[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/tests - testZopePublication.py:1.9

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 18:01:41 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv3603/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/tests

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added logic to the ZopePublication object to handle placeful
authentication services.

Fixed some bugs in the service manager and made the mapping
implementation there handle only local services.

Refactored the tests in ZopePublication to push some of the
browser-specific tests down to the Browser package.

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/ZopePublication/tests/testZopePublication.py 1.8 => 1.9 ===
 import unittest
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from Interface import Interface
 from Interface.Verify import verifyClass
 from Interface.Implements import instancesOfObjectImplements
@@ -23,61 +20,31 @@
 from ZODB.MappingStorage import MappingStorage
 from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.tests.PlacelessSetup import PlacelessSetup
-from Zope.ComponentArchitecture import getService, getServiceManager
 from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.GlobalAdapterService import provideAdapter 
 from Zope.I18n.IUserPreferredCharsets import IUserPreferredCharsets
-from Zope.Publisher.Publish import publish
 from Zope.Publisher.DefaultPublication import TestPublication
-from Zope.Publisher.IPublication import IPublication
 from Zope.Publisher.HTTP.HTTPRequest import IHTTPRequest
 from Zope.Publisher.HTTP.HTTPCharsets import HTTPCharsets
-from Zope.Publisher.Browser.BrowserRequest import TestRequest
-from Zope.Publisher.Browser.BrowserView import BrowserView
-from Zope.Publisher.Browser.IBrowserPublisher import IBrowserPublisher
-from Zope.Publisher.Browser.IBrowserPresentation import IBrowserPresentation
-from Zope.App.Security.Registries.PrincipalRegistry import principalRegistry
-from Zope.App.Security.Grants.Global.PrincipalRoleManager \
-     import principalRoleManager
-from Zope.App.ZopePublication.ZopePublication import ZopePublication
-from Zope.App.ZopePublication.Browser.Publication import BrowserPublication
-from Zope.App.ZopePublication.Traversers import TestTraverser
-from Zope.Configuration.name import resolve
-from Zope.Proxy.ContextWrapper import getWrapperContext
-from Zope.ContextWrapper import Wrapper
-from Zope.ContextWrapper import wrapperTypes
-from Zope.Publisher.Exceptions import Retry
 from Zope.Security import SimpleSecurityPolicies
 from Zope.Security.SecurityManagement import setSecurityPolicy
-from Zope.Proxy.ProxyIntrospection import removeAllProxies
-from Zope.Security.Checker import defineChecker, NamesChecker
-def foo():
-    " "
-    return '<html><body>hello base fans</body></html>'
-class DummyPublished:
-    __implements__ = IBrowserPublisher
+from Zope.App.Security.Registries.PrincipalRegistry import principalRegistry
+from Zope.App.Security.IUnauthenticatedPrincipal \
+     import IUnauthenticatedPrincipal
-    def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
-        if name == 'bruce':
-            return foo
-        raise KeyError, name
+from Zope.App.ZopePublication.ZopePublication import ZopePublication
-    def browserDefault(self, request):
-        return self, ['bruce']
+from Zope.App.OFS.Content.Folder.Folder import Folder
+from Zope.App.OFS.Content.Folder.RootFolder import RootFolder
-class DummyView(DummyPublished, BrowserView):
+from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.IServiceService import IServiceService
-    __implements__ = DummyPublished.__implements__, BrowserView.__implements__
+from Zope.Publisher.BaseRequest import TestRequest
+from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.GlobalServiceManager import serviceManager
 class BasePublicationTests(PlacelessSetup, unittest.TestCase):
     klass = ZopePublication 
@@ -123,244 +90,118 @@
         for interface in instancesOfObjectImplements(self.klass):
             verifyClass(interface, TestPublication)
-    def _createRequest(self, path, publication, **kw):
-        request = TestRequest(PATH_INFO=path, **kw)
-        request.setPublication(publication)
-        return request
+class Principal:
+    def __init__(self, id): self._id = id
+    def getId(self): return self._id
+    def getTitle(self): return ''
+    def getDescription(self): return ''
-class ZopePublicationTests(BasePublicationTests):
-    klass = ZopePublication
+class UnauthenticatedPrincipal(Principal):
+    __implements__ = IUnauthenticatedPrincipal
-class BrowserDefaultTests(BasePublicationTests):
-    """
-    test browser default
-    many views lead to a default view
-    <base href="/somepath/@@view/view_method">
+class AuthService1:
-    """
-    klass = BrowserPublication
-    def testBaseTagNoBase(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath/@@view/', '')
+    def authenticate(self, request):
+        return None
-    def testBaseTag1(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath/@@view',
-                           '')
-    def testBaseTag2(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath/',
-                           '')
