[Zope-CMF] Migrating existing wiki content to CMFWiki / ZWiki

Gordon Ingram gordon.ingram@OrbisUK.com
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 11:11:06 -0000

Thanks for your reply Jean.

OK, I understand that there are some advantages to storing the content in
the ZODB - e.g. easy versioning.

Not sure if I understand your second point though. Say that the URL for my
personal page is http://zope.orbisUK.com/wiki/GordonIngram. If I point my
browser to that URL, the resource that I pull back comes preformatted by
Zope and (under the Plone skin) includes navigational etc metadata in a
header, a footer and two sidebars. It also implicitly includes access
control metadata that determines whether I can access the resource in the
first place. Am I wrong in presuming that ftp, WebDav, wget or sitecopy will
all pull back the same preformatted stuff from the same URL? (I suppose that
I could screen-scrape it with LWP or something but that seems a little

What I would like is some method of exporting all the pure wiki data from a
site, without bothering about the Zope-specific metadata. More pressingly,
some method of importing a load of pure wiki data to a Zope installation,
and automatically creating appropriate Zope metadata. Does anyone know of a
script, for example, that can take a directory and add every file within the
directory as a CMFWiki page? I'm sure it's not too difficult to do. Just
surprises me that it's not part of the standard ZMI.

(Sorry if this is a little off-topic by the way: I looked for a more
specific CMFWiki mailing list on http://www.zope.org/Resources/MailingLists
but couldn't find one.)


Gordon Ingram
Technical Author
Orbis Technology Ltd, London
Tel: +44 208 742 1600

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Jordaan [mailto:jean@upfrontsystems.co.za]
Sent: 04 November 2002 15:53
To: Gordon Ingram
Cc: zope-cmf@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope-CMF] Migrating existing wiki content to CMFWiki /

> But I've tried adding a couple of test wiki pages to
> CMFWiki and must confess that I'm perplexed as to where it actually stores
> the things. Are they simply tucked away in the Zope database?

They're in the database, all right :)  That's one of the wonderful
things about Zope. Among other this, this gets you versioning of
those pages.

To get them out, use ftp or WebDAV. Tools such as wget or sitecopy
work just fine.

Jean Jordaan