[Zope-CMF] I do not understand topic

Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com
Mon, 28 May 2001 16:36:54 -0400

robert at rocad wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am tyiing to use topics
> to this aim I am creating documents having keywords in subject
> like
> 'Doc a' : keywords a, b
> 'Doc b' : keywords a, c
> now I create a topic 'show A' with two subtopics 'show B' and 'show C'
> each of them have a string criterion, Criteria Type : Subject, values a,b,c
> respectively.
> What I expect to see is: under Topic 'show A'  the documents 'Doc a' and
> 'Doc b'
> and 'Doc b' or 'Doc c' under the subtopics.
> However I see nothing in all of them.
> Where is my thinking gone astray ?

You have uncovered a bug in CMFDefault.DublinCore:  the 'editMetadata'
method was not getting the content object reindexed after setting the
new values, so your objects were not matching the search criteria.

You can repair the problem by:

  - Updating to current CVS (I just checked in the one-line fix);

  - Applying this patch to CMFDefault.DublinCore.py:

diff -u -r1.7 DublinCore.py
--- CMFDefault/DublinCore.py	2001/05/23 22:58:05	1.7
+++ CMFDefault/DublinCore.py	2001/05/28 20:55:34
@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@
          self.setFormat( format )
          self.setLanguage( language )
          self.setRights( rights )
+        self.reindexObject()

      security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ModifyPortalContent
                               , 'manage_metadata' )

  - Customizing 'content/metadata_edit' and adding the following after
    the call to  'editMetadata':

     <dtml-call reindexObject>

Thanks very much for the bug report!

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.org