Unpickler(file)
+    unpickler.find_global = find_global
     unpickler.persistent_load = prfactory.persistent_load
     unpickler.load() # skip the class tuple
     return unpickler.load()
@@ -70,17 +84,8 @@
     if getattr(object, '__class__', 0) is not PersistentReference:
         return None
     return object.data
-def load_class(class_tuple):
-    try:
-        klass = _classFactory(class_tuple[0], class_tuple[1])
-    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-        zLOG.LOG("Conflict Resolution", zLOG.BLATHER,
-                 "Unable to load class", error=sys.exc_info())
-        bad_classes[class_tuple] = 1
-        return None
-    return klass
+_unresolvable = {}
 def tryToResolveConflict(self, oid, committedSerial, oldSerial, newpickle,
     # class_tuple, old, committed, newstate = ('',''), 0, 0, 0
@@ -88,21 +93,28 @@
         prfactory = PersistentReferenceFactory()
         file = StringIO(newpickle)
         unpickler = Unpickler(file)
+        unpickler.find_global = find_global
         unpickler.persistent_load = prfactory.persistent_load
         meta = unpickler.load()
-        class_tuple = meta[0]
-        if bad_class(class_tuple):
+        if isinstance(meta, tuple):
+            klass = meta[0]
+            newargs = meta[1] or ()
+            if isinstance(klass, tuple):
+                klass = find_global(*klass)
+        else:
+            klass = meta
+            newargs = ()
+        if klass in _unresolvable:
             return None
         newstate = unpickler.load()
-        klass = load_class(class_tuple)
-        if klass is None:
-            return None
-        inst = klass.__new__(klass)
+        inst = klass.__new__(klass, *newargs)
             resolve = inst._p_resolveConflict
         except AttributeError:
-            bad_classes[class_tuple] = 1
+            _unresolvable[klass] = 1
             return None
         old = state(self, oid, oldSerial, prfactory)
@@ -116,7 +128,7 @@
         return file.getvalue(1)
-    except ConflictError:
+    except (ConflictError, BadClassName):
         return None
         # If anything else went wrong, catch it here and avoid passing an

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py 1.117 => 1.118 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py:1.117	Wed Jan 14 13:58:08 2004
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -18,29 +18,21 @@
 import logging
 import sys
 import threading
+import itertools
 from time import time
-from types import ClassType
 from utils import u64
-_marker = object()
-def myhasattr(obj, attr):
-    # builtin hasattr() swallows exceptions
-    return getattr(obj, attr, _marker) is not _marker
 from persistent import PickleCache
 from ZODB.ConflictResolution import ResolvedSerial
-from ZODB.coptimizations import new_persistent_id
 from ZODB.ExportImport import ExportImport
 from ZODB.POSException \
-     import ConflictError, ReadConflictError, TransactionError
+     import ConflictError, ReadConflictError, InvalidObjectReference
 from ZODB.TmpStore import TmpStore
 from ZODB.Transaction import Transaction, get_transaction
 from ZODB.utils import oid_repr, z64
-from ZODB.serialize \
-     import ObjectWriter, getClassMetadata, ConnectionObjectReader
+from ZODB.serialize import ObjectWriter, ConnectionObjectReader, myhasattr
 global_reset_counter = 0
@@ -70,6 +62,7 @@
     _opened = None
     _code_timestamp = 0
     _transaction = None
+    _added_during_commit = None
     def __init__(self, version='', cache_size=400,
                  cache_deactivate_after=60, mvcc=True):
@@ -88,6 +81,8 @@
             self._cache.cache_drain_resistance = 100
         self._incrgc = self.cacheGC = cache.incrgc
+        self._committed = []
+        self._added = {}
         self._reset_counter = global_reset_counter
         self._load_count = 0   # Number of objects unghosted
         self._store_count = 0  # Number of objects stored
@@ -160,6 +155,9 @@
         obj = self._cache.get(oid, None)
         if obj is not None:
             return obj
+        obj = self._added.get(oid, None)
