[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] refactoring listFilteredActionsFor: a proposal (updated interface)

Yuppie schubbe at web.de
Wed Nov 19 07:04:34 EST 2003

Hi Tres!

Tres Seaver wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 03:51, Yuppie wrote:
>>I'm not really happy with having 'object' *and* 'ec' as argument. But it 
>>makes listFilteredActionsFor faster if the Expression Context isn't 
>>build by each Action Provider. And on the other hand I'd like to have 
>>the possibility to pass in just the object. Would one 'context' argument 
>>be better that checks if the value is an Expression Context? Or 
>>shouldn't we care about performance and always build a new context from 
>>'object'? (I guess it wouldn't slow down listFilteredActionsFor 
> I would actually prefer to require that the caller construct an
> ExpressionContext, especially as you are not trying to open the method
> up to scripting.

Well. I tend in the other direction. Making the method public, just not 

I'd like to have 'object' as *the* argument passed around:

- listFilteredActionsFor already takes 'object' as argument.

- getActionInfo should take 'object' to make it easier to use.

- We still have the WorkflowTool with an OldstyleActionProvider 
Interface. It needs 'info', not an ExpressionContext. Passing in 
'object' would allow the ActionProviders to create what they need.

- I'd like to deprecate the use of 'info' for newstyle ActionProviders. 
TypesTool (and an updated WorkflowTool) would still need the object 
passed into listActions.

- Zope3 also uses 'object' to get menu items.

This is the current state of the interface I'd like to implement:

     def listActions(info=None, object=None):
         """ List all the actions defined by a provider.

         If 'object' is specified, object specific actions are included.

         The 'info' argument is deprecated and may be removed in a future
         version. If 'object' isn't specified, the method uses for
         backwards compatibility 'info.content' as object.

         Returns -- Tuple of ActionInformation objects

     def listActionInfos(action_chain=None, object=None,
                         check_visibility=1, check_permissions=1,
                         check_condition=1, max=-1):
         """ List Action info mappings.

         'action_chain' is a sequence of action 'paths' (e.g.
         'object/view'). If specified, only these actions will be
         returned in the given order.

         If 'object' is specified, object specific Actions are included.

         If 'max' is specified, only the first max Actions are returned.

         Permission -- Always available (not publishable)

         Returns -- Tuple of Action info mappings

     def getActionInfo(action_chain, object=None, check_visibility=0):
         """ Get an Action info mapping specified by a chain of actions.

         Permission -- Always available

         Returns -- Action info mapping or None

listFilteredActionsFor would look for the listActionInfos attribute. If 
it doesn't exist, listFilteredActionsFor uses the old code for backwards 

Please let me know if you still would prefer ExpressionContext as 
argument for listActionInfos.


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