[Zope-CMF] Zope behind Apache

seb bacon seb@jamkit.com
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 14:23:14 +0100

please don't cross-post.

> Still having probs but almost there.  My httpd.conf now reads:
> NameVirtualHost pkirk.net.dhis.org
>       <VirtualHost captain.kirks.net>
>         ServerName captain.kirks.net
>         DocumentRoot /var/www


>       </VirtualHost>
> lynx http://pkirk.net.dhis.org and lynx http://captain.kirks.net both
> bring up Zope while lynx lynx http://localhost and lynx lynx
> http://enterprise bring up Apache.
> I wonder if you can see why?

Because that configuration only covers the domain name captain.kirks.net.

rtfm: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/vhosts/name-based.html
