[Zope-CMF] custom CMF object: propertysheet, add-list

Jan Torben Heuer Jan-T@gmx.de
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 20:16:03 +0100

I tried to follow the instructions at:

to make my own Type. Very siimilar to the newsitem: just 2 

However it does not work as I expected it to.

1.) The propertysheet (edit I called it) doesn't act as the CMFDesfault 
Tools' ones. It is called different: 
"ContactItem at  /testid/propertysheets/edit"  instead of simply 
"... at /testid".

2.) It is listed in the normal "add" list, instead of CMF's Tool list (an so 
I can't add it at cmf's folder/new- page.

3.) I don't know how to change the given properties, that my depend on my 
problems in 1.).
#context.edit(name=name, address=address)
#context.manage_changeProperties(name=name, address=address)
the last one can't work, as I think, because there is to sheet defined.

Can anyone recognize my problems?


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