[Zope-PTK] More bugs ...

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
16 Mar 2001 12:05:05 -0700

On 16 Mar 2001 09:27:54 -0500, Dan L. Pierson wrote:
> The Dublin Core defines Subject to be a set of keywords.  Of course this is 
> rather different than, say, Squishdot subjects...

Ok, then does not the DC also define categories? How about adding them
as default then?

here is why.

This is how people will be using the subject property, especially in
conjinction with CMF Topics.

I use topics to provide organization to the site. I have "Site Help"
"Site News", and "Site Info". I make three Topics, each as Subject
Values respectively. Now, when I create a document, I want to use the
subject field to indicate "Site help", "Site Info, and "Site News".
Bzzt, wrong. Won't work (most of the time).

Now, as you say, the DC defines a subject differently then the rest of
the world. However, that doe snto change the fact that users will not
understand that difference, as well as the fact that that eliminateds
much of the usefulness of the tools. CMF Topics search for Subject using
phrases,not keywords (that's how this becaome apparent). For example, if
you provide a site help dociument with Site and Help, and then define a
CMF Topic as Site Help, you will _not_ see your document. For a live
example, visit http://www.libc.org.

So, if we don;t want to muck with the (broken) DC definition of a
Subject, we should at least use categories, or some other appropriate
metadata identifier, and at least tell people why subject is broken, and
to use this other oneinstead.

I'm just looking at it the way endusers would, and are.
( I have several at my command MUAhAHAHAH! .. oh excuse me)
