[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Products/PageTemplates/help - PageTemplate_Edit.stx:1.3 metal.stx:1.4 tal.stx:1.5

Amos Latteier amos@zope.com
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:51:50 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/PageTemplates/help
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30766/help

Modified Files:
	PageTemplate_Edit.stx metal.stx tal.stx 
Log Message:
Added more explanations about the differences between HTML and XML parsing modes.

=== Products/PageTemplates/help/PageTemplate_Edit.stx 1.2 => 1.3 ===
         assumed to contain HTML, not XML.  This affects both parsing
         and rendering of the template, and can be overridden by giving
-        the template an 'is_html' property.
+        the template an 'is_html' property. In HTML mode you don't
+        need to explicitly declare 'tal' and 'metal' XML namespaces. In
+        XML mode you must explicitly declare 'tal' and 'metal' XML
+        namespaces, and Zope assumes that your template contains
+        well-formed XML.
         'Expand macros when editing' -- Allows you to turn the expansion
         of METAL macros on or off.  This only affects viewing of the

=== Products/PageTemplates/help/metal.stx 1.3 => 1.4 ===
     page; it's just a unique identifier.
+    Zope does not require an XML namespace declaration when creating
+    templates with a content-type of 'text/html'. However, it does
+    require an XML namespace declaration for all other content-types.
   METAL Statements 
     METAL defines a number of statements:

=== Products/PageTemplates/help/tal.stx 1.4 => 1.5 ===
     a browser to resolve it successfully.
+    Zope does not require an XML namespace declaration when creating
+    templates with a content-type of 'text/html'. However, it does
+    require an XML namespace declaration for all other content-types.
   TAL Statements   
     These are the tal statements: