[Zope-CMF] cmfstaging

Adam Fields fields@surgam.net
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 17:41:41 -0500

(If you're currently using CMFStaging, please read down to the bottom.)

On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 04:25:18PM -0500, Rocky Burt wrote:
> Any pointers?

I'm going through this as well. As far as I can tell:

- You'll have to add all of the CMFStaging tools to your CMF Site
  through the ZMI.

- Then you'll have to create the folders to represent your stages. See
  tests/testStaging.py for guidance here.

- Make sure you install ZopeVersionControl as well, otherwise the
  version control won't work.

- Add the tidy and staging skins to your site using the portal_skins

- Then, you'll need to add a GUI around all this stuff to call the
  underlying APIs to do what you want. There's no demo GUI. Look at
  the test code.

- Of particular interest is the updateStages function, which migrates
  assets in one stage to another.

- Use the locking functions to do lock management.

My current questions for those of you who are using it:

* what are you using for editing? I'm able to successfully lock
  assets, but then when I go to edit them via my CMF site, I get the
  error that they're locked by me and can't be changed, even though
  I'm logged in as me. I assume that this is because the CMF editing
  tools don't understand webdav locking. How have you addressed this?

* can folder objects be locked? The lock tool says it's locking them,
  but it seems to have no effect. Does this also apply to folderish

(Also, since I'm here, many many thanks to Shane for making asset
migration not recursive! That rocks!)

				- Adam

Adam Fields, Managing Partner, fields@surgam.net
Surgam, Inc. is a technology consulting firm with strong background in
delivering scalable and robust enterprise web and IT applications.