-    def testBaseTag3(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath',
-                           '')
+    def unauthenticatedPrincipal(self):
+        return 'test.anonymous'
+    def unauthorized(self, id, request):
+        pass
-    def _testBaseTags(self, url, expected):
-        class I1(Interface): pass
-        from Persistence import Persistent
+    def getPrincipal(self, id):
+        return UnauthenticatedPrincipal(id)
-        class O1(Persistent):
-            __implements__ = I1
+class AuthService2(AuthService1):
-        pub = BrowserPublication(self.db)
-        getService(None,'Views').provideView(I1, 'view',
-                           IBrowserPresentation, [DummyView])
-        getService(None,'Views').setDefaultViewName(I1,
-                             IBrowserPresentation, 'view')
-        getService(None, 'Views').provideView(None,
-                    '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [TestTraverser])
-        ob = O1()
+    def authenticate(self, request):
+        return 'test.bob'
-        ## the following is for running the tests standalone
-        principalRegistry.defineDefaultPrincipal(
-            'tim', 'timbot', 'ai at its best')
+    def getPrincipal(self, id):
+        return Principal(id)
-        principalRoleManager.assignRoleToPrincipal('Manager', 'tim')
+class ServiceManager:
-        # now place our object inside the application
-        from Transaction import get_transaction
-        connection = self.db.open()
-        app = connection.root()['Application']
-        app.somepath = ob
-        get_transaction().commit()
-        connection.close()        
+    __implements__ = IServiceService # a dirty lie
+    def __init__(self, auth):   self.auth = auth
+    def get(self, key, d=None):      return self.auth
+    __getitem__ = get
+    def __contains__(self, key): return 1
+    def getService(self, name):
+        # I just wanna get the test to pass. Waaaaa
+        return serviceManager.getService(name)
-        defineChecker(app.__class__, NamesChecker(somepath='xxx'))
-        req = self._createRequest(url, pub)
-        response = req.response
-        publish(req, handle_errors=0)
-        self.assertEqual(response.getBase(), expected)
+class ZopePublicationTests(BasePublicationTests):
+    klass = ZopePublication
+    def testPlacefullAuth(self):
+        principalRegistry.defineDefaultPrincipal('anonymous', '')
+        db = self.db
+        connection = db.open()
+        root = connection.root()
+        app = root[ZopePublication.root_name]
+        app.setObject('f1', Folder())
+        f1 = app['f1']
+        f1.setObject('f2', Folder())
+        f1.setServiceManager(ServiceManager(AuthService1()))
+        f2 = f1['f2']
+        f2.setServiceManager(ServiceManager(AuthService2()))
+        get_transaction().commit()
-    def _createRequest(self, path, publication, **kw):
-        request = TestRequest(PATH_INFO=path, **kw)
-        request.setPublication(publication)
-        return request
+        request = TestRequest('/f1/f2')
+        from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.GlobalViewService import provideView
+        from Zope.App.OFS.Container.IContainer import ISimpleReadContainer
+        from Zope.App.OFS.Container.ContainerTraverser \
+             import ContainerTraverser
+        from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.IPresentation import IPresentation
+        provideView(ISimpleReadContainer, '_traverse', IPresentation,
+                    ContainerTraverser)
-class SimpleObject:
-    def __init__(self, v):
-        self.v = v
-class I1(Interface):
-    pass
+        from Zope.App.OFS.Content.Folder.Folder import IFolder
+        from Zope.Security.Checker import defineChecker, InterfaceChecker
+        defineChecker(Folder, InterfaceChecker(IFolder))
+        defineChecker(RootFolder, InterfaceChecker(IFolder))
-class mydict(dict):
-    __implements__ = I1
+        request.setViewType(IPresentation)
-class BrowserPublicationTests(BasePublicationTests):
-    klass = BrowserPublication
-    def testNativeTraverseNameWrapping(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob = DummyPublished()
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(self._createRequest('/bruce',pub), ob, 'bruce')
-        self.failUnless(ob2 is not ob)
-        self.failUnless(type(ob2) in wrapperTypes)
-    def testAdaptedTraverseNameWrapping(self):
-        class Adapter:
-            " "
-            __implements__ = IBrowserPublisher
-            def __init__(self, context, request):
-                self.context = context
-                self.counter = 0
-            def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
-                self.counter+=1
-                return self.context[name]
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I1, '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [Adapter])
-        ob = mydict()
-        ob['bruce'] =  SimpleObject('bruce')
-        ob['bruce2'] =  SimpleObject('bruce2')
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(self._createRequest('/bruce',pub), ob, 'bruce')
-        self.failUnless(type(ob2) in wrapperTypes)
-        unw = removeAllProxies(ob2)
-        self.assertEqual(unw.v, 'bruce')
