[Zope-CMF] what's _implicit__name__?

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:04:08 -0400

seb bacon wrote:

> I'm doing some introspection on class methods in the CMF; however,
> some of them are workflow-wrapped methods.  I notice that such methods
> have an _implicit__name__ attribute, as well as WorkflowCore-supplied
> _id and _m attributes (which refer to the 'real' method).
> What would the best, most generic way of making sure I get the 'real'
> method be?  Does _implicit__name__ imply a wrapped method?  Or does
> 'wrapping' only exist in specific forms such as WorkflowMethod, rather
> than a generalised format?

_implicit__name__ is actually found in App/class_init.py and its purpose 
is to warn you when you're using security declarations ambiguously.  It 
doesn't really have anything to do with wrapping.

I'm not sure that there is a generic way to unwrap wrappers like these, 
though maybe you can achieve what you want by making WorkflowMethods 
more closely emulate the methods they wrap.  You could provide __doc__, 
func_code, func_defaults, etc.
