[Zope-CMF] Point of publication

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 20:39:12 +0200

Kevin Carlson writes:
 > Still getting errors when trying to move objects with a script...
 > ...
 > def moveToRep(stateChange) :
 > 	obj = stateChange.object
 > 	p=stateChange.getPortal()
 > 	dest = p.A
 > 	p=obj.aq_inner.aq_parent
 > 	p._delObject(obj.getId())
 > 	n = dest._setObject(obj.getId(), obj)
 > 	raise stateChange.ObjectMoved(n, _redirect(n, "Moved"))
 > ...
 > I am getting the following error:
 > 	Error Type: NameError
 > 	Error Value: global name '_redirect' is not defined
A crystal clear error message:

  The "_redirect" above is undefined, because you did not define
  it. In my script, it is defined as

		from urllib import quote_plus

		def _redirect(obj,msg=None):
		  url= '%s/view' % obj.absolute_url()
		  if msg: url+= '?FeedbackSuccessMessage=%s' % quote_plus(msg)

  It redirects to the "view" of the moved object. Not sure, that you
  want this redirect...

There is another small problem in your script:

      "_setObject" does not return the object but its id.

Therefore, you need:

      id= dest._setObject(...)
      n= dest._getOb(id)

This remedies the problem you reported in your second mail.
