[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst Remove duplicated changelog entries for changes also made in 2.13.x - I want to see what's new on trunk

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Thu Jun 9 10:50:57 EDT 2011

Log message for revision 121903:
  Remove duplicated changelog entries for changes also made in 2.13.x - I want to see what's new on trunk

  U   Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst

Modified: Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
--- Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2011-06-09 14:41:39 UTC (rev 121902)
+++ Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2011-06-09 14:50:56 UTC (rev 121903)
@@ -11,71 +11,22 @@
 Bugs Fixed
-- LP #787541: Fix WSGIPublisher to close requests on abort unconditionally.
-  Previously an addAfterCommitHook was used, but this is not run on transaction
-  aborts.  Now a Synchronizer is used which unconditionally closes the request
-  after a transaction is finished.
-- Fix `WSGIResponse` and `publish_module` functions such that they
-  support the `IStreamIterator` interface in addition to `file` (as
-  supported by `ZServer.HTTPResponse`).
 - Made sure getConfiguration().default_zpublisher_encoding is set correctly.
-- LP #713253: Prevent publication of acquired attributes, where the acquired
-  object does not have a docstring.
-- Fix `LazyMap` to avoid unnecessary function calls.
-- LP 686664: WebDAV Lock Manager ZMI view wasn't accessible.
-- Fixed argument parsing for entrypoint based zopectl commands.
-- Fixed the usage of ``pstats.Stats()`` output stream. The
-  `Control_Panel/DebugInfo/manage_profile` ZMI view was broken in Python 2.5+.
 Features Added
-- ZPublisher: HTTPResponse.appendHeader now keeps header values to a single
-  line by default to avoid causing problems for proxy servers which do not
-  correctly handle multi-line headers. (Merged from 2.13 branch.)
-- Add preliminary IPv6 support to ZServer.
 - ZPublisher: If `IBrowserPage` is provided by a view, form input is decoded.
   This makes it easier to use ``zope.formlib`` and ``z3c.form`` in Zope 2.
-- Report success or failure (when known) of creating a new user with
-  the addzope2user script.
+- Remove `control panel` object from the ZODB.
-- Moved subset id calculation in `OFS.OrderSupport.moveObjectsByDelta` to a
-  new helper method, patch by Tom Gross.
-- Use cProfile where possible for the `Control_Panel/DebugInfo/manage_profile`
-  ZMI view.
 - Updated to Zope Toolkit 1.2dev.
-- Added `addzope2user` script, suitable for adding an admin user directly to
-  the root acl_users folder.
-- Remove "Control panel" object from zodb.
 - Updated distributions:
-  - AccessControl = 2.13.4
-  - Acquisition = 2.13.7
   - DateTime = 3.0b1
   - manuel = 1.5.0
-  - Products.BTreeFolder2 = 2.13.3
-  - Products.ZCatalog = 2.13.14
-  - Products.ZCTextIndex = 2.13.2
-  - python-gettext = 1.1.1
-  - pytz = 2011e
-  - repoze.tm2 = 1.0b1
-  - repoze.who = 2.0a4
-  - zope.testbrowser = 3.11.1
@@ -84,11 +35,6 @@
   `processInputs` was replaced by the `postProcessInputs` request method and
   the charset negotiation done by `setPageEncoding` was never fully supported.
-- Factored out the `Products.ZCatalog` and `Products.PluginIndexes` packages
-  into a new `Products.ZCatalog` distribution.
-- Stopped testing non-overridden ZTK eggs in ``bin/alltests``.
 - Dropped the direct dependencies on packages that have been factored out of
   the main Zope 2 tree. Make sure you declare a dependency in your own
   distribution if you still use one of these: ``Products.BTreeFolder2``,

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