+        if obj is not None:
+            return obj
         p, serial = self._storage.load(oid, self._version)
         obj = self._reader.getGhost(p)
@@ -172,6 +170,21 @@
         self._cache[oid] = obj
         return obj
+    def add(self, obj):
+        marker = object()
+        oid = getattr(obj, "_p_oid", marker)
+        if oid is marker:
+            raise TypeError("Only first-class persistent objects may be"
+                            " added to a Connection.", obj)
+        elif obj._p_jar is None:
+            oid = obj._p_oid = self._storage.new_oid()
+            obj._p_jar = self
+            self._added[oid] = obj
+            if self._added_during_commit is not None:
+                self._added_during_commit.append(obj)
+        elif obj._p_jar is not self:
+            raise InvalidObjectReference(obj, obj._p_jar)
     def sortKey(self):
         # XXX will raise an exception if the DB hasn't been set
         storage_key = self._sortKey()
@@ -219,8 +232,14 @@
         if object is self:
-            assert object._p_oid is not None
-            self._cache.invalidate(object._p_oid)
+            oid = object._p_oid
+            assert oid is not None
+            if oid in self._added:
+                del self._added[oid]
+                del object._p_jar
+                del object._p_oid
+            else:
+                self._cache.invalidate(object._p_oid)
     def cacheFullSweep(self, dt=0):
@@ -269,55 +288,76 @@
             raise ReadConflictError(object=object)
         invalid = self._invalid
+        # XXX In the case of a new object or an object added using add(),
+        #     the oid is appended to _creating.
+        #     However, this ought to be unnecessary because the _p_serial
+        #     of the object will be z64 or None, so it will be appended
+        #     to _creating about 30 lines down. The removal from _added
+        #     ought likewise to be unnecessary.
         if oid is None or object._p_jar is not self:
             # new object
             oid = self.new_oid()
             object._p_jar = self
             object._p_oid = oid
+            self._creating.append(oid) # maybe don't need this
+        elif oid in self._added:
+            # maybe don't need these
+            del self._added[oid]
         elif object._p_changed:
             if invalid(oid):
                 resolve = getattr(object, "_p_resolveConflict", None)
                 if resolve is None:
                     raise ConflictError(object=object)
             # Nothing to do
         w = ObjectWriter(object)
-        for obj in w:
-            oid = obj._p_oid
-            serial = getattr(obj, '_p_serial', z64)
-            if serial == z64:
-                # new object
-                self._creating.append(oid)
-            else:
-                if invalid(oid) and not hasattr(object, '_p_resolveConflict'):
-                    raise ConflictError(object=obj)
-                self._modified.append(oid)
-            p = w.serialize(obj)
-            s = self._storage.store(oid, serial, p, self._version, transaction)
-            self._store_count = self._store_count + 1
-            # Put the object in the cache before handling the
-            # response, just in case the response contains the
-            # serial number for a newly created object
-            try:
-                self._cache[oid] = obj
-            except:
-                # Dang, I bet its wrapped:
-                if hasattr(obj, 'aq_base'):
-                    self._cache[oid] = obj.aq_base
+        self._added_during_commit = []
+        try:
+            for obj in itertools.chain(w, self._added_during_commit):
+                oid = obj._p_oid
+                serial = getattr(obj, '_p_serial', z64)
+                # XXX which one? z64 or None? Why do I have to check both?
+                if serial == z64 or serial is None:
+                    # new object
+                    self._creating.append(oid)
+                    # If this object was added, it is now in _creating, so can
+                    # be removed from _added.