-    def testAdaptedTraverseDefaultWrapping(self):
-        """Test default content and make sure that it's wrapped.
-        """
-        class Adapter:
-            __implements__ = IBrowserPublisher
-            def __init__(self, context, request):
-                self.context = context
-            def browserDefault(self, request):
-                return (self.context['bruce'], 'dummy')
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I1, '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [Adapter])
-        ob = mydict()
-        ob['bruce'] =  SimpleObject('bruce')
-        ob['bruce2'] =  SimpleObject('bruce2')
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob2, x = pub.getDefaultTraversal(self._createRequest('/bruce',pub), ob)
-        self.assertEqual(x, 'dummy')
-        self.failUnless(type(ob2) in wrapperTypes)
-        unw = removeAllProxies(ob2)
-        self.assertEqual(unw.v, 'bruce')
-    # XXX we no longer support path parameters! (At least for now)
-    def XXXtestTraverseSkinExtraction(self):
-        class I1(Interface): pass
-        class C: __implements__ = I1
-        class BobView(DummyView): pass
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob = C()
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I1, 'edit', IBrowserPresentation, [BobView])
-        r = self._createRequest('/@@edit;skin=zmi',pub)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r , ob, '@@edit;skin=zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(r.getPresentationSkin(), 'zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(ob2.__class__ , BobView)
-        r = self._createRequest('/@@edit;skin=zmi',pub)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r , ob, '@@edit;skin=zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(r.getPresentationSkin(), 'zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(ob2.__class__ , BobView)
-    def testTraverseName(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        class C:
-            x = SimpleObject(1)
-        ob = C()
-        r = self._createRequest('/x',pub)
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(None, '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [TestTraverser])
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r, ob, 'x')
-        self.assertEqual(removeAllProxies(ob2).v, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(getWrapperContext(ob2), ob)
-    def testTraverseNameView(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        class I(Interface): pass
-        class C:
-            __implements__ = I
-        ob = C()
-        class V:
-            def __init__(self, context, request): pass
-            __implements__ = IBrowserPresentation
-        r = self._createRequest('/@@spam',pub)
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I, 'spam', IBrowserPresentation, [V])
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r, ob, '@@spam')
-        self.assertEqual(removeAllProxies(ob2).__class__, V)
-        self.assertEqual(getWrapperContext(ob2), ob)
-    def testTraverseNameServices(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        class C:
-            def getServiceManager(self):
-                return SimpleObject(1)
-        ob = C()
-        r = self._createRequest('/++etc++Services',pub)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r, ob, '++etc++Services')
-        self.assertEqual(removeAllProxies(ob2).v, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(getWrapperContext(ob2), ob)
-    def testTraverseNameApplicationControl(self):
-        from Zope.App.OFS.ApplicationControl.ApplicationControl \
-             import ApplicationController
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        r = self._createRequest('/++etc++ApplicationController',pub)
-        ac = pub.traverseName(r, None, '++etc++ApplicationController')
-        self.assertEqual(ac, ApplicationController)
-        r = self._createRequest('/++etc++ApplicationController',pub)
-        app = r.publication.getApplication(r)
-        self.assertEqual(app, ApplicationController)
-        self.failIf(r.getTraversalStack())
+        publication = self.klass(self.db)
+        publication.beforeTraversal(request)
+        self.assertEqual(request.user.getId(), 'anonymous')
+        root = publication.getApplication(request)
+        publication.callTraversalHooks(request, root)
+        self.assertEqual(request.user.getId(), 'anonymous')
+        ob = publication.traverseName(request, root, 'f1')
+        publication.callTraversalHooks(request, ob)
+        self.assertEqual(request.user.getId(), 'test.anonymous')
+        ob = publication.traverseName(request, ob, 'f2')
+        publication.afterTraversal(request, ob)
+        self.assertEqual(request.user.getId(), 'test.bob')
+class SimpleObject:
+    def __init__(self, v):
+        self.v = v
 def test_suite():
     t1 = unittest.makeSuite(ZopePublicationTests, 'test')
-    t2 = unittest.makeSuite(BrowserPublicationTests, 'test')
-    t3 = unittest.makeSuite(BrowserDefaultTests, 'test')
-    return unittest.TestSuite((t1,t2,t3))
+    return unittest.TestSuite((t1, ))
 if __name__=='__main__':
     unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )