[Zope-CMF] oops. Added zpt after zope running, now get error

Chris Withers lists at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Mar 24 08:54:02 EST 2004

(keep replies on the list)

Gerald Young wrote:

> All I did was cd /usr/ports/www/zope-zpt

I'd start with a source tarball from zope.org.

> make configure
> make
> make install
> stop and restart zope and got the error as listed.

Hmmm. not convinced. At what point in this process did you install all the 
products? (Silva in particular...)

> If you're asking if I made changes to the zope meta, 

What's a "zope meta" in your books?

> if I make deinstall, I get a different error, so I have a non-working
> system...

what error do you get?


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