[Zope-CMF] Should Effectice Dates be part of Workflow?

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 08:13:17 +0100

Tres Seaver wrote:
> This check doesn't involve workflow state at all;


> it enforces the
> "effective range" of the content.  Only the owner and those with
> 'Review portal content' permission are supposed to be able to view
> a piece of content outside of its effective range,

That sounds like a very workflow-ish kind of rule to me. What do other people

Anyway, regardless of whether its owrkflow related or not, should that lump of
code really be written in DTML _and_ be stashed in the presentation layer?

> > ...I just checked DefaultWorkflow in CMFDefault, and updateRoleMappingsFor
> > suggests that this content shouldn't be viewable, but it is!
> I can't reproduce this on a stock CMF site;  content which is private or
> pending review can't be viewed by anonymous.

Any ideas what I could have broken to have that effect? If anyone would like to
see for themselves, Swishdot can be checked out of the Squishdot project's CVS
on SourceForge.

> The "event tool" proposal is a more general solution, likely to be
> implemented
> for the next release of CMF:
>   http://cmf.zope.org/rqmts/proposals/EventsTool

Thanks, I still need to take a look at that :-S

Would that also provide a better solution for the Effective Date range problem?