+                    self._added.pop(oid, None)
-                    raise
+                    if (invalid(oid)
+                        and not hasattr(object, '_p_resolveConflict')):
+                        raise ConflictError(object=obj)
+                    self._modified.append(oid)
+                p = w.serialize(obj)  # This calls __getstate__ of obj
+                s = self._storage.store(oid, serial, p, self._version,
+                                        transaction)
+                self._store_count = self._store_count + 1
+                # Put the object in the cache before handling the
+                # response, just in case the response contains the
+                # serial number for a newly created object
+                try:
+                    self._cache[oid] = obj
+                except:
+                    # Dang, I bet its wrapped:
+                    if hasattr(obj, 'aq_base'):
+                        self._cache[oid] = obj.aq_base
+                    else:
+                        raise
-            self._handle_serial(s, oid)
+                self._handle_serial(s, oid)
+        finally:
+            del self._added_during_commit
     def commit_sub(self, t):
-        """Commit all work done in subtransactions"""
+        """Commit all work done in all subtransactions for this transaction"""
         if tmp is None: return
@@ -347,7 +387,7 @@
             self._handle_serial(s, oid, change=0)
     def abort_sub(self, t):
-        """Abort work done in subtransactions"""
+        """Abort work done in all subtransactions for this transaction"""
         if tmp is None: return
@@ -586,6 +626,10 @@
+        while self._added:
+            oid, obj = self._added.popitem()
+            del obj._p_oid
+            del obj._p_jar
     def tpc_begin(self, transaction, sub=None):
         self._modified = []

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/DB.py 1.60 => 1.61 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/DB.py:1.60	Tue Feb 17 20:13:00 2004
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/DB.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
         return detail
-    def cacheFullSweep(self, value):
-        self._connectionMap(lambda c, v=value: c._cache.full_sweep(v))
+    def cacheFullSweep(self):
+        self._connectionMap(lambda c: c._cache.full_sweep())
     def cacheLastGCTime(self):
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@
         return m[0]
-    def cacheMinimize(self, value):
-        self._connectionMap(lambda c, v=value: c._cache.minimize(v))
+    def cacheMinimize(self):
+        self._connectionMap(lambda c: c._cache.minimize())
     def cacheMeanAge(self): return self._cacheMean('cache_mean_age')
     def cacheMeanDeac(self): return self._cacheMean('cache_mean_deac')

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/DemoStorage.py 1.24 => 1.25 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/DemoStorage.py:1.24	Tue Feb 17 20:13:00 2004
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/DemoStorage.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   - Provide a volatile storage that is useful for giving demonstrations.
-The demo strorage can have a "base" storage that is used in a
+The demo storage can have a "base" storage that is used in a
 read-only fashion. The base storage must not not to contain version
@@ -402,6 +402,11 @@
             # Build indexes up to the pack time:
             index, vindex = self._build_indexes(stop)
+            # XXX This packing algorithm is flawed. It ignores
+            # references from non-current records after the pack
+            # time.
             # Now build an index of *only* those objects reachable
             # from the root.

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/Transaction.py 1.56 => 1.57 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/Transaction.py:1.56	Mon Dec 29 17:40:48 2003
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/Transaction.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@
             return "Transaction thread=%s user=%s" % (self._id, `self.user`)
+    # XXX This whole freeme business is lame.
+    # As a separate task, we really need to revisit transaction management.
     def __del__(self):
         if self._objects:
@@ -428,6 +431,14 @@
         'Register the given object for transaction control.'
+    def join(self, zodb4datamanager):
+        """Join a transaction.interfaces.IDataManager with the transaction
+        This method is provided for "backward-compatability" with ZODB 4
+        data managers.
+        """
+        self._append(DataManagerAdapter(zodb4datamanager))
     def note(self, text):
         if self.description:
             self.description = "%s\n\n%s" % (self.description, text.strip())
@@ -454,6 +465,69 @@
 the system problem.  See your application log for
 information on the error that lead to this problem.
+class DataManagerAdapter(object):
+    """Adapt zodb 4-style data managers to zodb3 style
+    Adapt transaction.interfaces.IDataManager to
+    ZODB.interfaces.IPureDatamanager
+    """
+    # Note that it is pretty important that this does not have a _p_jar
+    # attribute. This object will be registered with a zodb3 TM, which
+    # will then try to get a _p_jar from it, using it as the default.
+    # (Objects without a _p_jar are their own data managers.)
