[Zope-Checkins] CVS: ZODB3/ZEO/tests - InvalidationTests.py:1.2 ConnectionTests.py:1.27 testConnection.py:1.14

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 17:57:08 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/ZODB3/ZEO/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv3078/ZEO/tests

Modified Files:
	ConnectionTests.py testConnection.py 
Added Files:
Log Message:
Bacport various cache consistency bug fixes from the ZODB3-3_1-branch.

=== ZODB3/ZEO/tests/InvalidationTests.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Fri Jun 13 17:57:08 2003
+++ ZODB3/ZEO/tests/InvalidationTests.py	Fri Jun 13 17:56:37 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+from thread import get_ident
+import threading
+import time
+from BTrees.check import check, display
+from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
+from ZEO.tests.TestThread import TestThread
+from ZODB.DB import DB
+from ZODB.POSException \
+     import ReadConflictError, ConflictError, VersionLockError
+import zLOG
+class StressThread(TestThread):
+    def __init__(self, testcase, db, stop, threadnum, startnum,
+                 step=2, sleep=None):
+        TestThread.__init__(self, testcase)
+        self.db = db
+        self.stop = stop
+        self.threadnum = threadnum
+        self.startnum = startnum
+        self.step = step
+        self.sleep = sleep
+        self.added_keys = []
+    def testrun(self):
+        cn = self.db.open()
+        while not self.stop.isSet():
+            try:
+                tree = cn.root()["tree"]
+                break
+            except (ConflictError, KeyError):
+                get_transaction().abort()
+                cn.sync()
+        key = self.startnum
+        while not self.stop.isSet():
+            try:
+                tree[key] = self.threadnum
+                get_transaction().note("add key %s" % key)
+                get_transaction().commit()
+                if self.sleep:
+                    time.sleep(self.sleep)
+            except (ReadConflictError, ConflictError), msg:
+                get_transaction().abort()
+                # sync() is necessary here to process invalidations
+                # if we get a read conflict.  In the read conflict case,
+                # no objects were modified so cn never got registered
+                # with the transaction.
+                cn.sync()
+            else:
+                self.added_keys.append(key)
+                key += self.step
+        cn.close()
+class VersionStressThread(TestThread):
+    def __init__(self, testcase, db, stop, threadnum, startnum,
+                 step=2, sleep=None):
+        TestThread.__init__(self, testcase)
+        self.db = db
+        self.stop = stop
+        self.threadnum = threadnum
+        self.startnum = startnum
+        self.step = step
+        self.sleep = sleep
+        self.added_keys = []
+    def log(self, msg):
+        zLOG.LOG("thread %d" % get_ident(), 0, msg)
+    def testrun(self):
+        self.log("thread begin")
+        commit = 0
+        key = self.startnum
+        while not self.stop.isSet():
+            version = "%s:%s" % (self.threadnum, key)
+            commit = not commit
+            self.log("attempt to add key=%s version=%s commit=%d" %
+                     (key, version, commit))
+            if self.oneupdate(version, key, commit):
+                self.added_keys.append(key)
+            key += self.step
+    def oneupdate(self, version, key, commit=1):
+        # The mess of sleeps below were added to reduce the number
+        # of VersionLockErrors, based on empirical observation.
+        # It looks like the threads don't switch enough without
+        # the sleeps.
+        cn = self.db.open(version)
+        while not self.stop.isSet():
+            try:
+                tree = cn.root()["tree"]
+                break
+            except (ConflictError, KeyError):
+                get_transaction().abort()
+                cn.sync()
+        while not self.stop.isSet():
+            try:
+                tree[key] = self.threadnum
+                get_transaction().note("add key %d" % key)
+                get_transaction().commit()
+                if self.sleep:
+                    time.sleep(self.sleep)
+                break
+            except (VersionLockError, ReadConflictError, ConflictError), msg:
+                self.log(msg)
+                get_transaction().abort()
+                # sync() is necessary here to process invalidations
+                # if we get a read conflict.  In the read conflict case,
+                # no objects were modified so cn never got registered
+                # with the transaction.
+                cn.sync()
+                if self.sleep:
+                    time.sleep(self.sleep)
+        try:
+            while not self.stop.isSet():
+                try:
+                    if commit:
+                        self.db.commitVersion(version)
+                        get_transaction().note("commit version %s" % version)
+                    else:
+                        self.db.abortVersion(version)
+                        get_transaction().note("abort version %s" % version)
+                    get_transaction().commit()
+                    if self.sleep:
+                        time.sleep(self.sleep)
+                    return commit
+                except ConflictError, msg:
+                    self.log(msg)
+                    get_transaction().abort()
+                    cn.sync()
+        finally:
+            cn.close()
+        return 0
+class InvalidationTests:
+    level = 2
+    DELAY = 15
+    def _check_tree(self, cn, tree):
+        # Make sure the BTree is sane and that all the updates persisted
+        retries = 3
+        while retries:
+            retries -= 1
+            try:
+                check(tree)
+                tree._check()
+            except ReadConflictError:
+                if retries:
+                    get_transaction().abort()
+                    cn.sync()
+                else:
+                    raise
+            except:
+                display(tree)
+                raise
+    def _check_threads(self, tree, *threads):
+        # Make sure the thread's view of the world is consistent with
+        # the actual database state.
+        for t in threads:
+            # If the test didn't add any keys, it didn't do what we expected.
+            self.assert_(t.added_keys)
+            for key in t.added_keys:
+                self.assert_(tree.has_key(key), key)
+    def go(self, stop, *threads):
+        # Run the threads
+        for t in threads:
+            t.start()
+        time.sleep(self.DELAY)
+        stop.set()
+        for t in threads:
+            t.cleanup()
+    def checkConcurrentUpdates2Storages(self):
+        self._storage = storage1 = self.openClientStorage()
+        storage2 = self.openClientStorage(cache="2")
+        db1 = DB(storage1)
+        db2 = DB(storage2)
+        stop = threading.Event()
+        cn = db1.open()
+        tree = cn.root()["tree"] = OOBTree()
+        get_transaction().commit()
+        # Run two threads that update the BTree
+        t1 = StressThread(self, db1, stop, 1, 1)
+        t2 = StressThread(self, db2, stop, 2, 2)
+        self.go(stop, t1, t2)
+        cn.sync()
+        self._check_tree(cn, tree)
+        self._check_threads(tree, t1, t2)
+        cn.close()
+        db1.close()
+        db2.close()
+    def checkConcurrentUpdates1Storage(self):
+        self._storage = storage1 = self.openClientStorage()
+        db1 = DB(storage1)
+        stop = threading.Event()
+        cn = db1.open()
+        tree = cn.root()["tree"] = OOBTree()
+        get_transaction().commit()
+        # Run two threads that update the BTree
+        t1 = StressThread(self, db1, stop, 1, 1, sleep=0.001)
+        t2 = StressThread(self, db1, stop, 2, 2, sleep=0.001)
+        self.go(stop, t1, t2)
+        cn.sync()
+        self._check_tree(cn, tree)
+        self._check_threads(tree, t1, t2)
+        cn.close()
+        db1.close()
+    def checkConcurrentUpdates2StoragesMT(self):
+        self._storage = storage1 = self.openClientStorage()
+        db1 = DB(storage1)
+        stop = threading.Event()
+        cn = db1.open()
+        tree = cn.root()["tree"] = OOBTree()
+        get_transaction().commit()
+        db2 = DB(self.openClientStorage(cache="2"))
+        # Run three threads that update the BTree.
+        # Two of the threads share a single storage so that it
+        # is possible for both threads to read the same object
+        # at the same time.
+        t1 = StressThread(self, db1, stop, 1, 1, 3)
+        t2 = StressThread(self, db2, stop, 2, 2, 3, 0.001)
+        t3 = StressThread(self, db2, stop, 3, 3, 3, 0.001)
+        self.go(stop, t1, t2, t3)
+        cn.sync()
+        self._check_tree(cn, tree)
+        self._check_threads(tree, t1, t2, t3)
+        cn.close()
+        db1.close()
+        db2.close()
+    def checkConcurrentUpdatesInVersions(self):
+        self._storage = storage1 = self.openClientStorage()
+        db1 = DB(storage1)
+        db2 = DB(self.openClientStorage(cache="2"))
+        stop = threading.Event()
+        cn = db1.open()
+        tree = cn.root()["tree"] = OOBTree()
+        get_transaction().commit()
+        # Run three threads that update the BTree.
+        # Two of the threads share a single storage so that it
+        # is possible for both threads to read the same object
+        # at the same time.
+        t1 = VersionStressThread(self, db1, stop, 1, 1, 3)
+        t2 = VersionStressThread(self, db2, stop, 2, 2, 3, 0.001)
+        t3 = VersionStressThread(self, db2, stop, 3, 3, 3, 0.001)
+        self.go(stop, t1, t2, t3)
+        cn.sync()
+        self._check_tree(cn, tree)
+        self._check_threads(tree, t1, t2, t3)
+        cn.close()
+        db1.close()
+        db2.close()

