[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/ Add an ftest that demonstrates zope.security.management.checkPermission() works in Zope 2.

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon at philikon.de
Mon Jan 8 10:27:42 EST 2007

Log message for revision 71811:
  Add an ftest that demonstrates zope.security.management.checkPermission() works in Zope 2.
  This is the reproduceability test case for http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/2190.

  A   Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/test_zope3security.py
  A   Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/zope3security.py

Added: Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/test_zope3security.py
--- Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/test_zope3security.py	2007-01-08 15:26:52 UTC (rev 71810)
+++ Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/test_zope3security.py	2007-01-08 15:27:41 UTC (rev 71811)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import os, sys
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))
+def test_check_permission():
+    """Code (in Zope 3) often uses
+    zope.security.management.checkPermission to determine whether the
+    current user has a certain permission in a given context.  Five
+    inserts its own interaction that assures that such calls still
+    work.
+      >>> configure_zcml = '''
+      ... <configure 
+      ...     xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+      ...     xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
+      ...   <configure package="Products.Five.browser.tests">
+      ...     <browser:page
+      ...         for="OFS.interfaces.IFolder"
+      ...         class=".zope3security.Zope3SecurityView"
+      ...         name="zope3security.html"
+      ...         permission="zope2.View"
+      ...         />
+      ...   </configure>
+      ... </configure>'''
+      >>> import Products.Five
+      >>> from Products.Five import zcml
+      >>> zcml.load_config("configure.zcml", Products.Five)
+      >>> zcml.load_string(configure_zcml)
+    In order to be able to traverse to the PageTemplate view, we need
+    a traversable object:
+      >>> from Products.Five.tests.testing import manage_addFiveTraversableFolder
+      >>> manage_addFiveTraversableFolder(self.folder, 'testoid', 'Testoid')
+    Now we access a page that uses
+    zope.security.management.checkPermission().  We see it works as
+    expected:
+      >>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser
+      >>> browser = Browser()
+      >>> browser.open('http://localhost/test_folder_1_/testoid/@@zope3security.html')
+      >>> print browser.contents
+      Yes, you have the zope2.View permission.
+    Clean up:
+      >>> from zope.app.testing.placelesssetup import tearDown
+      >>> tearDown()
+    """
+def test_suite():
+    from Testing.ZopeTestCase import FunctionalDocTestSuite
+    from zope.testing.doctest import ELLIPSIS
+    return FunctionalDocTestSuite(optionflags=ELLIPSIS)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    framework()

Property changes on: Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/test_zope3security.py
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/zope3security.py
--- Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/zope3security.py	2007-01-08 15:26:52 UTC (rev 71810)
+++ Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/zope3security.py	2007-01-08 15:27:41 UTC (rev 71811)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from Products.Five import BrowserView
+from zope.security.management import checkPermission
+class Zope3SecurityView(BrowserView):
+    def __call__(self):
+        if checkPermission('zope2.View', self.context):
+            return "Yes, you have the zope2.View permission."
+        else:
+            return "No, you don't have the zope2.View permission."

Property changes on: Products.Five/branches/1.4/browser/tests/zope3security.py
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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