[Zope-Annce] Photo 1.2.2 Released

Ron Bickers rbickers-dated-1005887242.464957@logicetc.com
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 00:07:22 -0500

Photo 1.2.2 has been released.  For more info and to download, see

See README.txt for details of new features.  See UPGRADE.txt for upgrading
from prior releases.

* Release 1.2.2 (Stable) - Nov. 8, 2001

  - Removed: a script is no longer available for upgrading from
    the old Photo product.  Too many things are different.
  - Added: option to generate displays on-the-fly instead of
    when the photo is added.
  - Added: timeout (in minutes) for displays to remain generated.
    This is somewhat experimental, because of the unknown practical
    effects on how the ZODB will grow with these updates.
    When a display is viewed, if more than half of timeout
    has passed since the display's mod time, the mod time is
    updated to the current time and the other displays are flushed
    if their mod time's are greater than timeout.
    If timeout is 0, the displays are never removed.
  - Added: Purge All action in displays will remove all generated
    displays.  If any displays are "checked", they will not be
    removed and their mod times will be reset.
  - Added: Clean Up action in displays will remove all generated
    displays that have expired.  If any displays are "checked",
    they will not be removed and their mod times will be reset.
  - Changed: moved Upgrade.py to the Extensions directory so it
    no longer needs to be copied to do an upgrade.  Thanks to
    Robert Rottermann for the tip.


Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.