[Zope-CMF] Preventing HTML in Structured Text in Plone/CMF

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Fri, 4 Jul 2003 22:13:30 +0200

Steven Hayles wrote at 2003-7-3 17:07 +0100:
 > I'd like to block the embedding of HTML in Structured Text in Plone. I can
 > see that I could modify CMFDefault.Document.Document._edit, replacing
 >   self.cooked_text = format_stx(text=text, level=level) 
 > with
 >   self.cooked_text = format_stx(text=html_quote(text), level=level)  
 > However, a monkey patch seems better. Shouldn't I be able to use the
 > following in an __init.py__ file in a new product?
 >   from Products.CMFCore import utils
 >   from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import html_quote
 >   original_format_stx = utils.format_stx
 >   def new_format_stx(text, level):
 >     """"format_stx replacement"""
 >     return original_format_stx(text=html_quote(text), level=level)
 >   utils.format_stx = new_format_stx
 > Can anyone explain to me slowly and clearly why this approach doesn't work?

"Document" probably does "from "Products.CMFCore.utils import "format_stx".

If this is right, then whether your monkey patch becomes effective
depends on the relative import time of "Document" and your product.
When your product comes first, your patch wins; otherwise, it is not

As you can see: patching modules functions is unsafe...
