[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser - TextIndexGgen.py:

Andreas Jung andreas@digicool.com
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 21:46:20 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv16494

Modified Files:
      Tag: ajung-textindexng-branch
Log Message:
- code cleanup
- refactored grammer and QueryParser into own modules

=== Zope/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndexNG/queryparser/TextIndexGgen.py => ===
 # Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -11,165 +13,42 @@
-""" Grammer for TextIndex queries """
+__version__ = "$Id$"
-import string
-       Value ::  ## indicates Value is the root nonterminal for the grammar
-    @R BaseRule            :: Value    >> Term 
-    @R Braces1Rule         :: Term     >> openp Term closep
-    @R Braces2Rule         :: Term     >> openp Term closep Term
-    @R DoubleTermRule      :: Term     >> Term  Term
-    @R AndTermRule         :: Term     >> Term and Term
-    @R OrTermRule          :: Term     >> Term or Term
-    @R Strrule             :: Term     >> str
-OPENPREGEX         = r'('
-CLOSEPREGEX        = r')'
-ANDREGEX           = 'and'
-ORREGEX            = 'or'
-STRREGEX           = '[a-zA-Z]*'
-OpMapping = {
-    'or':    'txUnion',
-    'and':   'txIntersection',
-    'near':  'txNear'
-### declare interpretation functions and regex's for terminals
-class Stack:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.lst = []
-    def push(self,item):
-        self.lst.append(item)
-    def pop(self):
-        item = self.lst[-1]
-        self.lst = self.lst[:-1]
-        return item
-class Collector(Stack):
-    def __init__(self, default_op='and'):
-        Stack.__init__(self)
-        self._current    = []
-        self._op         = []
-        self._default_op = default_op
-        self._result     = ''
-    def addWord(self,word):
-        self._current.append( 'LL("%s")' % word)
-    def setOp(self, op):
-        self._op = op
-    def newLevel(self):
-        # pop current on the stack
-        self.push( (self._current, self._op))
-        self._current = []
-    def endLevel(self):
-        if not self._op: 
-            op = self._default_op
-        else:
-            op = self._op
-        if self._current:
-            r = ','.join(self._current)
-            r = "%s(%s)" % (OpMapping[op], r)
-            # get top element from stack
-            topEl,topOp = self.pop()
-            topEl.append( r )
-            self.push( (topEl, topOp))
-            self._current = []
-        else:
-            # merge two top level element of stack
-            topEl,topOp = self.pop()
-            top1El,top1Op = self.pop()
+       expr :: 
-            r = ','.join(topEl)
-            r = "%s(%s)" % (OpMapping[topOp], r)
+       @R R1                 ::  expr >> factor
+       @R R2                 ::  expr >> factor or factor
+       @R R3                 ::  expr >> factor factor
-            top1El.append(r)
-            self.push( (top1El, top1Op) )
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Collector: %s %s" % (self._current,self._op)
-    __repr__ = __str__
-    def getResult(self):
-        if self._current:
-            if not self._op: self._op = self._default_op
-            r = ','.join(self._current)
-            r = "%s(%s)" % (OpMapping[self._op], r)
-            return r
-        else:
-            topEl,topOp = self.pop()
-            if not topOp: topOp = self._default_op
-            r = ','.join(topEl)
-            r = "%s(%s)" % (OpMapping[topOp], r)
-            return r   
-C = Collector() 
-def openParens(x):
-    C.newLevel()
-def closeParens(x):
-    C.endLevel()
+       @R R4                 ::  factor >> term
+       @R R5                 ::  factor >> term and term
+       @R R6                 ::  term   >> str 
+       @R R7                 ::  term   >> ( expr )
-def wordFound(word):
-    C.addWord( word )
-    return word
-def operandToken(op):
-    C.setOp(op)
+COMPILEDFILENAME     = "TextIndexG.py"
+ANDREGEX             = 'and'
+ORREGEX              = 'or'
+STRREGEX             = '[a-zA-Z]*'
 def DeclareTerminals(Grammar):
-    Grammar.Addterm("and",    ANDREGEX,     operandToken)
-    Grammar.Addterm("or",     ORREGEX,      operandToken)
-    Grammar.Addterm("openp",  OPENPREGEX,   openParens)
-    Grammar.Addterm("closep", CLOSEPREGEX,  closeParens)
-    Grammar.Addterm("str",    STRREGEX,     wordFound)
+    Grammar.Addterm("and",   ANDREGEX,    '')
+    Grammar.Addterm("or",    ORREGEX,     '')
+    Grammar.Addterm("str",   STRREGEX,    '')
 def BindRules(Grammar):
-     pass
+    pass 
 # This function generates the grammar and dumps it to a file.  
 def GrammarBuild():
     import kjParseBuild
@@ -177,8 +56,8 @@
     TextIndexG.SetCaseSensitivity(0) # grammar is not case sensitive for keywords
 #    TextIndexG.Keywords("and or")
-#    TextIndexG.punct("()")
-    TextIndexG.Nonterms("Value Term")
+    TextIndexG.punct("()")
+    TextIndexG.Nonterms("expr term factor wordlist")
@@ -193,50 +72,13 @@
-    return TextIndexG
-# this function initializes the compiled grammar from the generated file.  
-def LoadTextIndexG():
-    import TextIndexG
-    # reload to make sure we get the most recent version!
-    # (only needed when debugging the grammar).
-    reload(TextIndexG)
-    TextIndexG = TextIndexG.GRAMMAR()
-    DeclareTerminals(TextIndexG)
-    BindRules(TextIndexG)
     return TextIndexG
-def unMarshalTextIndexG():
-    import kjParser
-    infile = open(MARSHALLEDFILENAME, "r")
-    TextIndexG = kjParser.UnMarshalGram(infile)
-    infile.close()
-    DeclareTerminals(TextIndexG)
-    BindRules(TextIndexG)
-    return TextIndexG
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    ########## test the grammar generation
-       print "(re)generating the TextIndexG grammar in file TextIndexG.py"
-       Dummy = GrammarBuild()
-       print "(re)generation done."
-    print "loading grammar as python"
-    TextIndexG = LoadTextIndexG()
-    Context = { }
-    for item in ['a','(a)','(a) (b)','(a  b)','(a b)(c or d) ' ,
-            '(a and b) or (c and dd)','a and (b or c or (x and y))']:
-        print '-'*78
-        print item    
-        test = TextIndexG.DoParse1( item, Context)
-        print 'res:',C.getResult()
+   print "(re)generating the TextIndexG grammar in file TextIndexG.py"
+   Dummy = GrammarBuild()
+   print "(re)generation done."