+    def __init__(self, datamanager):
+        self._datamanager = datamanager
+        self._rollback = None
+    def commit(self, ob, transaction):
+        assert ob is self
+    def abort(self, ob, transaction):
+        assert ob is self
+        # We need to discard any changes since the last save point, or all
+        # changes
+        if self._rollback is None:
+            # No previous savepoint, so just abort
+            self._datamanager.abort(transaction)
+        else:
+            self._rollback()
+    def abort_sub(self, transaction):
+        self._datamanager.abort(transaction)
+    def commit_sub(self, transaction):
+        # Nothing to do wrt data, be we begin 2pc for the top-level
+        # trans
+        self._sub = False
+    def tpc_begin(self, transaction, subtransaction=False):
+        self._sub = subtransaction
+    def tpc_abort(self, transaction):
+        if self._sub:
+            self.abort(self, transaction)
+        else:
+            self._datamanager.abort(transaction)
+    def tpc_finish(self, transaction):
+        if self._sub:
+            self._rollback = self._datamanager.savepoint(transaction).rollback
+        else:
+            self._datamanager.commit(transaction)
+    def tpc_vote(self, transaction):
+        if not self._sub:
+            self._datamanager.prepare(transaction)
 # install get_transaction:

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/referencesf.py 1.6 => 1.7 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/referencesf.py:1.6	Wed Aug 14 18:07:09 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/referencesf.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -15,33 +15,54 @@
 import cPickle, cStringIO
-def referencesf(p, rootl=None,
-                Unpickler=cPickle.Unpickler,
-                StringIO=cStringIO.StringIO,
-                tt=type(()),
-                type=type):
-    if rootl is None: rootl=[]
-    u=Unpickler(StringIO(p))
-    l=len(rootl)
-    u.persistent_load=rootl
+def referencesf(p, rootl=None,):
+    if rootl is None:
+        rootl = []
+    u = cPickle.Unpickler(cStringIO.StringIO(p))
+    l = len(rootl)
+    u.persistent_load = rootl
-    try: u.noload()
+    try:
+        u.noload()
         # Hm.  We failed to do second load.  Maybe there wasn't a
         # second pickle.  Let's check:
-        f=StringIO(p)
-        u=Unpickler(f)
-        u.persistent_load=[]
+        f = cStringIO.StringIO(p)
+        u = cPickle.Unpickler(f)
+        u.persistent_load = []
-        if len(p) > f.tell(): raise ValueError, 'Error unpickling, %s' % p
+        if len(p) > f.tell():
+            raise ValueError, 'Error unpickling, %s' % p
+    # References may be:
+    #
+    # - A tuple, in which case they are an oid and class.
+    #   In this case, just extract the first element, which is
+    #   the oid
+    #
+    # - A list, which is a weak reference. We skip those.
+    #
+    # - Anything else must be an oid. This means that an oid
+    #   may not be a list or a tuple. This is a bit lame.
+    #   We could avoid this lamosity by allowing single-element
+    #   tuples, so that we wrap oids that are lists or tuples in
+    #   tuples.
+    #
+    # - oids may *not* be false.  I'm not sure why. 
+    out = []
+    for v in rootl:
+        assert v # Let's see if we ever get empty ones
+        if type(v) is list:
+            # skip wekrefs
+            continue
+        if type(v) is tuple:
+            v = v[0]
+        out.append(v)
-    # References may have class info, so we need to
-    # check for wrapped references.
-    for i in range(l, len(rootl)):
-        v=rootl[i]
-        if v:
-            if type(v) is tt: v=v[0]
-            rootl[i]=v
+    rootl[:] = out
     return rootl

=== Zope/lib/python/ZODB/serialize.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZODB/serialize.py:1.2	Fri Nov 28 11:44:49 2003
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZODB/serialize.py	Wed Feb 18 21:59:06 2004
@@ -58,34 +58,35 @@
 import cPickle
 import cStringIO
-from ZODB.coptimizations import new_persistent_id
+from persistent import Persistent
+from persistent.wref import WeakRefMarker, WeakRef
+from ZODB.POSException import InvalidObjectReference
-_marker = object()
+# Might to update or redo to reflect weakrefs
+# from ZODB.coptimizations import new_persistent_id
-def myhasattr(obj, attr):
-    """Returns True or False or raises an exception."""
-    val = getattr(obj, attr, _marker)
-    return val is not _marker
+def myhasattr(obj, name, _marker=object()):
+    """Make sure we don't mask exceptions like hasattr().
+    We don't want exceptions other than AttributeError to be masked,
+    since that too often masks other programming errors.
+    Three-argument getattr() doesn't mask those, so we use that to
+    implement our own hasattr() replacement.
+    """
+    return getattr(obj, name, _marker) is not _marker
 def getClassMetadata(obj):
-    klass = obj.__class__
-    if issubclass(klass, type):
-        # Handle ZClasses.
-        d = obj.__dict__.copy()
-        del d["_p_jar"]
-        args = obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, d
-        return klass, args
+    # We don't use __class__ here, because obj could be a persistent proxy.
+    # We don't want to be folled by proxies.
+    klass = type(obj)
+    newargs = getattr(klass, "__getnewargs__", None)
+    if newargs is None:
+        return klass
-        getinitargs = getattr(klass, "__getinitargs__", None)
-        if getinitargs is None:
-            args = None
-        else:
-            args = getinitargs()
-        mod = getattr(klass, "__module__", None)
-        if mod is None:
-            return klass, args
-        else:
-            return (mod, klass.__name__), args
+        return klass, newargs(obj)
 class BaseObjectWriter:
     """Serializes objects for storage in the database.
@@ -93,23 +94,90 @@
     The ObjectWriter creates object pickles in the ZODB format.  It
     also detects new persistent objects reachable from the current
-    The client is responsible for calling the close() method to avoid
-    leaking memory.  The ObjectWriter uses a Pickler internally, and
-    Pickler objects do not participate in garbage collection.  (Note
-    that in Python 2.3 and higher, the close() method would be
-    unnecessary because Picklers participate in garbage collection.)
     def __init__(self, jar=None):
         self._file = cStringIO.StringIO()
         self._p = cPickle.Pickler(self._file, 1)
         self._stack = []
-        self._p.persistent_id = new_persistent_id(jar, self._stack)
+        self._p.persistent_id = self.persistent_id
         if jar is not None:
             assert myhasattr(jar, "new_oid")
         self._jar = jar
+    def persistent_id(self, obj):
+        # Most objects are not persistent. The following cheap test
+        # identifies most of them.  For these, we return None,
+        # signalling that the object should be pickled normally.
+        if not isinstance(obj, (Persistent, type, WeakRef)):
+            # Not persistent, pickle normally
+            return None
+        # Any persistent object mosy have an oid:
+        try:
+            oid = obj._p_oid
+        except AttributeError:
+            # Not persistent, pickle normally
+            return None
+        if not (oid is None or isinstance(oid, str)):
+            # Deserves a closer look:
+            # Make sure it's not a descr
+            if hasattr(oid, '__get__'):
+                # The oid is a decriptor.  That means obj is a non-persistent
+                # class whose instances are persistent, so ...
+                # Not persistent, pickle normally
+                return None
+            if oid is WeakRefMarker:
+                # we have a weakref, see weakref.py
+                oid = obj.oid
+                if oid is None:
+                    obj = obj() # get the referenced object
+                    oid = obj._p_oid
+                    if oid is None:
+                        # Here we are causing the object to be saved in
+                        # the database. One could argue that we shouldn't
+                        # do this, because a wekref should not cause an object
+                        # to be added.  We'll be optimistic, though, and
+                        # assume that the object will be added eventually.
+                        oid = self._jar.new_oid()
+                        obj._p_jar = self._jar
+                        obj._p_oid = oid
+                        self._stack.append(obj)
+                return [oid]
+        # Since we have an oid, we have either a persistent instance
+        # (an instance of Persistent), or a persistent class.
+        # NOTE! Persistent classes don't (and can't) subclass persistent.
+        if oid is None:
+            oid = obj._p_oid = self._jar.new_oid()
+            obj._p_jar = self._jar
+            self._stack.append(obj)
+        elif obj._p_jar is not self._jar:
+            raise InvalidObjectReference(
+                "Attempt to store an object from a foreign "
+                "database connection"
+                )
+        klass = type(obj)
+        if hasattr(klass, '__getnewargs__'):
+            # We don't want to save newargs in object refs.
+            # It's possible that __getnewargs__ is degenerate and
+            # returns (), but we don't want to have to deghostify
+            # the object to find out.
+            return oid 
+        return oid, klass
     def serialize(self, obj):
         return self._dump(getClassMetadata(obj), obj.__getstate__())
@@ -168,7 +236,7 @@
         return unpickler
     def _new_object(self, klass, args):
-        if not args and not myhasattr(klass, "__getinitargs__"):
+        if not args and not myhasattr(klass, "__getnewargs__"):
             obj = klass.__new__(klass)
             obj = klass(*args)
@@ -179,19 +247,32 @@
     def getClassName(self, pickle):
         unpickler = self._get_unpickler(pickle)
-        klass, newargs = unpickler.load()
+        klass = unpickler.load()
         if isinstance(klass, tuple):
-            return "%s.%s" % klass
-        else:
-            return klass.__name__
+            klass, args = klass
+            if isinstance(klass, tuple):
+                # old style reference
+                return "%s.%s" % klass
+        return "%s.%s" % (klass.__module__, klass.__name__)
     def getGhost(self, pickle):
         unpickler = self._get_unpickler(pickle)
-        klass, args = unpickler.load()
+        klass = unpickler.load()
         if isinstance(klass, tuple):
-            klass = self._get_class(*klass)
-        return self._new_object(klass, args)
+            # Here we have a separate class and args.
+            # This could be an old record, so the class module ne a named
+            # refernce
+            klass, args = klass
+            if isinstance(klass, tuple):
+                # Old module_name, class_name tuple
+                klass = self._get_class(*klass)
+            if args is None:
+                return klass.__new__(klass)
+            else:
+                return klass.__new__(klass, *args)
+        else:
+            # Definately new style direct class reference
+            return klass.__new__(klass)
     def getState(self, pickle):
         unpickler = self._get_unpickler(pickle)
@@ -202,13 +283,6 @@
         state = self.getState(pickle)
-    def getObject(self, pickle):
-        unpickler = self._get_unpickler(pickle)
-        klass, args = unpickler.load()
-        obj = self._new_object(klass, args)
-        state = unpickler.load()
-        obj.__setstate__(state)
-        return obj
 class ExternalReference(object):
@@ -242,19 +316,18 @@
         if isinstance(oid, tuple):
             # Quick instance reference.  We know all we need to know
             # to create the instance w/o hitting the db, so go for it!
-            oid, klass_info = oid
+            oid, klass = oid
             obj = self._cache.get(oid, None) # XXX it's not a dict
             if obj is not None:
                 return obj
-            klass = self._get_class(*klass_info)
-            # XXX Why doesn't this have args?
-            obj = self._new_object(klass, None)
-            # XXX This doesn't address the last fallback that used to
-            # exist:
-##                    # Eek, we couldn't get the class. Hm.  Maybe there's
-##                    # more current data in the object's actual record!
-##                    return self._conn[oid]
+            if isinstance(klass, tuple):
+                klass = self._get_class(*klass)
+            try:
+                obj = klass.__new__(klass)
+            except TypeError:
+                # Couldn't create the instance.  Maybe there's more
+                # current data in the object's actual record!
+                return self._conn[oid]
             # XXX should be done by connection
             obj._p_oid = oid
@@ -267,7 +340,15 @@
             self._cache[oid] = obj
             return obj
-        obj = self._cache.get(oid)
+        elif isinstance(oid, list):
+            # see weakref.py
+            [oid] = oid
+            obj = WeakRef.__new__(WeakRef)
+            obj.oid = oid
+            obj.dm = self._conn
+            return obj
+        obj = self._cache.get(oid, None)
         if obj is not None:
             return obj
         return self._conn[oid]

=== Removed File Zope/lib/python/ZODB/coptimizations.c ===

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