=== ZODB3/ZEO/tests/ConnectionTests.py 1.26 => 1.27 ===
--- ZODB3/ZEO/tests/ConnectionTests.py:1.26	Fri May 30 15:20:56 2003
+++ ZODB3/ZEO/tests/ConnectionTests.py	Fri Jun 13 17:56:37 2003
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 from ZEO.Exceptions import ClientDisconnected
 from ZEO.zrpc.marshal import Marshaller
 from ZEO.tests import forker
+from ZEO.tests.InvalidationTests import InvalidationTests
 from ZODB.DB import DB
 from ZODB.Transaction import get_transaction, Transaction
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@
                 self.fail("timed out waiting for storage to disconnect")
-class ConnectionTests(CommonSetupTearDown):
+class ConnectionTests(CommonSetupTearDown, InvalidationTests):
     """Tests that explicitly manage the server process.
     To test the cache or re-connection, these test cases explicit

=== ZODB3/ZEO/tests/testConnection.py 1.13 => 1.14 ===
--- ZODB3/ZEO/tests/testConnection.py:1.13	Thu May 29 14:26:56 2003
+++ ZODB3/ZEO/tests/testConnection.py	Fri Jun 13 17:56:37 2003
@@ -110,12 +110,9 @@
 test_classes = [FileStorageConnectionTests,
-                FileStorageTimeoutTests]
-    [MappingStorageConnectionTests,
-     MappingStorageTimeoutTests])
+                FileStorageTimeoutTests,
+                MappingStorageConnectionTests,
+                MappingStorageTimeoutTests]
 import BDBStorage
 if BDBStorage.is_available: